So you see reading the novel gave me an excellent practice in using grammatical forms.

Besides my attention was attracted by a great number of lexical units the meaning of which I was trying to guess. Take for example:

He began to spoon soup into his mouth.

- to spoon (p. 227)

It wasn`t difficult for me to translate the sentence as everybody knows the noun “spoon”.

«Он занялся супом».

The same thing about the word “ trunk ” (p.227)

 I know it as “хобот”. But look at this sentence

«It`s like they`re hoping we`ll march out carrying our school trunks and head off for the Hogwarts Express».

Here we speak not about an elephant but a person. So let`s try to use our imagination. Of course it`s nothing else but «рюкзак».

“ Похоже они надеются , что мы выйдем из дома со школьными чемоданами и побежим на “Хогвартс-экспресс”

So learning of the constructions like that added to my knowledge of English. I improved my grammar skills and the skills of translation.


The final part

The social importance of my research is our attempt

· To reveal the world of energetic, courageous heroes who have unbelievable endurance and a conquering attitude; who are ready to take risks, withstand challenges, sort out their own problems and tasks which are complicated to handle.

· to influence other people`s desire to take to reading and learning a foreign language.

The actual importance of the research is

· trying to make people learn a foreign language through reading. J. K. Rowling’s novel «Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows» is popular all over the world. It`s an interesting topic for discussion among both grown-ups and children. So why not use this excellent opportunity for just not chatting but also learning the language?

· The book under discussion is a wonderful way to combine both fun and usefulness.



So in our research we proved the hypothesis that reading books in a foreign language is one of the most effective ways of learning the language because it

·  enlarges the reader’s vocabulary;

· provides the elementary translation skills.

All these things play an important role while learning the language and provoke interest in it.

We also tried

·  to depict the most effective way of learning English;

·  Follow the way the language is improving while reading J. K. Rowling’s «Harry Potter and deathly hallows».

While doing the research I learned

·  to work with literary and Internet resources;

·  to choose and analyze the necessary material;

·  to make a medium presentation;

·  to make a report in front of the audience.

The last but not the least I improved my debate skills and overcame the fear of speaking in front of the unknown people.

We’ve asked the pupils of our gymnasia to answer the questions about their attitude to reading. You can see the result of the questionnaire in the Appendix below.


1. Source:http// )

2. Source:

3. Source:

4. Хэгболдт П. Изучение иностранных языков. М., 1963, с. 92—109.

5. Уэст М. Обучение английскому языку в трудных условиях. М., 1966, с. 30—40.

6. J. K. Rowling’s novel  «Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows» (English and Russian version)





Questionnaire “Reading in your life”

The pupils asked - 9a form (22people)

Do you read?

A) Yes, I cannot imagine my life without reading;

B) Sometimes, I do not really like reading;

C) Rarely, I do not have time to read;

D) No, I cannot read;

D) Your answer.

What exactly do you prefer to read?

A) Magazines, newspapers;

B) Fiction;

B) Scientific literature.

When did you read your last book?

A) has not yet finished reading;

B) mrecently;

C) long ago;

D) I do not remember;

E) back in school.

Which book did you read the last time? _____________________________

Is reading one of the ways of spending your leisure time?

A) yes;

B) no;

C) Yes, if you take into account reading the literature on the curriculum;

D) your answer.

What kind of leisure do you find most interesting?

A) reading the book in the original;

B) viewing the film adaptation of the book.

What method of preparation do you prefer to write more about scientific work?

A) Internet resources;

B) special literature.

Which literature do you prefer?

A) modern;

B) classical.

Which genre do you prefer?

A) fantasy;

B) scientific literature;

C) fiction;

D) journalism;

E) detective novels;

F) poetry;

G) the mainstream;

H) its own version.

The motive of your reading?

A) personal interest, passion;

B) cognitive interest;

C) study assignments;

D) leisure activities from boredom;

E) the desire to find answers to your questions;

Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 211; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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