Find the paragraphs in the text to discuss the following topics.

a) Mendeleev's cooperation with world-known scientists;

b) The reasons for writing textbooks on Chemistry;

c) Avogadro's Law;

d) Mendeleev's scientific and teaching career.


Complete the following sentences.

1. The value of the Periodic Table consists in … .

2. D. Mendeleev was the only scientist to … .

3. The Periodic system … .

4. D. Mendeleev was interested in … .

5. To commemorate the greatest Russian scientist … .

6. Mendeleev's three service to Motherland … .

7. Mendeleev is considered the greatest Russian chemist because … .

8. Mendeleev is the founder of … .

9. The scientist's works dealt with … .

10. Mendeleev devoted himself to … .


4. Choose someone to act as D. I. Mendeleev and answer the journalists' questions about his scientific career and the Periodic Law using the following expressions.

To begin with … , let's go back to the time when… , now let's turn to…, let me elaborate on that … , I want to talk more in depth about … , as aside note … , let me repeat that … , this is really important so I am going to say it again … , summarizing what we just talked about … , to summarize … , let me re-cap what we have already covered … , in closing, let me say … , if I may conclude … , to finish up … .

Speak on the following topics.

1. The Discovery of the Periodic System of the Elements.

2. Mendeleev's Life and Interests.

3. Mendeleev's Scientific Career and Contribution to Chemistry.

4. The Periodic System of Elements at Present.


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 319; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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