Ex. 11. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate preposition.

1. The number ____ directors usually depends _____ the size ____ the business.

2. The corporation's Secretary is ____ charge ____ maintaining and keepingcorporation's

records, documents and "minutes" ______ shareholder meetings.

3. The CEO is typically responsible ____ the entire operations ___ the corporation and reports

directly ____ the chairman and board ____ directors.

4. Responsible ____ the corporation's operations, the COO looks _____ issues related

____ marketing, sales, production and personnel.

5. The CFO presents this information ____ the board of directors ____ regular intervals.


Ex. 12. Translate the words and phrases given in brackets.


1. Directors (избираются) by shareholders (на ежегодном собрании).

2. (Чтобы провести голосование), a corporation with more than one director should keep an

(нечетное количество) (3, 5, 7, etc.) of directors on its board.

3. The CEO is typically responsible for the (всю деятельность) of the corporation and

(напрямую подчиняется) to (председателю) and board of directors.

4. The CEO's responsibility is to maintain the (спокойную работу) of the firm.

5. Corporations usually (проводят ежегодные собрания акционеров), at which the

shareholders (выбирают директоров корпорации).

6. The CFO (докладывает о финансовом состоянии) at regular intervals and (предоставляет)

this information to shareholders and (управляющим органам).



Ex. 13. Find Russian equivalents to the following English word collocations.


fire sale close-out sale hire-purchase sale white sale discount sale jumble sale one-cent sale duty-free sale under- the counter sale bring-and-buy sale end-of-season sale cash-only sale


1. Одноцентовая распродажа (продажа двух предметов по цене одного плюс 1 цент)


2. Распродажа с молотка. При закрытии магазина, при банкротстве фирмы. _____________

3. Срочная продажа , продажа (распродажа) в пожарном порядке _____________________

4. Распродажа холодильников, плит и пр. предметов домашнего обихода, обычно

покрытых белой эмалью ______________________

5. Сезонная распродажа _________________________

6. Продажа из-под прилавка ______________________

7. Благотворительная распродажа (с целью сбора средств в пользу нуждающихся; каждый

приносит что-нибудь на продажу и каждый обязательно что-нибудь покупает)


8. Продажа со скидкой _____________________

9. Продажа в рассрочку (кредит) ____________________

10. Беспошлинная продажа __________________

11. Благотворительная распродажа подержанных вещей ________________________

12. Продажа только за наличный расчет (без предоставления кредита) _______________

This is an example of a company organization chart:

Board of Directors

with a Chairman (GB)

or President (US)


Managing Director (GB)


Chief Executive Officer (US)


Production  Marketing Finance Research & Development Personnel
  1.Market Research 1.Financial Management    
  2.Sales 2.Accounting    
  3.Advertising and promotion      



Most organizations have a hierarchical or pyramidal structure, with one person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing number of people below them at each successive level. There is a clear line or chain of command running down the pyramid. All the people in the organization know what decisions they are able to make, who their superior (or boss) is (to whom they report), and who their subordinates are (to whom they can give instructions).

Today, most large manufacturing organizations have a functional structure, including production, finance, marketing, sales, personnel or staff departments and others. This means, for example, that the production and marketing departments cannot take financial decisions without consulting the finance department.

Functional organization is efficient, but there are two standard criticisms. Firstly, people are usually more concernedwith the success of their department than that of the company, so there are permanent battles between, for example, finance and marketing, or marketing and production, which have different goals. Secondly, separating functions is unlikely to encourage innovation.

The main problem of hierarchies is that people at lower levels are unable to make important decisions, but have to pass on responsibility to their boss.



Match the sections below with their correct definition.


Warehousing                                     Planning

Stock control                                    Recruitment

Credit control                                   Distribution

Research & Development (R&D)   Wages & Salaries (Payroll)

Purchasing                                        Plant Maintenance

Office Services                                Market Research

Sales Promotions                             Quality control


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 218; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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