


1. What is a dam?

2. What is the common use of a dam?

3. Do you think that dams are interesting for tourists to visit? Why?

4. Study the meaning of the word ‘sundial’:

 ‘Sundial’ = a device used outdoors, especially in the past, for telling the time

             when the sun is shining.

Do you believe that a dam can be a sundial?


Watch the video and answer the following questions:

5. What country is this dam situated in?

6. Why is the dam considered to be an interesting place to visit?

7. How is the time shown?

8. Which colour is used for a.m. hours; which is for p.m. hours?

9. What time range can be seen on the dam?

10. What is the aim of this ambitious project?


11. Make up your own comments on what you have just seen. Would you like to visit the place? Why?




1. What is a dam?

2. What is the common use of a dam?


Watch the video and answer the following questions:

3. Where is the dam situated?

4. What does this dam provide?

5. Who and what is the speaker?

6. Is he for or against new dams? Why?


7. Which of the above mentioned aims of a dam is the most important one? Why?




1. Where do people construct dams?

2. What for is this usually done?

3. What is the common use of a dam?

4. What problems may a construction of a dam provide?

5. Do you know the following words? Study the meaning of the words: “displacement’, ‘debate’, ‘income’.


Watch the video and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:33

6. Where is this picturesque place situated?

7. What kind of construction is shown in the track?

8. How far are these two places from each other?

9. What is the problem of the construction?

00:34 – 00:51

10. Why is the Chinese family shown in the track?

11. How big is the family?

12. How big is their place of living at the moment?

00:52 – 01:00

13. What does Ma Guoming think about the project?

01:01 - 01:26

14. How many dams are going to be built along the river?

01:27 – 01:57

15. Is compensation given quickly to the people?

16. How much is the compensation given?

17. How many residents were moved from their places of living?

02:11 – 02:27

18. Complete the following phrase: “No land means no …… and that …… an uncertain ……“


19. Comment on the problem discussed in the track.





1. What is a canal?

2. Which famous canals do you remember?

3. Do you know the following words? Study the meaning of the following words:

“marvel” = something that is wonderful or that surprises you.

“lock” = a part of a canal where the level of water changes. Locks have gates at each end and are used to allow boats to move to a higher or lower level.

“to appreciate” = to enjoy something or to understand the value of something.


Watch the video and answer the following questions:

4. What is the name of the Canal? Complete the heading.

5. What part of the world is the Canal situated in?

6. How long is the Canal?

7. What oceans are mentioned in the track? Why?

8. What is the height that the ships are raised?

9. Where exactly is the Miraflores Lock situated?

10. What is special about this Lock?

11. Who was this film made by?


12. Would you like to appreciate the process of ship passing through the lock?








1. Try to remember everything you know about the Panama Canal.


2. Watch the two videos. Try to understand any other facts about the Canal.


3. Summarize everything you know about the Canal and make a report to the class.




Part I

What types of energy do you know?

2. What is used to:

- provide light

- power an old-fashioned clock

- heat buildings

- drive a car

- power a modern watch

- recharge batteries

- ride a bicycle

* (“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 16, pg.18, ex.1)


Read the following text quickly and choose the correct answers to the questions below.


Trevor Baylis is

  a a doctor
  b a TV presenter
  c an inventor

The text is about

  a radios
  b a clever idea
  c Africa


  In 1991, Trevor Baylis saw a television programme about people in Africa with AIDS. A doctor in the programme said he wanted to give everyone in his country information about the illness but very few people had televisions or radios. The problem was that radios were very expensive because the batteries cost more than a week’s food for a family. Trevor Baylis had a clever idea: a clockwork radio that didn’t need batteries. He designed and developed a mechanism where the energy stored in a wound up spring could be used to drive a generator to power the radio. He also added a panel to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Trevor Baylis’ environmentally-friendly radio has won lots of awards. The technology can be used in anything that needs batteries and it is perfect for countries where electrical power is unreliable or very expensive. The wind-up technology is now used in the new generation of Apple e-Mate computers.  

* (the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 16, pg.18, ex.3)

4. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following expressions:

- …проблема заключалась в том, что…

- …стоили дороже, чем…

- …еженедельный рацион одной семьи…

- … интересная идея…

- …радио, основанное на принципе работы часового механизма…

- …разработал и претворил в жизнь…

- …привести в действие…

- …превращать энергию…

- …не причиняющее вред окружающей среде…

- … может быть использовано…

- …это идеально для…

- …новое поколение компьютеров…


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