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Министерство высшего и среднего специального образования Российской


Омский государственный технический университет




ОМСК – 2001

Part I

Indefinite Tenses. The Active Voice

The Present Indefinite Tense

Информация I

Глаголы в форме настоящего времени группы Indefinite представляют действие как факт и употребляются для выражения обычных, повторяющихся регулярных действий, происходя­щих вообще в настоящее время.

С глаголами в Present Indefinite часто употребляются наречия неопределенного времени: often - часто, seldom – редко, always – всегда, never – никогда, sometimes - ино­гда, usually – обычно


Спряжение глаголов в Present Indefinite

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

1 (you, we, they) Work live study Do 1 (you, we, they) work live study
Не (she, it) Works lives studies Does he (she, it) work live study

Отрицательная форма

I (you, we, they) do not work live study He (she, it) does not work live study


На русский язык глаголы Present Indefinite переводятся глаголом в настоящем времени.

Мы живем                                     Он живет

Они работают                               Она работает

Вы учитесь                                    учится


I. Прочтите и переведите предложения, в которых глагол в Present Indefinite .


A . Students get books from the library. They often work in the reading hall. Librarians help them to take necessary books. Masters of science deliver lectures. Teachers give practical lessons. Students organize evening parties. They take part in social work.

B. Social work makes our life more interesting and useful. Peter Smirnov likes social work. He works as a trade union leader. His friend Alex helps him. He often speaks to students, asks them about their interests, organizes evening parties and discussions. He gets satisfaction (удовлетворение) from his work.


II. Прочтите текст. Укажите в каждом предложении сказуемое. Обратите внимание на тот факт, что при подлежащем в единственном числе глагол имеет окончание «s», во множественном числе окончание «s» имеет имя существительное.


  подлежащее сказуемое
единственное число - s
множественное число s -


Mike and Victor live in the town of Petropavlovsk. They study at school. Both of them like phys­ics and mathematics and devote much time to these subjects because they want to continue their stud­ies. Mike wants to become an engineer of electronics. He wants to work with computing machines and other electronics devices. He reads much about the achievements in the field of radio and electrical en­gineering as well as about electronics and computing machines. As Victor, he wants to become an of­ficer. He wants to enter the higher military school and devote his life to the service in the Russian Army as a military engineer of electronics. The friends work much with the subjects at school, read many books and try not to miss and popular lecture on the problems of modern engineering.


III. Поставьте глаголы в данных предложениях в Present Indefinite .


A. My brother (to study) at school. He (to study) well. He (to like) mathematics and physics. He (to help) his friend Victor. Victor (to know) history and literature well, but he (to need) help in physics and mathematics. He (to do) his best to master these subjects.

B. we (to live) and (to work) in a large industrial center. The plants and factories of our town (to produce) machines and instruments. The plants (to fulfil) their plans and (to supply) their products to different parts of our country. The workers often (to go) to different cities and (to exchange) experi­ence. Specialists from other enterprises often (to come) to the plants of our town.

C. (meet - meets)

They ... in our institute students club very often. Peter ... his friends in our students club very of­ten.

(work - works)

We usually ... in the day time. He ... in the laboratory.

(know - knows)

He ... you well. His friends ... mathematics well.

(play - plays)

Many people ... tennis in summer. My friend ... tennis every day.

(like - likes)

He ... popular science films. We ... this new town.

(speak - speaks)

This woman ... Russian well. We ... English at our English lessons.


IV. Постройте вопросительную и отрицательную форму предложений по модели.


do    подлеж. live

does подлеж. work

1. We live in a new house. 2. Peter works at the plant

подлежащее         do           not         work

подлежащее         does        not         live

1. This plant produces computers.

2. Students take part in the conference.


V. Задайте вашему другу вопросы, пусть он даст на них ответы. Используйте данные глаголы, схему вопросов и модель

to leave home at 7 o'clock; to get to the institute by bus; to wash with cold water; to do morning exercises; to read for seminars in the reading hall.

do you

глагол без окончания - s

does he


Where do you

When does he

Модель :      to work at the plant

Do you work at the plant?                 I don't work at the plant.

Where do you work?                         I work at the institute.


The Past Indefinite Tense

Информация 2

Глаголы в форме прошедшего времени группы Indefinite ( Past Indefinite ) представляют действие как факт и употребляются для выражения обычных, повторяющихся действий в про­шлом.

По форме образования Past Indefinite английские глаголы подразделяются на стандарт­ные, принимающие окончание - ed (worked [t], answered [d], translated [id]), и нестандартные. образующие Past Indefinite путем чередования звуков в корне (to write - wrote, to see - saw, to take - took). Их вы найдете в таблице неправильных глаголов.

С глаголами в Past Indefinite часто употребляются наречия и обстоятельные обороты yes­terday - вчера, last week - на прошлой неделе, ago - тому назад, in 1960 - в 1960.


I. Прочитайте следующие группы стандартных глаголов в Past Indefinite. Следите за правиль­ным произношением окончания «ed».

[d] stayed, answered, formed, trained, listened, opened, lived, returned.

[id] translated, lasted, listed, wanted, decided, visited, tested, planted.

[t] finished, discussed, worked, asked, thanked, looked, liked, pressed.


II. Распределите глаголы на две группы (а - правильные глаголы, b -неправильные глаголы). Запишите их в Past Indefinite, пользуясь таблицей неправильных глаголов:

to invite, to bring, to translate, to show, to make, to meet, to spend, to discuss, to examine, to re­turn, to do, to send, to write, to occupy, to build, to see, to go, to want, to employ, to mention, to de­liver, to continue, to plan, to begin, to get, to come, to train. Составьте таблицу неправильных глаголов и ведите ее.


Ш. Прочтите и переведите предложения, в которых глагол - сказуемое в Past Indefinite:


Last year when Nick went to Moscow, he visited many museums. He saw a lot of places of inter­ests. First he went to the History and Lenin Museum because he wanted to see the documents speaking about the history of our Russia. He read many letters, looked at photos of famous revolutionaries, their personal things and saw cinema documents. Then he visited fine arts museums where he admired (восхищаться) masterpieces of famous painters and thought about the great role of arts in our life.


IV. Поставьте глаголы в предложениях в Past Indefinite, подберите к каждому предложению обстоятельство


last week (month, year), two weeks ago, many years ago, in 1980, yesterday.


1. We (to take part) in the conference.......

2. Komsomol members (to organize) discussion.......

3. My sister (to study) French.......

4. She (to get) letters from her French friend.......

5. My father (to graduate) from the institute.......

6. He (to deliver) lectures on physics at the Technical University .......Now he works at the plant.

7. He (to publish) a number of articles in a scientific journal …….


V. Задайте вашему товарищу вопросы в Past Indefinite . Пусть он на них ответит. Используйте данные глаголы, схему вопросов и модели

Did you        глагол в I форме......?

When did you         глагол в I форме......?

Where did you   глагол в I форме......?


Модель : to go to the dining room after classes.


Did you go to the dining room after classes?

When did you go to the dining room?

Where did you go after classes?


I went to the dining room after classes.

I did not go to the dining room after classes.

I went to the library after classes.


to read for a seminar - готовиться к семинару

to discuss a new book - обсуждать новую книгу

to test a new device - испытывать новый прибор

to leave school - закончить школу

to invite friends - приглашать друзей

to visit the fine arts museum - посетить музей изобразительного искусства

to listen to classical music - слушать классическую музыку

The Future Indefinite Tense

Информация 3


Формы Future Indefinite образуются при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall (I ли­цо), will (2, 3 лицо) и первой формы глагола без частицы to.


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I       shall, work We You Не She           will, work It They Shall    I     work?                we you he Will       she   work? it they I         shall not work We You  He She           will not work It They


С глаголами в форме Future Indefinite часто употребляются наречия и обстоятельствен­ные обороты tomorrow , in a week ( month ) - через неделю (месяц), next week ( month ) — на сле­дующей неделе (месяце); in 1990.


Переведите следующие предложения, имеющие сказуемое в Future Indefinite.

1. Bill will graduate from the institute next year. 2. I shall do what I want. 3. Shall we dance at the party? 4. There will be many people at the party. 5. Will you also come? 6. Will Hellen sing songs? 7.I think we shall have a good time.


Задайте общие вопросы к данным предложениям


1. Не will work in the Urals. 2. Peter will be busy next Sunday. 3. We shall begin to work at 8 o'clock next week. 4. He will go to the plant by bus. 5. Your brother will help you tomorrow. 6. She will be able to do this work in time.


Поставьте глаголы в данных предложениях в Future Indefinite


1. We (to work) hard to make our city one of the most beautiful cities in Siberia.

2. There (to be) still more green parks and squares in our city.

3. Our city (to become) one of the best - planned cities of the world.

4. The new bus routes (маршруты) (to pass) near our house.

5. Our city (to look like) a modern cultural one.

Глагол «to be»

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I   am, was He She         is, was It   We You        are, were They   Am, was  I                 he Is, was          she                 It                 we Are, were you                 they I am not, was not He She  is not (isn’t), was not It We You  are not, were not They


Информация 4:

Пользуясь соответствующей формой глагола to be, можно построить утвердительные и отрицательные предложения для обозначения

местонахождения предмета или лица

Я нахожусь в институте. I am at the institute.

Мои друзья в спортзале. My friends are in the sport hall;

Фамилии, имени

Моя фамилия Петров. My surname is Petrov.

Меня зовут Николаем. My name is Nick;


Мне 18 лет. I am 18. Моему отцу 45. My father is 45;

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