Exercise 2. Match these words with their definitions below.


The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.

G. Santayana


Exercise 1. Watch the video showing the relationship between different members of the family and an explanation of the different vocabulary associated with them: http://www.vocabulary.cl/english/family-members.htm


Look through the vocabulary. Remember the following words and phrases

FAMILY and RELATIVES name (first name) patronymic, middle name surname (second name, family name, last name) namesake maiden name to call by first name to call smb after to get acquainted with I was called after my father. AGE to be pregnant to expect a baby to be born to be in one’s “teens” to be of military age an elderly lady / man as old as the hills to look (much) older than FAMILY, COUPLE to be single to adopt to bring up (to raise) to be single step father/step mother in-laws RELATIONS to take after to resemble to have a strong resemblance to to be the image of (be a copy of/be a replica of) to inherit smth to descent from half sister(brother) MARRIAGE to date smb (to go out with smb) to make a date to fall in love to propose to smb to be engaged to smb to break one’s engagement fiancé (e) bride bridesmaid widow bachelor spouse honeymoon spinster to marry smb to marry for love to be married   имя отчество фамилия тезка девичье имя, фамилия называть по имени называть чьим-либо именем познакомиться меня назвали в честь отца   быть беременной ожидать ребенка родиться быть подростком (до 20 лет) быть призывного возраста пожилая женщина / мужчина старый как мир выглядеть (гораздо) старше, чем   быть холостяком удочерить, усыновить вырастить (воспитать) детей быть не женатым / не замужем отчим/мачеха родня со стороны мужа или жены   пойти в кого-либо быть похожим быть очень похожим на быть просто отражением кого-либо унаследовать что-либо происходить из сводная сестра (брат)   встречаться с кем-либо назначить свидание влюбиться сделать предложение быть помолвленным с кем-либо разорвать помолвку жених (невеста) после помолвки невеста подружка невесты вдова холостяк супруг, супруга медовый месяц старая дева выйти замуж за (жениться на) выйти замуж (жениться) по любви быть замужем (женатым)

For more information about Jobs and Occupation Vocabulary, look at: https://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/jobs.html ; https://study.com/academy/lesson/jobs-occupations-vocabulary-for-esl-list-exercises.html ; http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/vocabulary-lesson-jobs.php ; https://liteka.ru/ английский / лексика / слова - по - теме - семья


Exercise 2. Match these words with their definitions below.

1) half-sister; 2) stepfather; 3) in-lows; 5) engagement; 6) best man; 7) fiancée; 8) bride; 9) bridesmaid; 10) widow; 11) bachelor; 12) spouse; 13) honeymoon; 14) fiancé; 15) spinster

a)   a husband or a wife

b)   a man at the time he gets married, or just after he is married

c)   a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again

d)   a holiday taken by two people who have just got married

e)   an unmarried woman usually one who is no longer young and seems unlikely to get married

f)    the man who is married to your mother but who is not your father

g)   a man who has never been married

h)   a sister who is the daughter of only one of your parents

i)    your relatives by marriage, especially the father and mother of your husband or wife

j)    the woman whom a man is going to marry

k)   an agreement to marry someone

l)    the man who helps the bridegroom

m)  a woman at the time she gets or just after she is married

n)   the man whom a woman is going to marry

o)   a girl or a woman, usually unmarried, who helps the bride on her wedding day and is with her at the wedding


Exercise 3. Read, translate and retell the text. Name the Text.

Text I

Now I’d like to tell you a few words about my family. There are five people in my immediate family, although my extended family is quite large. My parents are not old at all. My father’s name is Anatolij Vladimirovich, he is a construction engineer. He is forty-five. My mother’s name is Marina Viktorovna and she is an elementary school teacher. She is forty-three, but she looks muchyounger. My parents are kind and always help us solve our problems. I have two sisters, Svetlana and Tatiana, both younger, so I’m the oldest child which always meant that I had extra responsibilities to keep an eye on the younger ones. Svetlana is sixteen and she is in the ninth form at school. She is fond of reading and her dream is to become a journalist. Tatjana is twelve. She likes cheerleading and she is very fond of animals and we keep many pets at home: a cat, a parrot, a goldfish and a hamster. But her dream is to have a dog.

My sister Tatiana looks like our father, she’s got fair hair and blue eyes. And my sister Svetlana looks like our mother, she’s got dark hair and brown eyes. I’m very close to my family. We have lunch together every weekend at my grandmother’s house. She always cooks something delicious. I try to spend as much time as possible with my relatives. We watch films or go to the park if the weather’s nice. I have a lot of other relatives, but they live in the central part of Russia, so we see them only in summer.

So, we are a happy family and we get on well together. I am not married yet, but I would like to have similar relationships in the family of my own.

Text vocabulary:

construction engineer – инженер-строитель;

immediate/ nuclear family (your parents and siblings (brothers and sisters) – малая семья; нуклеарная семья, семья, состоящая из родителей и детей;

extended family (all your relatives – uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) – расширенная семья (кроме родителей и детей, входят бабушки и дедушки, родные и двоюродные братья и сёстры, другие родственники);

distant relative (a person who is related to you by a long series of connections) – дальний родственник

to have a loving family or a close-knit family (family that has good relationships, where everyone loves each other and helps each other) – иметь дружную, сплоченную семью;

carefree childhood (you had nothing to worry about when you were young) –беззаботное детство;

to have responsibilities – иметь обязанности;

to keep an eye on someone / something – присмотреть за кем-то / чем-то;

to look like… – быть похожим на…;

as much time as possible – как можно больше времени;

get on well with someone – хорошо ладить с кем-то.


More information: Talking About Family: Cambridge or IELTS Speaking Exam // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0Qm_6qmQn0


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