IX. Speak of the UK using the questions above as a plan.

British Universities

Word List

1. to differ          [            ]      відрізнятися

2. instruction [            ]      навчання

3. eye                  [            ]      тут центр

4. to date            [            ]      датуватись

5. to be set up [            ]      бути заснованим

6. concrete     [            ]      бетонний

7. pass                [            ]      складання

8. grant          [            ]      стипендія

9. tuition fee  [            ]      плата за навчання

10. living expenses [            ]      витрати на житло

11. income       [            ]      прибуток

12. to intend   [            ]      мати намір

13. to attend    [            ]      відвідувати

14. to earn       [            ]      заробляти

15. tutor           [            ]      керівник, опікун

16. graduate    [            ]      закінчувати

17. Bachelor         [            ]      бакалавр

18. Master’s Degree [            ]      ступінь магістра

19. research     [            ]      дослідження

20. feature        [            ]      особливість

British Universities

There are 46 universities is Britain. The oldest and best-known universities are located in Oxford, Cambridge, London, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Southampton, Cardiff, Bristol, Birmingham.

       British universities differ greatly from each other. They differ in date of foundation, size, history, tradition, general, organization, methods of instruction, way of student life.

       The two intellectual eyes of Britain-Oxford and Cambridge universities date back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

       The Scottish universities of St. Andrew, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh date back to the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

       In the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth centuries the so-called Redbrick universities were founded. These include London, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, and Birmingham. During the late sixties and the early seventies some 20 “new” universities were set up. Sometimes they are called ”concrete and glass” universities. Among them are universities of Sussex, York, East Anglia and some others.

       Good “A” Level results in at least two subjects necessary to get a place at a university. However, good exam passes alone are not enough. Universities choose their students after interviews, and competition for places at the university is fierce.

       For all British citizens a place at a university brings with it a grant from their Local Education authority. The grants cover tuition fees and some of the living expenses. The amount depends on the parents’ income. If the parents do not earn much money, their children will receive a full grant which will cover all their expenses.

       There is an interesting form of studies which is called the Open University. It is intended for people who study in their own free time and who ”attend” lectures by watching television and listening to the radio. They keep in touch by phone and letter with their tutors and attend summer schools. The Open University students have no formal qualifications and would be unable to enter ordinary universities.

       The academic year in Britain’s universities is divided into three terms, which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

       After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take the Master’s Degree and then the Doctor’s Degree. Research is an important feature of university work.


I. Translate the following into Ukrainian:

The oldest and the best known universities, to differ greatly from each other, to differ in date of foundation, methods of instruction, the two intellectual eyes of Britain, so-called Redbrick universities, “concrete and glass” universities, good exam passes, the parents’ income, all their expenses, in their own free time, to attend lectures, the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, the Master’s Degree, the Doctor’s Degree

II. Match the line in A with the line in B:

A                                                 B

1. differ greatly                         a. tuition fees

2. the two intellectual               b. after interviews

3. the so-called                          c. in their own free time

4. new universities                        d. by watching television

5. good “A” Level results          e. the Degree of Bachelor

6. choose their students              f. from each other

7. the grants cover                      g. Redbrick universities

8.people who study                   h. were set up

9. “attend” lectures                     i. in at least two subjects

10. a graduate will leave with     j. eyes of Britain


III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where are the best British Universities located?

2. In what ways do they differ from each other?

3. How old are Oxford and Cambridge universities?

4. When were “concrete and glass” universities set up?

5. What is necessary to enter a University?

6. Does a University have another form of studies?
What is it?

7. How many terms are in the academic year?

8. What degrees will a university graduate get after three years of study?

9. What degrees will the student have if he continues the study?

10. What is grant? What does its amount depend on?



Word List

1. contiguous [                 ]      близький

2. to include  [                 ]      включати

3. extreme      [                 ]      край, кінець

4. island         [                 ]      острів

5. conterminous [                 ]      суміжний

6. to bound    [                 ]      межувати

7. in honor     [                 ]      на честь

8. to define    [                 ]      визначати

9. power        [                 ]      влада; держава

10. to delegate [                 ]      доручати

11. to consist of [                 ]      складатися з

12. executive   [                 ]      виконавчий

13. legislative  [             ]      законодавчий

14. judicial       [                 ]      судовий

15. branch        [                 ]      гілка

16. to head      [                 ]      очолювати

17. natural-born [                 ]      по праву


18. resident      [                 ]      житель,

19. house         [                 ]      палата

20. Supreme    [                 ]      Верховний

Court                                             Суд

21. to interpret [                 ]      пояснювати

22. justice        [                 ]      суддя

23. appointed  [                 ]      назначений

24. for life       [                 ]      довічно

25. diverse                   [                 ]      різноманітний

26. immense    [                 ]      величезний,

27. sustained   [                 ]      тривалий

28. moderate   [             ]      помірний

29. barely         [                 ]      лише, ледве

30. to emerge   [             ]      з’являтися

31. pre-eminent[                 ]      видатний

32. wealth        [             ]      багатство

33. in terms      [                 ]      за


34. gross national [             ]      валовий

product                                         національний


35. per capita   [                 ]      на душу


36. reflection   [                 ]      відображення

37. output        [                 ]      обсяг


38. to owe       [                 ]      завдячувати

39. major         [                 ]      більший

40. total           [                 ]      загальний обсяг



Geographical Names

The United States of America        The USA

Russia                                                 Canada

China                                                  The Pacific Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean                             The Gulf of Mexico

Alaska                                            Hawaii

Mexico                                           Washington


I. Guess the meaning of the words
and word combinations:

The constitution, the national capital, the official language, the island state, on the north, on the south, a federal system, a resident, the congress, the senate, the Democratic party, the Republican party, to a great degree, a global immigration, exports and imports

II. Translate the following words
and word combinations into Ukrainian:

The largest country of the world, to be situated, the total area, the fourth largest country, to be washed by, a federal republic, to be bounded by, in honor of, to consist of, a natural-born citizen, appointed for life, with the consent of, a highly diverse population, an immense and sustained global immigration, on some issues, a world power, rich natural resources, enormous agricultural output, in terms of gross national product, major proportions, a highly developed industry


III. Find the equivalents:

1. Besides the                        мати тенденцію

contiguous states                    до поміркованості

2. Washed by                    на північно-

the ocean                                 західному кінці

3. Named in                                      величезна та

Honor                                      безперервна імміграція

4. Tend to be moderate         серед найвеличніших


5. One of the largest             діставатися

countries of the world            штатам

6. At the north-west extreme            за згоди Сенату

7. The conterminous states               Палата представників

8. Among the greatest powers третя за кількістю


9. The House of                    окрім

Representatives                       суміжних штатів

10. With the consent                           одна з

of the Senate                           найбільших країн

11. The third largest                            названий

Population                               на честь

12. Immense and sustained                омивається

global immigration                  океаном

13. Fall to the states                            суміжні штати


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