Эссе на английском языке :: Как его проверяют эксперты

Эта часть раздела, в первую очередь, написана не для экспертов, а для сдающих экзамен и пишущих эссе, т.е. для вас, поэтому отнеситесь к прочтению этой публикации очень внимательно. Зная, как эксперт будет оценивать ваше эссе, вы сможете написать его именно так, как требуется.

Итак, прежде всего, стоит сказать о том, что эксперт проверяет работу и выставляет баллы не просто так, а следуя четким критериям. Год от года эти критерии претерпевают некоторые корректировки, однако в главном остаются неизменными. Все эти критерии касаются нескольких аспектов вашего эссе: содержания, организации и собственно языка. Рассмотрим каждый аспект отдельно.

Для оценки содержания вашего эссе эксперт учитывает следующие особенности:

1. наличие вступления – постановки проблемы:

Когда мы рассматривали процедуру написанию эссе, то говорили, что первым шагом является вступление, в котором вы подходите к проблеме. Напоминаем, что вступление лучше писать всего в трех предложениях. В нашем случае вступлением было:

Family is a basic constituent of any nation. The well-being of the nation depends on the well-being of each family. A lot of factors make a family happy, and children are among of them. But how many children does a family need to be perfectly happy?

2. мнение автора в 2-3 аргументами:

В нашем образцовом эссе, посвященном теме “Family”, сразу после вступления идет освещение собственной аргументированной позиции:

In my opinion, parents should have three children. I consider it to be the optimum number of kids. (Аргументы) Firstly, in this case parents contribute to population growth in the country. The demographic depression is really the case of many countries. Secondly, the children grown not all alone are more sociable and less egoistic. Thirdly, a child from a big family has a better chance to succeed in life because his siblings are willing to help.

3. противоположная точка зрения с 1-2 аргументами:

There is no doubt that big families have their disadvantages as well. (Аргументы) In the first place, it is worth mentioning that big families are noisy. It’s pretty hard to find peace and quiet. In this respect, small families receive a benefit. In addition to it, the more children you have, the more conflicts you get. Your children may have vastly different interests. For example, some want to read a book and others switch on the television at the same time.

3. объяснение, почему автор не согласен с противоположной точкой зрения:

However that may be, loneliness is much worse than conflicts of interests. If parents learn their children how to get along with each other critical moments will be avoided.

4. заключение с подтверждением позиции автора:

To sum it up, it goes without saying that a big family is good. But, you must regard things in a sober light. It would be sensible to assess the suitability for having children first. If you have enough time, patience, wisdom, and money, don’t hesitate to give birth to children.

5. стилевое оформление

Здесь эксперт оценивает общий стиль вашего эссе, который должен быть нейтральным. Избегайте особенностей, характерных для разговорной речи. Если, к примеру, в вашем эссе всплывет что-то типа wanna или gonna, то эксперт минусует бал. Или если в эссе промелькнет сокращение вроде I’ll или you’re и т.п., то это также не добавит прелести вашей работе, т.к. все сокращения характерны для разговорного стиля.

Оценив содержание, эксперт приступает к оценке структуры вашего эссе. Прежде всего, здесь имеет большое значение логичность изложения, т.е. плавный подход к теме, связанное переключение на освещение точек зрения и аргументацию, итоговый вывод. Если все это присутствует в вашем эссе, то вы получите свои баллы по этому критерию. Подчеркнуть логичность вашего эссе вам помогут средства логической связи: Firstly (Во-первых), Secondly (Во-вторых), Thirdly (В-третьих), To sum it up (В заключение хотелось бы сказать, что) и другие. Кстати, за их наличие или отсутствие в эссе также добавляются либо снимаются баллы.

После оценки содержания и структуры эксперт переходит к оценке собственно английского языка. Сначала он смотрит на лексику, т.е. на разнообразие и правильность употребления слов и выражений. В хорошем эссе лексика не должна быть на уровне начальной школы. Избегайте частых повторений, т.к. они сразу бросаются в глаза и однозначно говорят проверяющему, что ваш словарный запас невысок.

Помимо лексики эксперт оценивает правильность грамматических структур. Здесь выявляется ваше знание грамматики в общем и владение конкретными явлениями в частности. Порядок слов в предложении, правильность употребления грамматических времен, союзов, частиц и т.п. – все попадает в объектив эксперта.

На конечном этапе проверки эссе эксперт обращает внимание на правописание и пунктуацию.

Итак, мы изложили в общем и целом технологию проверки эссе на английском языке экспертом. Хотелось бы еще сказать, что любой эксперт, каким бы профессионалом он ни был, – это, прежде всего, живой человек, которому свойственно ошибаться. Эксперт может чего-то не знать, что-то просмотреть, не заметить, не оценить. В этом случае вы имеете право подать апелляцию и доказывать свою правоту. Перед апелляцией лучше всего хорошо подготовиться: запастись хорошими справочными материалами и пригласить специалиста в языке. Ни в коем случае не приходите на апелляцию в гордом одиночестве либо с друзьями и родственниками, которые чрезвычайно вам сочувствуют, но не являются профессионалами в английском языке. Рассмотрение апелляции – это чуть ли не судебный процесс, в котором учитываются только весомые формальные доказательства с опорой на авторитетные источники. Но мы очень надеемся, что, ознакомившись с нашим разделом, посвящённым написанию эссе на английском языке, у вас все будет в порядке, и никакая апелляция вам не потребуется.

Ранее я уже писала об общих требованиях к написанию эссе. Сейчас хотелось бы дать один пример такой работы с разбором.
Тема эссе: Some people think that young people think about making money and career.

1.Сначала пишем введение. Оно должно включать в себя мысль, высказанную в задании, и прямо противоположную. Вы, как бы, вступаете в дискуссию со стороной, имеющей иную точку зрения. Здесь можно выучить наизусть начальные фразы, и пользоваться этим знанием на экзамене.

There are two opposite points of view on the attitude of young people towards money and career. Some people are sure that these two things are the main concern of modern youth. Others, on the contrary, argue that the interests of modern teenagers are various.

2. Далее, вы должны привести свою точку зрения, и дать, минимум, два аргумента, в пользу своей позиции.

As for me, I consider that young people, like all people in the world are different, and their interests, ambitions and attitude towards money and career differ too.
Some of my friends are going to study finance, economics or law, because they believe, that those professions will help them to find a good job and earn a lot of money.
Others are seeking for interesting occupations in life, which will make them happy, and not always they are well-paid. For example, traditionally, it’s difficult to enter Medical Academy. But, it’s a well-known fact, that a doctor is not a well-paid job in Russia. The same with teachers and scientists.

3. Затем вам следует изложить точку зрения ваших оппонентов, и объяснить, почему они пришли к такому выводу.

But many people suppose that modern teenagers have no other interests, besides making money and career. They see youngsters, fussing around and trying to earn or get as much money as possible. Also, there are a lot of talks around, how and where to get money. It producers the impression of only one issue, people are interested in: money.

Surely, money plays a great role in our life, but nevertheless, for majority of young people their real interests, such as painting, sport, sciences, and many others are much more important. I know it from my example, and from the example of my friends.

4. И, последнее, вывод. Он должен вытекать из всего вышесказанного.

In conclusion, I would like to say, that very few people are ready to work hard long hours, if a job is not interesting, you will not be able to do it. And most young people understand it very well, and do many different things, and have many different interests.

Пожалуйста, напишите мне, если эта статья показалась вам полезной или у вас есть вопросы по подготовке эссе для ЕГЭ.

Если вам или вашим детям предстоит сдать ЕГЭ, почитаете так же другие мои записи на тему этого экзамена, а так же разборы различных эссе.

Близкие записи:

§ Подготовка к экзамену ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Как научиться писать эссе?

§ Пример эссе к экзамену ЕГЭ по аглийскому языку

§ Как подготовиться к разделу «Говорение» в ЕГЭ по английскому?

§ Как подготовиться к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку?


You have recieved a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tim who writes ...At school we are doing projects on Public holidays in different countries. Could you tell me what holidays you celebrate in Russia and how you do it? As for me I have passed all my exams and am getting ready for my summer holidays... Write a letter to Tim. In your letter - answer his questions - ask 3 questions about the plans for his summer holidays   Moscow Russia 23.11.2009 Dear Tim, Thank you for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you. I'm sorry for haven't been writing you for a long time. I was preparing for my exams. As for Russia, there are lots of different holidays, such as New Year, Christmas, Country Defendant's Day*, International women's Day and so on. For example, every year on the 31 of December my mum cooks delicious meals, my daddy and I decorate our Christmas tree. At 10 pm we gather together and at five minutes before New Year everybody listen to President's speech. Then we wish each other great year and give presents. By the way, where are you going to spend your summer holidays? What do you think about a trip to Russia? Will you spend holidays with your parents or with friends? Anyway, I have to go now as I'm helping my Dad in the shop. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Write back soon! Best wishes, Dima  
Последним заданием в письменной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку является написание эссе. Размер сочинения должен составлять 200-250 слов, а его структура должна быть следующей: введение (с формулировкой проблемы), собственное мнение (включая 2-3 аргумента), противоположное мнение по проблеме (включая 1-2 аргумента), причина несогласия с противоположным мнением и заключение. При выполнении данного задания вы можете использовать готовые эссе по английскому языку, которые представлены ниже (со шпаргалками).



§ Pocket money

Comment on the following statement.

A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible with money. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need.

Do you think that being given pocket money teaches teenagers anything?

Write 200-250 words


Do you think that being given pocket money teaches teenagers anything?




Write 200-250 words

Use the following plan:

1. Introduction. (State the problem)

2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.

3. Give other people's arguments and explain why they are wrong.

4. Make a conclusion

§ Pocket money

Do you think that being given pocket money teaches teenagers anything?   Some people think that teenagers become more responsible and sensible getting pocket money. Others claim that young people can not deal with money and believe they waste it on useless things. I would like to express my opinion on this situation. I think that pocket money helps teenagers to learn how to plan their budget. There are a lot of things they want to spend their money on, but the amount of money is limited. Moreover, teenagers get information about the cost of living. It helps them to realize what kind of job to choose in future to earn enough money for everything they want to get. On the other hand, many people say that teenagers waste money. I do not agree with this statement, because we spend a lot of money on food as most of us spend our time at school or courses. We spend money on clothes because looking smart and fashionable is very important today. We pay for mobile phones and the Internet. However, some people argue that teenagers have no idea of how difficult money is earned. I disagree, because many teenagers have part time jobs and realize that to make good money they have to be hardworking, reliable and intelligent. All things considered, there are two points of view on this problem. I believe that parents should give teenagers pocket money because sensible spending of it teaches them a lot of.



Nowadays, being an interpreter is one of the most prestigious occupations. A lot of young people dream of becoming an interpreter, that’s why they study foreign languages very actively. Many of them achieve a good level of competence.

But, in my opinion, not everyone who has learned a foreign language can work as an interpreter. Firstly, an interpreter should not only be an expert in languages, but also have a thorough knowledge of other aspects of life. His work is not confined only to one subject. The work of interpreters is unpredictable. For example, they work at a motor show on one day and take part at a socio-political forum on the other one. Interpreters should know everything in general outline and command a large vocabulary. Secondly, in addition to intellectual facilities, the psyche of an interpreter should be very stable. As is often the case, interpreters work in hospitals. Here they see blood, pain, and suffering. If they can’t stand it all, they will hardly do their job well. Besides, the psyche of interpreters must be very flexible when the matter concerns a simultaneous translation. Interpreters should control several simultaneous processes: listening, comprehension, putting the information into a target language. Great mastery is required of interpreters in this kind of work. Thirdly, I think, interpreters should be physically strong to work under much stress. For example, they must endure foreign climate of both tropical and northern countries.

However, there are people who consider just speaking a foreign language to be enough for the work of an interpreter. They guess that it is the language that is the hardest thing to master. But I don’t share their point of view. Learning a foreign language can be easy if properly done. But having specific abilities required in interpreting is not a sure thing.

To sum it up, if you want to be an interpreter you’d better concentrate on both learning a foreign language and becoming a comprehensively developed person


As is well known, going in for sport is extremely health-giving. However, many professional athletes suffer from diseases caused by intense exercises.

Nice shape, great stamina, bulging muscles are the dreams of most people. These dreams may come true thanks to sport. Practice showed that strenuous activity is the most important stimulant of all the physiological functions of a man’s organism. This is a pledge of a successful development of mind and body. Regular exercises strengthen central nervous system, contribute to health and temper, making people strong-willed, purposeful, and active.

As any phenomenon of our life, sport has its reverse. It can do much harm to your health if using a wrong method. If a boy does exhaustive exercises every day trying to build up his muscles he just undermines his health, but not strengthens it. If a girl spares no effort to be fit doing everyday exercises she will hardly accomplish the purpose. Improper training will ruin your health.

To sum it up, there is no doubt that sport is healthy if reasonably done. If exercises are too much for you to bear they just kill you. But working out under instruction of a good coach is very wholesome.



The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Still, it is considered to be dangerous to many people.

Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.

In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everybody, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.

Notwithstanding the advantages, the Internet implies serious risks. I think that dating websites pose a real risk to the teenagers. On the one hand, dating websites give you a chance to find a friend who you have much in common with. On the other hand, your new friend may turn out not to be a person you’d like to communicate with. What is more, it is quite possible that your new friend is a criminal. Such contacts may be very dangerous to you. Another grave disadvantage of the Internet is the presence of much information that can hurt your your psyche and even body. I mean pornography, publication of possible ways of suicide or buying and taking drugs.

In my opinion, the quality of information must be one of the top national priorities. It is necessary to pass laws to prevent harmful information from spreading. Much needs to be done to enforce the laws. Internet providers should have a concern in the quality of information being transmitted through their channels.

To sum it up, modern people are in great need of the Internet. But strong measures must be taken to protect them from bad information. If such measures are taken, the Internet will be safe.



Well-developed industry ensures the well-being of the whole country and its citizens. But industrial growth is often followed by aggravation of environmental problems.

Industrial development plays a large role in prosperity of any country. I doubt whether the country could do without leading industries, such as: heavy and light industry, power engineering, extractive industry, heavy engineering, chemical industry, etc. Very often the welfare of the whole city depends on stability and efficiency of one factory.

But such an intense development adversely affects the environment. For instance, oil production is one of the most important industries all over the world. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine our life without oil. But its extraction results in terrible problems: ground depression in places of oil extraction, its pouring out into the great oceans. Air photography shows that one third of sea surface is covered with an oil slick causing mass destruction of sea fauna and birds.

In addition to oil production, chemical industry is another destructive factor. Chemical factories pollute air, water and soil. Tons of poisonous gases like carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, hydrocarbon are emitted every day.

No doubt mankind can’t help making industrial progress. But we should begin to think about prevention of disastrous damage our industrial flourishing does to our fragile nature. Factories should constantly improve their cleaning machinery to lessen toxicity of their emissions.



Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 355; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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