Притяжательные местоимения ( наше, ваш, твой, мой... )

1. My dad has a car. (Her, he, his) car is red.

2. (Their, them, they) house is quite big.

3. I have a boat. The boat is (my, mine, their).

4. I like (your, him, it) answer more than (me, its, theirs).

5. (My, mine, your) dog wails (his, her, its) tail when I come from school.

6. We live in a small town. (Our, his, ours) town is very nice.

7. She wears (their, her, his) dress to school every day.


Возвратные местоимения ( сам, сами, себя... )

1. I do my homework all by (himself, herself, myself).

2. They plan their vacation (ourselves, myself, themselves).

3. We are going to the sea (themselves, himself, ourselves).

4. My dad built this house (himself, herself, ourselves).

5. This dog found (herself, himself, itself) a place under the bench.

6. Yesterday she had a birthday. She bought (herself, itself, ourselves) earrings as a present.

7. You should plan your life (yourself, himself, yourselves).

Заполните пропуски, используя личные местоимения в объектном падеже.

1. Who is that lady? — Why are you looking at __________?

2. Do you know that young handsome man?-Yes, I study with __________.

3. Please, listen to _______. I want to express my point of view.

4. These puppies are so nice! Do you want to look at ______.

5. We like this house. We're going to buy _________.

6. He can't see _______ because we are sitting in the last row.

7. Where are the keys to our flat? I can't find _______.

8. Where is Ann? I want to talk to _________.

9. This snake is poisonous. I'm very afraid of _______.

10. Don't wait for _______ for dinner. I'll return very late at night.

11. He left Polotsk long ago. I haven't seen _______ since.

12. You can fully rely on _______. We won't let you down.


Если справа мы видим прилагательное, то тут два варианта. Либо сравнительная степень, либо превосходная.

Повторим. Сравнительную степень я использую, если сравниваю два предмета. Здесь в качестве подсказки выступает слово than (чем).

Превосходная обычно идет рядом с артиклем the.



+ сравнительная превосходная
long longer the longest
nice nicer the nicest
hot hotter the hottest
dry drier the driest
interesting more interesting the most interesting
good better the best
bad worse the worst



 Раскройте скобки, поставив предложенное прилагательное в нужной степени.

1. Jill’s a far________ (intelligent) person than my brother.

2. Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.

3. Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.

4. This wine is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.

5. Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.

6. Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.

7. If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.

8. The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.

9. Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.

10. The deposits of oil in Russia are by far the __________ (rich) in the world.

11. Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?

12. I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.

13. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?


Заполните пропуски.

§ _____ — brighter — the brightest

§ easy — _____ — the easiest

§ funny — _____ — the funniest

§ _____ — hotter — _____

§ new — newer — _____

§  _____ — noisier — _____

§ red — _____ — _____

§ fat — _____ — the fattest


Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в превосходную степень.

1. Everest is………(high) mountain in the world.

2. A whale is…………(big) animal on our planet.

3. He is the…………(good) student in our class.

4. This is……………(interesting) story by Dickens.

5. I am……………(happy) man in the world.

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 429; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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