Task 9. Give your example of  a story (a real or hypothetical one) and comment on the types of sources that can be woven into a narrative. Make sure you

Unit 5. Sources of Information (Video)


Ex 1. Translate into Russian and explain the meaning of the following word combinations (all of them will be used to discuss sources in journalism)

to build credibility, newsworthy events, to be sensitively interviewed, enormously helpful sources, to have a front row seat to smth , to bend the truth, to hold smb accountable for smth, to boost accuracy, to enhance credibility, credentials and expertise, to scratch one's head, to spout off about smth, to overlook a source; it's enlightening to get the perspective of people, ordinary folks, to be affected by the news of the day, records of decisions, to wade through documents, to convey information in an engaging manner, a lame sentence, to weave sources into a narrative, to build a solid foundation.


Ex 2. Make a short introductory speech (5-7 sentences) about sources in journalism. Use at least five word combinations from task 1.


Watch the video and do the tasks below



Part 1. (00.00- 01.41)

Task 1. Complete the following sentences

1. Sources are the ___________ ____________ of good journalism.

2. They build __________, but more important(ly) they build _____________, but they only ________ ___________ if they are __________ and _________________ ___________.

3. You're at the Super Bowl and you  ________Peyton Manning _______a touchdown pass. You know it's him because you know his ________, and you recognize him when he________ _____ ____ ________.

4. You're outside a bank that gets________. You watch the crook ______ _______in a brown car.

5. Ultimately we have to ________ ______ other people.

Task 2. Answer the questions

1. What are the main functions of sources? Do they always perform these functions?

2.What groups of sources does the speaker single out?

3. What is the most reliable source from the people category? What examples are given to prove it?

4. Why can't you always rely on this most reliable source?


Part 2 (01.42- 04.05)

Task 3. Answer the questions

1. How does the speaker define witnesses to events?

2. Which subset of witnesses must be sensitively interviewed?

3. What makes politicians and officials important sources? What can be wrong with them?
4. Why do journalists often use experts for their stories? In which stories are they indispensable?
5. Why does the speaker urge journalists to use ordinary folks as sources?

Task 4. Enumerate the main types of people used as sources. Which source

a/ describes in a very meaningful and powerful way the impact of events;

b/ is discussed with an example of a bridge collapse

c/ is often overlooked;

d/can sometimes bend the truth;

e can represent an important demographic;

f/ has specialized credentials and expertise

g/ sees or experiences newsworthy events;

h/ /is supposed to make decisions with our best interests in mind and can be held accountable;

i/. has a front row seat to events;

j/ is used to boost accuracy and enhance credibility?


Part 3 (04.06- 05.20)

Task 5. Answer the questions

1.What types of documents are singled out?

2. What are the main challenges associated with documents as sources of information?

3. What idea about images does the speaker illustrate when he mentions the sentence "It hasn't rained in half a year" and the image of "parched crops poking up through cracked and dusty soil"?


Part 4. (05.21 - 05.43)

Task 6. Answer the questions

1. What is a journalist supposed to do with sources?

2. What  does the speaker urge journalists to do at the end of his lecture?



Task 7. Sum up information about each type of sources. Use word combinations from Starting-up.

Task 8. Translate into English using active vocabulary

1.Источники информации - это кирпичики, из которых выстраивается хорошая журналистика. Надежные и заслуживающие доверия источники помогают завоевать доверие аудитории.

2.Чрезвычайно полезным источником информации может быть свидетель событий, т.к. он является непосредственным участником произошедшего.

3. Велика вероятность того, что политики будут искажать факты (правду). Нельзя ожидать от чиновников того, что они будут всегда действовать в интересах общества. Одна из функций журналистики - призвать политиков к ответу за противоправные действия (wrongdoing).

4. Профессиональная подготовка и специальные знания экспертов позволяют журналистам повысить точность информации и завоевать еще большее доверие аудитории.

5. Информация, полученная от обычных людей, на которых повлияли события, может быть очень, содержательной (познавательной). Она позволяет журналисту и аудитории взглянуть на ситуацию по-другому.

6. В документах содержатся записи событий, решений, данных, однако журналисту приходится продираться через кипы документы в поисках тех, которые действительно относятся к освещаемым событиям.

7. Изображения в качестве источника информации позволяют передавать идеи в более интересной (занимательной) форме, чем текст, в котором иногда может содержаться много слабых (неубедительных) предложений.

8. Недостаточно собрать информацию из надежных источников, важно вплести источники в повествование, чтобы повысить доверие аудитории.

9. Журналист должен опираться на заслуживающие доверия источники, чтобы построить прочный фундамент своего репортажа.


Task 9. Give your example of  a story (a real or hypothetical one) and comment on the types of sources that can be woven into a narrative. Make sure you

· introduce the importance of sources in journalism;

· speak about the functions of sources and their importance;

· use active vocabulary.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 150; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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