Brine cheeses-historically the most ancient type of cheeses, which set the time of origin, even up to the century impossible. The story of the emergence of the brine, the cheese dates back several thousand years. It is believed that cheese is known to mankind as much time as milk. And Homo sapiens uses milk and dairy products for about 12 thousand years, already in the first book of recipes Marcus Capius Apicius in the I century ad included recipes from them. One of the well known ancient pickled cheeses, Caciocavallo originally from Italy.

A feature of brine cheeses is a high content of salt (3-7%), usually an increased amount of moisture (47-53%). Cheese mass in the production of brine cheese is always subjected to self-pressing, sometimes further pressing, maturation and storage, as a rule, occur in brine 18-20% concentration. When maturing cheese in brine suppresses the development of microorganisms on the surface, and then in the inner layers.

It is the maturation of the serum in anaerobic conditions with the maximum possible water activity that determines the level of hydrolysis of proteins, which gives a tangy taste to classic brine cheeses. The peculiarity of the variety of" drawn " cheeses is also the fact that due to the low acidity typical for this type of cheese (with high acidity, the cheese mass loses its ability to plasticize) , a relatively high probability of rancid taste due to the development of oily bacteria and other extraneous microorganisms.

However, brine cheeses in the light of modern achievements of technical Microbiology, biotechnology, nutritiology and cheese-making technology remain a practical object for the implementation of these innovations.

Over the long history of the brine to the cheese production of technical Microbiology of cheesemaking has reached fundamental understandings, what is the contribution of each pure culture fermentation of the microorganisms in the biochemical transformation of the curd, formation of the "cheese flower" and the risks associated with a possible decrease of its activity in connection with the problem of productive bacteriophage.

Known brine cheese mozzarella, Pasta Filat, Provolone, Feta, Tushinskaya, Vats, Cheese, Telemea, feta. Some cheeses are characterized by the stage of" pulling " the cheese mass, which allows to obtain cheeses of fibrous or layered structure. Brine cheeses are often produced soft or semi-hard. Sometimes " pulled "cheeses, which are also called "plastic", "fibrous", "cheeses of elongated clot", "Filat paste", some additional time ripen on the shelves, after which a crust is formed on their heads. Typical fibrous or layered structure in the process of maturation is converted to fine-grained, so Italian cheeses such as Provolone and Caciocavallo ripen to the stage of hard cheeses. For example, Provolone cheese, which can be of different sizes (from 0.5 to 100 kg in the form of pins, barrel, ball, pear, sausage, cylindrical, square, oblong, in the form of pigtails , etc.), each of which has its own name, contains from 58 to 64% dry matter, fat in dry matter 45%. In Provolone cheeses, an antibiotic urotropin is added, which in an acidic medium is slowly hydrolyzed to formaldehyde, which is a preservative. In long ripened cheese Provalone formaldehyde content should not exceed 25 mg/kg. Europe has rich traditions of cheese production group Provalone. Do Bulgarian mozzarella, kasar, Greek and Turkish kasseri Cheese of Panini, Scottish Dunlop, English Derby.

The influence of Italian traditions on the American continent was manifested, in particular, in cheeses, Asadero (Mexico), Queso, Enredo (Honduras), Queso de RERA (Colombia).

The high protein content in these cheeses allows nutritionists to classify them as functional food products of the group: products with improved protein composition. For example, mozzarella contains all the essential amino acids, without which it is impossible to synthesize the necessary protein substances. The content of essential amino acids in this cheese is for tryptophan (65% daily value), isoleucine (57%), valine (50%), leucine and threonine (40%), methionine (29%), lysine (24%), phenylalanine (23%).

The main defects arising in the manufacture of cheeses of this group are: rancid taste and the appearance of voids and cracks in the cheese test under the influence of butyric bacteria Сlostridium tirobutiricum, off-flavors under the influence of salt-tolerant technically harmful microorganisms, swelling of the cheese mass under the influence of bacteria of group of intestinal sticks. There is also the growth of red or yellow mold Oidium, the defeat of the crust with ticks. The development of technically harmful microorganisms takes place parallel to paralisis starter microflora. The disadvantage of these and other brine cheeses is the inability to technologically provide an explicit or hidden (partial) phagolysis used in the production of starter cultures without the use of antibiotics, which in 15% of cases leads to a decrease in the quality of cheeses, the appearance of defects.

If the fermentation of cheese mass involves the native lactic acid microflora of raw milk, this is an additional factor in preventing phagolysis-which is possible, however, only in conditions of impeccable quality of milk. Another solution is the pasteurization of raw materials and the use of microbiological processes in the production of cheese using two different starter cultures: one – for the maturation of milk, the second – to obtain rennet-acid clot and cheese maturation.

In the developed technology for the production of brine cheese, as a feedstock, a milk mixture normalized with the protein content in the milk is used. the mixture is subjected to maturation at 16-20°C for 12-14 hours until it reaches acidity of 24-27°T with an activated ferment (concentrate) from lactic acid cultures Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Leuconostoc lactis (BK-Uglich-4).

Then pasteurization of the milk mixture is carried out, cooling to a coagulation temperature of 37-39 ᵒ C, a solution of calcium chloride (in the form of a 10% solution), 1-2% of the starter culture including Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermani in a ratio of 1:1: 0,2 and milk product as 2-2,5% solution.

After coagulation the milk mixture, the resulting clot is cut into cubes, carried out the production of the grain to pH 6.3, then the curds with the serum serves to shape conduct chedderizatsii in the serum, and the Mature layer is cut into cubes and sent to the melting, the molten mass is molded, the salting of cheese in brine is carried out at conditions optimal for the ripening of the cheese 15-16, up to mass fractions of sodium chloride 3,0 -3,2% whey to a pH of 5.4, then, a form of pale malt, packaging and labeling of cheese.

Part of the main ferment Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermani is one of the most important probiotic cultures of propionic acid bacteria living in the human intestine.

Propionic acid bacteria exhibit antagonistic properties against pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

Classic propionic acid bacteria have unique immunomodulatory and antimutagenic properties, they take root in the human intestine and are able to reduce the genotoxic effect of a number of chemical compounds it is Known that the positive role of propionic acid bacteria as probiotics is due to the formation of propionic acid, minor organic acids, bacteriocins and enzymes, as well as the synthesis of a large amount of vitamin B12. They develop better without access to air. In milk, propionic acid bacteria develop slowly — they roll it usually after 5-7 days. The maximum acidity formed by these bacteria in milk to 160-170 °C. with the development of milk in propionic acid bacteria can use both milk sugar and lactic acid or its salts. With the formation of propionic acid. In cheeses, which are subject to rapid implementation and consumption, propionic acid bacteria do not have time to develop enough to affect the figure. However, the release of Proline contributes to the formation of cheese sweet taste.

If lactococcal often find strains-antagonists of propionic acid bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus and the vast majority of lactobacilli are related to the strains compatible with Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermani.

Streptococcus thermophilus Streptococcus thermophilus is an active kislotoobrazoutei, with the optimum for most strains, temperature development and acid production from 39 to 46 ᵒС ᵒС. Minimum temperature possible development 18 ᵒС. Growing at 50 ᵒС, but not growing, with 53 ᵒС. Provides a bactericidal effect against technically harmful, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. The temperatures of the second heating for large hard cheeses are at the level of the maximum or slightly higher than the maximum for the growth of thermophilic Streptococcus. Due to resistance to high temperatures Streptococcus thermophilus has found application in the manufacture of these hard cheeses of high and medium temperature heat as mozzarella, Provolone, etc. Introduction Streptococcus thermophilus in cheeses produced chedderizatsii cheese mass, speeds up the process. For cheese-making is taken primarily galactocerebrosidase non-viscous strains, whereas for yoghurt production preference is given to the viscous strains. Moderate formation of thermophilic Streptococcus polysaccharides makes low-fat cheeses less dry for organoleptic sensation. Thermophilic Streptococcus stimulates the development of propionic acid cultures and lactobacilli in joint development.

Mesophilic lactobacilli (lactobacilli) are highly resistant to heat treatment: at 65 ° C for 30 minutes.withstand more than 90% of strains. The minimum growth temperature for the strains bolshinstva – 10 ᵒС. The main function of mesophilic lactobacilli is to ferment the remaining energy sources at the end of maturation, if they have remained by this time, so that they do not get foreign microflora.

Among the mesophilic lactobacilli Lactobacillus plantarum many strains have antagonism against molds, yeasts, butyric acid bacteria.

Mesophilic and thermophilic lactobacilli is not sensitive to bacteriophages lactococcal and thermophilic Streptococcus. Thus, lactose is fermented faster successively by Lactococcus during milk maturation, thermophilic Streptococcus during grain setting, molding, lactobacilli and propionic acid microorganisms during maturation.

Thus, a symbiotic consortium of syroprigodnogo strains of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermani has probiotic potential at all levels: nutritional value and metabolic activity; antagonistic activity to technically harmful pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, cellular and humoral immunity. The current state of evidence-based medicine using double-blind placebo-controlled study allows to select strains of these cultures with enhanced probiotic effect.

Polydextrose (water-soluble dietary fibers) gives additional functional properties to the product. Polydextrose is made from natural products, has a low content of calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, effectively prevents constipation, hypertension, diabetes, a disease with a high content of lipids in the blood, regulates lipid metabolism in the human body, reduces cholesterol in the blood, removes toxins from the human body and improves the skin. Its energy value is only 1 kcal / g, i.e. 4 times less than sugar.

Polydextrose has a highly branched structure, it is a less accessible substrate for intestinal microflora compared to other prebiotic fibers and is utilized gradually and evenly. Therefore, the level of Polydextrose tolerability compared to other prebiotics is quite high. It is noted that even with a one-time reception of even 50 g of Polydextrose in the human body there are no adverse events.

An application was filed for the invention of soft semi-fat brine cheese with a high level of lactic fermentation. The technical result of the invention consists in improving the quality of the finished product, in intensifying technological processes, increasing the range of brine cheeses having increased functional, including probiotic and prebiotic properties.


Новое слово в науке и образовании, г. Минск, сентябрь 2018

В.Н. Самотокина  магистрант 2 курса ф-та технологии молока, Г.Н. Забегалова, к.т.н., ,

научн. рук. И.С. Полянская

Вологодская ГМХА,г. Вологда


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