Ex.1 Translate and memorize the following words.

Peculiar, to maintain, distinct, an heir, adjoining, a dock, neutral, mutual, hostile, a troop.

Ex.2 Match the words with the definitions.

1 next, very near, neighbouring    

2 clear, easily seen, read and understood

3 a place where ships land                                   

4 a person who gets the property or the money or the title when the owner dies

5 unfriendly                                                          

6 to keep up, to continue

7 common, felt to each other                                

8 not helping either side in a war

9 a group of soldiers     

10 special, unusual

Ex.3 Read and translate the text.


In area, Scotland is more than half as big as England. Its population is, however, only one eighth as great as that of England. Scotland was an independent kingdom, often at war with England, until 1603. In 1603 King James VI of Scotland became King of England. In 1707 the Act of Union was passed. This Act made Scotland and England a united part, but the Scots kept their own legal system, religion and administrative systems and still keep them now.

The Gaelic language is still used rather than English amongst the people of the remote Highlands district. The English language is spoken all over Scotland with a variety of regional accents. There are many words and phrases which are peculiar to Scottish use, and this maintains national distinctness.

Scotland is a northern land. It consists of Highlands and Lowlands. Edinburgh is the capital, Glasgow is the chief centre of commerce and industry. Scotland now has its own Parliament and a number of seats in the United Kingdom House of Commons.


Wales has been united with England for hundreds of years, and for centuries England and Wales have formed one single political unit. The son and heir of the monarch is given the title «Prince of Wales», but his title has no political significance.

If you look at the bottom of the map you’ll see Cardiff, the capital of Wales. Financially and industrially, Cardiff is the most important city in Wales. Most of the inhabitants of Wales live and work in this city and the adjoining areas. Apart from the docks Cardiff is a beautiful city. If you go to Wales and can’t understand what people are saying, don’t worry! They are not speaking English, they are speaking Welsh. But this is the only distinctive national feature left in Wales.

The Welsh are famous for their singing. A lot of Welsh people play musical instruments, too. The Welsh national costume is still worn by some girls for folk dancing and music festivals. Wales has a very strong folk culture and many people still learn Welsh as their first language.

Northern Ireland

The greater part of Ireland became the Irish Free State (Eire) in 1922. It was a part of the British Commonwealth for a time, but reminded neutral in the Second World War and became a republic in 1949. Meanwhile the six northern counties reminded part of the United Kingdom.  

In newspapers you often meet the world «Ulster» which stands for Northern Ireland. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. The political system of Northern Ireland was always dominated by religion. The Protestant and Catholic communities have been mutually hostile for centuries. British troops were sent to Northern Ireland to keep order.

The separation of the six northern counties in 1922 was not readily accepted by the rest of Ireland, and for a long time «Irish Question» has been one of the major problems of British politics. The protestant communities who are allied with the British government terrorize the catholic part of the population of Ulster. On their side are the UDA (Ulster Defence Association) and the UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force).The catholic part of Northern Ireland has the IRA (Irish Republican Army) that wants to achieve a untied Ireland by violent means. Today they are condemned by the government of the Irish Republic.

Ex.4 Give English equivalents to the following Russian words.

1) заключить союз; 2) сохранить юридическую систему; 3) отдаленные районы; 4) сохранять; 5) национальное различие; 6) наследник; 7) титул; 8) политическое значение; 9) прилегающая территория; 10) народные танцы; 11) сохранить нейтралитет; 12) протестантское и католические общества; 13) враждебный; 14) отряд; 15) осуждать.

Ex.5 Answer the questions.

1. How big is Scotland? 2. What is the population of Scotland? 3. How did Scotland unite with England? 4. Who speaks the Gaelic language? 5. Where is the English language spoken in Scotland? 6. What parts does Scotland consist of? 7. What are the chief cities of Scotland? 8. Who is given the title «Prince of Wales»? 9. What is the capital of Wales like? 10. What is the only distinctive national feature left in Wales? 11. What are the Welsh famous for? 12. When did Eire become a republic? 13. What is Ulster? 14. What has always dominated the political system of Northern Ireland? 15. What is «Irish Question»?

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