Arrange in pairs the words which are close in meaning

1 participant, accommodation, speaker, to take place, exhibition, scientific associate, head, deputy director, to take the floor, to present a paper, seminar, overview paper, concurrent session, round table discussions.

2 to submit a paper, display, assistant director, round tables, attendee, reporter, chief, workshop, housing, research associate, review paper, parallel session, to be held, to speak.

Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms

1 success, dependence, in general, interested, significance, order, approximately,

to win, up-date equipment, theoretician, formal discussion, include.

2 exclude, out-date equipment, failure, disinterested, disorder, accurately, practitioner, independence, in particular, insignificance, to lose, informal discussion.

Translate the following sentences into Russian

1 I would like to discuss the concept of free market economy in this paper. 2 We

would also welcome general summaries and reviews. 3 I would welcome any specific ideas on the topic for discussion. 4 I would like to start not with statements but with questions. 5 Could you make the picture brighter? 6 I would like to stress that this paper would not have been written if I hadn't received critical remarks of my research adviser.

Answer the following questions so that the answers would make a comprehensive account of your participation in the work of some scientific gathering

1 Have you ever had an opportunity to be present at a large scientific gathering?

2 Was it a regional or a national (international) conference (congress)? 3 When and

where was it held? 4 Who was its president? 5 What was the most interesting paper

presented at this scientific meeting? 6 How long did this conference last? 7 How

many simultaneous sessions were held on the same day? 8 Was there any reception

held after the final session? 9 Did you or any of your colleagues present papers at this conference? 10 Was your paper a success? 11 Was it discussed in detail? 12 Were there any discussions of general interest held during this conference? 13 What is your general impression of the conference?


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 324; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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