Texts:  1. The Capital of the Vladimir Region. 2. The Capital of Our Coun­try.

Dialogues: 1. Early History of the Vladimir Region Capital. 2. A Tour of Vladimir

Grammar: The Infinitive

Test 2

EXERCISE 1. Read, translate, and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) to be noted for.  Vladimir is noted for its famous architectural monuments in white stone created in the 12-th century.

2) a unique creation.  Among them are such unique creations of ancient Russian architecture as the Golden Gate, the Assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of St. Demetrius.

3) to be carefully preserved.  Now these monuments of ancient Rus are carefully preserved.

4) to developed into.  Vladimir has developed into the Golden Ring tourist route.

5) to acquaint oneself  with.  Thousands of tourists visit Vladimir to acquaint themselves with its unique architectural monuments, history and Russian art.

6) an ancient architectural ensemble.  Most of the ancient architectural ensembles are situated in the central part of the city.

7) under the state protection This area is under the state protection.

8) to dates back to The first mention of Vladimir in chronicles dates back to 1108.

9) to inherit.  It’s foundation refers to the time when the lands in the north-west of Russia were part of the principality inherited by the Kievan Prince Vladimir Monomach.

10) to defend.  He conducted regular campaigns in the area to defend these lands from raids of their princes.

11)  to be founded

   to be  inhabited.  During one of these campaigns the town was founded on the site of the ancient settlement inhabited by a Finno-Ugric tribe.  

12) to be  named after. The town was named after its founder. So Vladimir is more than 1000 years old.

13) to be destroyed.  The York of the Golden Horde destroyed Vladimir greatly both economically and culturally:

14) to hand over the role of … to. Vladimir handed over the role of the Russian political center to Moscow.

15) crafts. For a long time there was no stone construction, foreign trade ceased and many crafts either declined or disappeared altogether.

16) to turn into.  In 1778 the Vladimir Gubernia was established and Vladimir turned into an administrative center.  

17) to promote one’s development. But this fact did little to promote its development. .

18) to determine. Two theatres, a concert hall, dozens of cinema halls, clubs, libraries and museums determine the cultural life of the city.

19) magnificent.  The appearance of Vladimir has greatly changed – there appeared new streets and squares, districts with blocks of magnificent multi-storey buildings.

20) side by side. They stand side by side with ancient cathedrals and churches, wooden houses and cherry orchards which help to retain the original Russian atmosphere of the city.

21) network,

22) outskirts.  A wide network of bus and trolleybus connects the outskirts of the city with the centre.

23) residents The residents of Vladimir are proud of their city and take care to keep in harmony old and new buildings

24)  a government. Moscow is a political centre, where the government of our country works.

25) to attract. Moscow attracts tourists from all over the world.

26) abroad. The Kremlin is well known even abroad.


EXERCISE 2. Read the international words and mind the stress:

'centre, 'monument, block, 'trolleybus, bank, 'theatre, 'cinema-'hall, club, mu'seum, 'inter­est, park, 'million, kilo'metre, 'tourist, 'gallery, ‘harmony, u’nique, pro’vincial, ,archi’tectural, pro’tection, ‘history, ‘chronicles, ‘regular, ‘specialists, ,atmos’phere, ‘tractors

EXERCISE 3. a) Translate, analyze the following words with differ­ent suffixes, and divide them into three groups: nouns and adjec­tives, adverbs:

magnificent, cultural, numerous, beautiful, industrial, population, politi­cal, government, tourist, culturally, educational, institution, scientist, famous; important, architectural, carefully, central, protection, monument, principality, mention, settlement, regular, administrative, founder, educational institution, specialists, appearance, economically, greatly


b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

un-                 favour          -ist

re-               patriot          -ion  

dis-                construct      -ment

                      govern         -er

                      tour             -al

                      invade         -able

                      culture         -ic




c) The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:

1. The Great... War broke out PATRIOT.

2. During the ...all monuments were restored CONSTRUCT. .

3. The city was ruined by the ... INVADE.

4. The city attracts a lot of... TOUR.

5. A university is a higher ... institution EDUCATION.


EXERCISE 4. a) Try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:

А                                   В

1. architectural                a) Ring

2. Golden                      b) city

3. magnificent               c) building

4. fine                           d) trade

5. local                         e) invader

6. foreign                      f) education

7. patriotic                    g) bank

8. important                   h) monument

9. high                          i) arts

10.  modern                    j) war


b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns  on the right:

1. to inherit                   a) the city

2. to turn into...              b) a centre

3. to destroy...               c) lands

4. to liberate...               d) the life

5. to restore...                e) the monuments

6. to promote                 f) development

7. to determine...            g) the country

8. to attract...                  h) the reconstruction

9. to take part in...           i) the tourists include...                 j) districts


EXERCISE 5. Translate the following word combinations; pay attention to the prepositions:


an administrative center of the Vladimir region, , architectural monuments in white stone, created in the 12-th century, unique creations of ancient Russian architecture, thousands of tourists, most of the ancient architectural ensembles, in the central part of the city, under the state protection, the first mention of Vladimir in chronicles, the lands in the north-west of Russia, during one of these campaigns, on the site of the ancient settlement, in 1238, .the York of the Golden Horde, for a long time, in the middle of the 14th century, at that time, educational center of the Vladimir region, qualified specialists for all branches of economy, teachers of various specialties for schools,  the cultural life of the city, an area of almost sixty square kilometers, a population of nearly 400000 people, districts with blocks of magnificent multi-storey buildings, side by side with ancient cathedrals, the original Russian atmosphere of the city, the outskirts of the city, with the centre, the residents of Vladimir.


EXERCISE 6. a) Translate the following definitions of the words:

1. A network is a large system of lines, tubes, wires that cross one another or are connected with one another.

2. A resident is a person who lives in a place such as house, hotel, or par­ticular area, all the time or just while working, studying, or visiting.

5. A government is the group of people who governs a nation or state.


b) The following words also appear in the texts and dialogues; match each one with its correct definition:

an examination, a fortress, an inhabitant, a junction, a gateway

1. an act of looking at the person or thing closely and carefully;

2. the place strengthened for defense;

3. a person who lives in a particular place regularly, or for a long pe­riod of time;

4. a place where things join or come together;

5. an opening in the fence, door, etc.


EXERCISE 7. Read and translate the sentences; memorize the use of the Infinitive:

1. To see the foreign countries is interesting. 2. They began to describe the climate of Russia. 3.1 want to visit my relatives. 4. He wants to col­lect books. 5. They have an idea to restore this monument. 6. To prepare a report about this I went to the library. 7. To know the history of any country is useful. 8. It helps me to understand better the people's cus­toms and traditions. 9.I don't want to talk about it. 10. On the Russian flag, there are three stripes (white, blue, and red) to symbolize the earth, the sky and the freedom.


EXERCISE 8. Transform these sentences according to the models to practice the use of the Infinitive:

a) Model: The customs and traditions, which we should study, are very interesting.

                        The customs and traditions to be studied by us are very in­teresting.

1. The museum, which they should visit, is far from here. 2. The book, which the students should read, is interesting. 3. The report, which I should prepare, is about the climate of this country. 4. The ring, which he should present, is very beautiful. 5. The sweater, which she should knit, is of the white colour.

b ) Model : Чтобы лучше знать историю, ты должен читать больше исторических книг.

То know the history better, you must read more historical books.

1. Чтобы понять народ этой страны, вы должны знать их обы­чаи и традиции. 2. Чтобы подготовить этот доклад, вы должны пойти в библиотеку. 3. Чтобы хорошо знать географию, вы долж­ны изучать карту. 4. Чтобы поступить в этот университет, вы дол­жны хорошо подготовиться. 5. Чтобы получать хорошие оценки, я должен усердно учиться.


EXERCISE 9. Fill in the gaps to practice the use of the Infinitive:

1. They want... a report about the political structure of this country. 2.... the capital is interesting. 3. The residents began ... the streets and monuments. 4. The house ... in this street should not be multi-storey. 5. ... the people of the country, you should know their customs and traditions.

EXERCISE 10. a) Read the text and try to focus on its essential facts. Think of the most suitable heading for each paragraph .


b) Make a précis of the text, using the following phrases:

1) The title of the text is... 2) The text is about... The text deals with... 3) The text covers such points as... 4) It should be underlined that... 5) In conclusion, I may say that... 6) To my mind... / In my opinion...



The present-day Vladimir is an administrative center of the Vladimir region. Vladimir is noted for its famous architectural monuments in white stone created in the 12-th century. Among them are such unique creations of ancient Russian architecture as the Golden Gate, the Assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of St. Demetrius.

Now these monuments of ancient Rus are carefully preserved. Vladimir has developed into the Golden Ring tourist route. Thousands of tourists visit Vladimir to acquaint themselves with its unique architectural monuments, history and Russian art. Most of the ancient architectural ensembles are situated in the central part of the city. This area is under the state protection.

Vladimir has a long and very interesting history and is worth visiting. The first mention of Vladimir in chronicles dates back to 1108. It’s foundation refers to the time when the lands in the north-west of Russia were part of the principality inherited by the Kievan Prince Vladimir Monomach. He conducted regular campaigns in the area to defend these lands from raids of their princes. During one of these campaigns the town was founded on the site of the ancient settlement inhabited by a Finno-Ugric tribe. The town was named after its founder. So Vladimir is more than 1000 years old.

In 1238 Vladimir as well as many other Russian towns was burnt and pillaged by Khan Batu’s Mongol-Tatar Horde. The York of the Golden Horde destroyed Vladimir greatly both economically and culturally: for a long time there was no stone construction, foreign trade ceased and many crafts either declined or disappeared altogether. As a result of it, in the middle of the 14th century Vladimir handed over the role of the Russian political center to Moscow.

In 1778 the Vladimir Gubernia was established and Vladimir turned into an administrative center. But this fact did little to promote its development. Vladimir was a small provincial town at that time. There were almost no industrial enterprises in the town; there were only 500 workers in it. Besides, the town had only 10 elementary and secondary schools and a hospital with several doctors.

       Today the city has more than 50 industrial enterprises, among them are the Tractor Plant, the Chemical Works, the “Avtopribor” and the “Electropribor” plants, the Dressmaking factory. They produce tractors, electrical motors, instruments, watches, household goods, etc. Vladimir is an educational center of the Vladimir region. There are 50 secondary schools, 2 Universities and a great many of other educational institutions. They train qualified specialists for all branches of economy and teachers of various specialties for schools. Two theatres, a concert hall, dozens of cinema halls, clubs, libraries and museums determine the cultural life of the city.

The names of many outstanding people were linked with Vladimir including admiral M.Lazarev, physicist Alexander Stoletov, his brother General Nikolai Stoletov, composer S.Taneyev, N.Zukovsky, “father of the Russian aviation”, Nikolai Voronin, specialist on ancient Russian culture.

Now Vladimir covers an area of almost sixty square kilometers and has a population of nearly 400000 people. The appearance of Vladimir has greatly changed – there appeared new streets and squares, districts with blocks of magnificent multi-storey buildings. They stand side by side with ancient cathedrals and churches, wooden houses and cherry orchards which help to retain the original Russian atmosphere of the city. A wide network of bus and trolleybus connects the outskirts of the city with the centre. The residents of Vladimir are proud of their city and take care to keep in harmony old and new buildings.


EXERCISE 11. Read and give a summary of the text.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, our Motherland. It was founded in 1147 as a fortress on the Moskva  river. The city was ruined by the Tartar invaders in the 13th century. The city was gradually restored and became stronger. The Napoleon army in 1812 destroyed Moscow by fire, but Moscow was soon rebuilt and developed again. Moscow is more than 850 years old.

Modern Moscow is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of the world. It is one of Russia's major industrial cities with the population of 9.5 million people. Its total area is about 900 thousand square kilome­ters. Moscow is a political centre, where the government of our country works.

Moscow is a cultural centre. It attracts tourists from all over the world. Moscow is known for its beautiful cathedrals, monuments, theatres, museums, etc. The Bolshoi Theatre, the Tretyakov Art Gallery, the Push­kin Fine Arts Museum, the Kremlin are well known even abroad. Red Square with its St Basil's Cathedral is the heart of Moscow.

Moscow is the city of higher educational institutions. Moscow State University, which is named after the greatest Russian scientist M. Lomonosov, is famous all over the world.

All people of Russia are proud of their magnificent and beautiful capital.

EXERCISE 12. Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

Архитектурные памятники из белого камня, уникальные сооружения древнерусской архитектуры, туристический маршрут Золотое Кольцо, находится под охраной государства, датируется 1108 годом, на месте древнего поселения, готовить квалифицированных специалистов, с кварталами многоэтажных зданий, ши­рокая сеть автобусных линий, совместные предприятия, десятки кинотеатров, определяют культурную жизнь, гордятся музеем, му­зей изобразительных искусств, краеведческий музей, дворец спорта, на приезжих производит впечатление, многочисленные достопримечательности, была постепенно восстановлена, пожа­ром, общая территория, правительство нашей страны, туристов со всего мира, известна своими красивыми дворцами, хорошо известен даже за границей, с многокупольным, высших учебных заведений, назван в честь, гордятся величественной и кра­сивой столицей.

EXERCISE 13. a) Find in the texts the words, which have the similar meanings as the following words:

Is famous for, was ruined, different, links, many, inhabitant, wide, main, famous;


b) Find in the texts the words, which have the opposite meanings to the following words:

the present –day, to restore, the smallest, the beginning, earlier, old, lower

EXERCISE 14. Fill in the blanks with the missing words in the fol­lowing sentences; the first letter of each word has been given to help you:


1. The present-day Vladimir is an a… c… of the Vladimir r… . 2.  Now these monuments of ancient Rus are c… p… . 3. Vladimir has developed into the Golden Ring t… r… . 4. Vladimir has a long and very interesting history and is w… v… . 5. The first mention of Vladimir in c… d…  back to 1108. 6. The r… of Vladimir are proud of their city and take care to keep in h… old and new buildings.

7. Moscow was founded in 1147 as a f... . 8. They live on the o... of the city. 9. The g... of the country works in Moscow. 10. The capital a... tourists from all over the world. 11. Moscow State University is named a... M.Lomonosov.

EXERCISE 15. Find in the texts, translate, and analyze:

a) grammar forms with the ending -ed:

b) grammar forms with the ending -s:


EXERCISE 16. Complete the following sentences in a logical way:

1. The present-day Vladimir is …

2. This area is …

3. Vladimir has a  … and is worth visiting.

4. The first mention of Vladimir in chronicles dates back to … .

5. In the middle of the 14th century Vladimir handed over the role of the Russian political center to … .

6. In 1778 the Vladimir Gubernia was established and Vladimir turned into an administrative center but this fact did little to … .

7. Two theatres, a concert hall, dozens of cinema halls, clubs, libraries and museums determine  … .

8. The names of many outstanding people … .

9. The residents of Vladimir are proud of their city and take care to … .

10. The capital of our country is.. .

11. It was founded in...

12. Moscow was ruined in...

13. Modern Moscow is...

14. Moscow is known for...

15. All people of Russia are proud of...

EXERCISE 17. Answer the questions:

a) about the capital of the Vladimir region:

1. When was the capital of the Vladimir region founded?

2. What year does the first mention of Vladimir in chronicles date back to?

3.  Why did Vladimir hand over the role of the Russian political center to Moscow in the middle of the 14th century?

4. Whom was Vladimir burnt and pillaged in 1238 by?

5. Why did Vladimir hand over the role of the Russian political center to Moscow in the middle of the 14th century?

6. When was the Vladimir Gubernia established?

7. What kind of town was Vladimir at that time?

8. What is the total area and population of Vladimir today?

9. What outstanding people were linked with Vladimir?

10. What connects the outskirts of the city with the centre?

11. What determines the cultural life of our city?

12. What are the residents of the city proud of?


b) the capital of Russia:

1. What is the capital of our Motherland?

2. When was it founded?

3. When was it ruined?

4. How old is Moscow?

5. How many people live in Moscow?

6. What is the total area of Moscow?

7. Where does the government of our country work?

8. What determines the cultural life of our capital?

9. Why does Moscow attract tourists from all over the world?

10. Why is Moscow considered to be the city of higher educational institutions?

11. Whom is Moscow State University named after?

12. All people of Russia are proud of their magnificent and beautiful capital, aren't they?

EXERCISE 18. Agree or disagree with the following statements; add some more information:

1. Vladimir is a small provincial town today. 2. Vladimir is a big industrial and cultur­al centre. 3. Vladimir was founded in the 17th century. 4. Vladimir was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. 5. Vladimir is famous for its ancient architectural monuments in white stone. 6. Moscow was founded in the 11th century. 7. The Napoleon Army destroyed Moscow. 8. Moscow is an industrial city. 9. Moscow is a cultural city. 10. Moscow is the city of higher edu­cational institutions.

EXERCISE 19. a ) Read and translate the following dialogue;

b) memorize and dramatize the dialogue;

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