Traffic rules in Great Britain




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Baxter  Slate


Baxter Slate is a policeman.  He is 23 years old. He was born in California. Now Baxter works at the Los Angeles Police Departament He is a patrol officer. What is his duty? His duty is to make uniforn patrol in the district and to help detectives with their follow-up investigation. Sometimes Baxter works on the daywatch and other  times on the nightwatch. Baxter likes to do police work. He wants  to become  a captain so he   takes police sciences classes at night school twice a week.

Baxter is married.His wife Clara is 2 years younger than  her husband. She is a college graduate but she doesn't work at present. Clara looks after her children, a boy of 3 and a girl of I,5. Clara thinks that in future she will get a job and work as an economist.

Baxter’s  father   was also a policeman. He graduated from a police  academy,  then worked  as  a police   inspector.   After  twenty years of  service he retired. Now he lives with his wife in his little cottage  60 miles from the city.

When Baxter finishes   his tour of duty,   he returns home  where he helps his wife, plays with his children and has a rest. If he is not busy with his studies, he usually watches TV, reads newspapers and magazines. On  his days off Baxter and his wife often go to the cinema or visit their parents.

(1007 знаков)


Active vocabulary:


Police Department, patrol officer, to make uniform patrol in the district, investigation, daywatch, on the nightwatch, captain, college graduate, in future, at present, in the past, service, policeman, police academy, police inspector, to retire, tour of duty, to be busy with the study.




1. Where does Baxter work ?

2. What is he ?

3. What is his duty ?

4. When does he work ?

5. What does he do to become a captain ?

6. How often does he go to night school ?

7. Is he married ?

8. What is his wife ?

9. How old is his wife ?

10. Does Clara work ?

11. Why doesn’t she work ?

12. Will she work in future ?

13. How many children do they have ?

14. Where does Baxter’s father live ?

15. What does Baxter usually do in the evening ?

16. What does Baxter do on his day off ?

17. Did his father graduate from a police academy ?

18. When did his father retire ?



Police Academy in New York


The principal agency for carrying out the education and train­ing function within New York City Police Department (an organi­zation of almost 35000 police and civilian personnel) is the Police 


Five sections   organize the work of the  Academy: Recruit training section; Advanced andspecialized training  section; firearms section; training  services  section; and   administrative. The key units are the first three.

The Academy  works  at the  Police  Academy     building  235  East  20th Street, New York City, which was built   in 1964. The police   laboratory    is on  the eighth  floor. The library, administrative offices, a conference room are on  the sixth   floor. The fifth floor is princi­pally devoted to classrooms. There are 13 regular classrooms, one seminar   room, a lecture hall there. The musterdeck   is on  the third floor. The auditorium, with 495 seats, the police museum and a re­cruit muster deck share the second floor and the first floor is occu­pied by the gymnasium and open campus. The pool is located in the basement, as are the physical school offices and a garage with accomodation  for  38 cars.

The  usual  routine consists of 3 hours per day of physical training for the recruit and 4 hours per day of academic training. (They have a 5O-minute class period). The current academic program in the recruit curriculum is divided into 5 divisions and cousists of 312 hours of academic instrtiction. There are, in addition, 192 hours of  physical instruction and 56 hours in firearms, making a total recruit program of 560 hours.

The recruit makes acquaintance  of the development of  legal  process in society (e.g. cooperation with governmental agencies, the courts, criminal law and modus operandi, etc.). Police recruit training includes subject matter which will provide a better understanding of human behavior and which will develop proper attitudes on the part of police (psychology and the police, human relations, crime and


delinquency causation, police ethics, etc.). The following is a list of some of the program topics:

New laws (repeated each year)

Law of arrest

Lawful use of  force (the use of deadly force)

Basic ethics

Narcotics and the law

Psychology and human relations

Organized crime

Youth and the police

Evidence and testimony

Auto theft

Basic patrol tactics

Crime scene tactics

The citizen's role in crime prevention and many others.

(1272 знака)



Active vocabulary:


Agency, civilian personnel, recruit, firearms, administrative office, principally, gymnasium, open campus, pool, basement, accomodation, current academic program, curriculum, division, total, development, legal process, governmental, court, criminal law, human behavior, proper attitudes, delinquency causation, ethics, evidence, testimony, autotheft, crime scene, prevention.




1. What is Police Academy ?

2. What sections organize the work of the Academy ?

3. What is the Academy adress ?

4. Where is the police laboratory ?

5. What is there on the sixth floor ?

6. What is the first floor occupied with ?

7. How many hours does  the usual routine consist of ?

8. How long is the total recruit program ?

9. What are some program topics ?


Пояснения к тексту:


1. advanced and specialized training -  повышение квалификации и специализации

2. is devoted toотведен для

3. muster deck – зал для построения

4. routine режим работы

5. make acquaintance of знакомиться



Traffic rules in Great Britain


It is not a simple thing for a tourist from Europe to cross  the street in  London, because in Britain the cars keep to the left, and not  to the right as in European countries and in Russia. 

When English people want to cross  the street they must look first to  the right and then to the left.

The traffic lights are like it is here. The red light says "Stop", the yellow  light  says "Wait" and only when you see the green  light, which says "Cross", you may  cross the street. People usually cross the street at the black-and white "Zebra" crossing. If a person crosses  the street in the wrong place, he is stopped by a policeman (“Bobby),   who  stands at street corners regulating  the traffic.

There are also women police in England. They have the   same power as men. There are women detectives and women traffic police  who regulate street traffic. But most of their work is looking   after women and children. You can often see them patrolling parks other places where children play.

(742 знака)


Active vocabulary:


To cross the street, to keep to the left, to the right, traffic, traffic lights, crossing, to regulate the traffic, power.




1. What side do the cars keep to in Britain ? in European countries ?

2. What do the lights of the traffic lights say ?


3. When may you cross the street ?

4. Who stands at street corners ?

5. Do women regulate street traffic ? 

6. What is their main duty ?


An  arrest

Without question, the police play an important role  in protecting  citizens from crime. They have special powers to do it. Police  have the power to investigate, which often means to stop and question persons, to arrest criminals and many others. Society gives to  police  the right to use force if necessary. We shall discuss now   the problems of arrest.

What is an arrest? When is person "under arrest"? Are you under arr­est only if the police officer says that you are? If the police   stop you  in the street and ask you to explain why you are there and   what you are doing, are you under arrest? If a police officer asks you   to follow  him to the police station, are you under arrest?

These are difficult questions to answer. The answers are not clear   and are discussed among police officers and judges. Basically there   are two  views. Some say that a person is arrested the moment the officer comes up to him and restrains his freedom to walk   away. Others say that an arrest is an intent of the police officer to   take a  person to the police station   to charge3  him   with   crime. What do you think ?

(848 знаков)



Пояснения к тексту:


1. to restrain freedom - ограничить свободу

2. an intent - намерение

3. to charge with a crime - обвинить в преступлении


Active vocabulary:


To protect from, to question persons, criminal, to use force, police station, under arrest, judge, basically, a view.





By the Constitution of 1787 (and the amendments to it) the government of the USA is composed of three branches: the executive one, the legislative one, and the judicial one.

The executive power in the United States is vested in the President of the United States, who is elected for a term of 4 years b) electors of each state. The Presidential election is held every.fourth year in November. The President of the USA must be a native-born citizen, resident in the country for 14 years and at least 35 years old.

The President is to carry out the programmes of the Covernment, to recommend much of the legislation to the Congress. He is to appoint Federal Judges, ambassadors to other countries and heads of various government departments, called secretaries.

The legislative power belongs to the Congress of the United States consisting of two chambers:


the Senate and the House of  Representatives. The Senate is composed of two members from each state elected for a term of 6 years, one third being elected every two years The number of representatives from each state to the House of Representatives depends on the number of people in each particular state

In order to become a law all bills and resolutions must pass both the Houses and must be signed by the President.

An important role in the American legislation is played by so-called "lobbyists". They are often more influential than congress­men themselves.

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial organ of the United States and the head of the judicial branch of power. The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the USA and a number of As­sociate Justices.

The United States is divided into 11 judicial circuits, each one being served with a Federal Court of Appeals. There are about 90 district courts in different parts of the United States. The district courts are the lowest ones in the Federal court system. Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by these courts.

Each state has a constitution similar to the Constitution of the entire nation and all the power in each state is divided into execu­tive, legislative and judicial. The head of each state is the governor of the state.

Each state has each own system of courts similar to that of the Federal courts.

(1679 знаков)


Active vocabulary:


Amendment, to compose, executive, legislative, judicial, to be vested in, to elect, a term, native-born, citizen, to appoint, Federal Judge, ambassador, to belong to, chamber, bill, 


resolution, to sign, lobby(ist), influental, supreme, judicial, court, chief justice, judicial circuits, appeal, court system, criminal case, civil, entire, governor, similar.




1. What branches is the government of the USA composed of ?

2. Who does the highest executive power in the United States belong to ?

3. What kind of person must the President of the USA be ?

4. What are some of the functions of the President ?

5. Who is the legislative power vested in ?

6. How many chambers does the Congress consist of ?

7. How many members are their in the Senate ? in the House of Representatives ?

8. What mast all bills and resolutions pass in order to become a law ?

9. What can you say about lobbyist ?

10. What is the head of the judicial branch of power in the USA ?

11. Who does the Supreme Court of the USA consist of ?

12. Where are most of the criminal and civil cases tried ?

13. What kind of government has each state in the USA ?




The form of the US government is based on the Constitution of 1787, adopted after the War of Independence. A "constitution" in American political language means the set of rules, laws, regulations


and customs which together provide the political norms or standards regulating the work of the government. The document known as the Constitution of the United States, though a basic document, is only a part of the body of rules and customs which form the whole of the American Constitution. Supreme Court decisions, interpreting parts. of the US Constitution, laws, regulations, customs are part of the basic law (the so-called live constitution). Most historians regard the US Constitution as an essentially conservative~ document.

The US Constitution consists of the Preamble, seven articles and twenty six amendments, the first ten of them called collectively the Bill of Rights and adopted under the popular pressure in 1791. When the Constitution was first proposed in 1787, there was wide spread dissatisfaction because it didn't contain guarantees of certain basic freedoms and individual rights. The Constitution consolidated those gains of the Revolution that were advantageous for the capi­talist class. Significantly, nothing was said about the elementary bourgeois-democratic freedoms. In December, 1791, the Congress adopted ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill enumerated what thegovernmentcontrolled by the oligarchy was not going to be allowed to do. It was, of course, an important democratic gain  for the people at that time. But nowa­days some of these ten amendments are relatively unimportant.

The Bill of Rights is sometimes violated by the judicial and law enforcement practice.

Americans feel that of all the freedoms proclaimed in the Con­stitution only one freedom freedom of enterprise is in fact guaran­teed.

If there is no freedom to work, no guaranteed labour,  you face unemployment and poverty. The main freedoms after all a man needs are a life of security, a guaranteed income and guaranteed health care.

(1023 знака)



Пояснения к тексту:


1. "live constitution" -  “живая конституция”

2.  What the government controlled by the oligarchy was not going  to be allowed to do... что правительству, которое контролировалось олигархией, не разрешалось делать


Active vocabulary:


To be based on, to adopt, independence, to mean, a set of rules, regulations, custom, to provide, a body of rules and customs, to regard, essential, article, amendment, bill, to propose, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, guarantee, basic freedoms, individual, rights, gain, advantageous, significant,  bourgeois, oligarchy, to be allowed, nowadays, relative, to violate, law enforcement practice, to proclaim, enterprise, labour, unemployment, poverty, security, income, health care.




1. What does a “constitution” in American political language mean ?

2. What is the US Constitution aimed at ? Why ?

3. What does the US Constitution consist of ?

4. Why was there wide-spread dissatisfaction among the people when the Constitution was first proposed in 1787 ?

5. What did this dissatisfaction among the people lead to (result in) ?

6. Was the adoption of the Bill of Rights an important democratic gain at that time ?

7. What are the main freedoms a man needs ?



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