The Lumumba Friendship University

       1 The Lumumba Friendship University was founded on September 2, 1960 in Moscow. It is one of the youngest Universities in Russia and the only one of this kind.

        2 Young men and women irrespective of nationality, race, political conviction and religion from a number of countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and from Russia enter the University every year. The students who do not know Russian do it for one year at the Preparatory Department. They study not only Russian, but also History, Geography, Physics, Mathematics and other science subjects in Russian.

        3 After a year of studies at the Preparatory Department students can study at the departments of Engineering, Madicine, Agriculture, History and Philology, Economics and Law, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The course of studies lasts four years but it is five years at the Department of Medicine. The academic year is devided into two terms and students take terminal exams at the end of each term.  State exams are held at the end of the full course of studies.

        4 The tuition is free. Students are provided with everything they need to do well. They have spacious lecture-halls, well-equipped laboratories with the most up-to-date technical devices and teaching aids, and a good library as well. The University is staffed by highly qualified professors and lecturers.

        5 Foreign students enjoy the same rights as the Russian students. All of them get grants. They live in comfortable halls and have everything at their disposal. The students may join scientific societies. Experienced tutors help them in research work. The Lumumba Friendship University trains highly qualified specialists.


Задание VIII . Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. When was the Lumumba Friendship University founded?

2. What students study there? 3. What subjects do the students take? 4. What departments are there at the University? 5. What study conditions are the university students provided with?


Вариант № 6


Задание I . Образуйте, где возможно, множественное число существительных; переведите на русский язык:

       Eraser, bookcase, map, oil, paint, brush, academy, scarf, storey, pencil-box.

Задание II . Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на притяжательную форму существительных:

1. English teachers’ spasious classrooms on the third floor;

2. the magazine’s fassionable office;

3. the company’s top manager;

4. India’s export trade;

5. Mr. Forester’s new job

.Задание III . Употребите прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужной форме (сравнительной или превосходной степени); переведите на русский язык:

       1. Mrs Somova is the (intelligent) teacher I’ve ever met. 2. Winter is the (cold) season of the year. 3. The chemical plant is the (modern) in our town. 4. Two heads are (good) than one. 5. Graduates are (busy) than first-year students.

Задание IV . а) Напишите словами следующие количественные числительные:

       17, 24, 588, 3.475, 21, 99, 1000, 15.478.234, 13, 30;

               б) Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя порядковые числительные:

       первый курс, пятидесятый тест, пятый доклад, сто сорок четвёртая аудитория, третий этаж, второй корпус.


Задание VII . Прочтите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык:


       1 At last the long awaited day came when Rudolf had to present his graduation project for a power engineer's diploma. The members of the State Examination Board listened attentively to Rudolf's explanations. He was a student at an evening section of the power engineering department of the Riga Polytechnical Institute.

        2 “What prompted you in the choice of your diploma work?” the chairman asked. “The experience of my own work”, Rudolf answered.

        3 Rudolf had come to the enterprise as an ordinary fitter after leaving school. He had a thirst for knowledge, and soon understood that he could not become a qualified worker without specialized study.

        4 So he entered the evening department of the Riga electromechanical secondary school. Before long he realized how helpful was the theoretical knowledge he received. He started to apply this knowledge to his work and developed very rapidly.

        5 When he graduated from the technical school, he decided to go on studying and so, year after year, he worked in the daytime and studied at the institute, in the evening. Many temptations had to be overcome - even visits to cinemas and theatres were rare. But today Rudolf is happy. He has passed his graduation examinations with honours and has become a qualified engineer. Rudolf says that even now he is not going to stop studying, but plans to take a post-graduate course.


Задание VIII . Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту:


       1. What educational institution did Rudolf graduate from? 2. What was Rudolf? 3. Why did he enter the Institute? 4. Where did he study before entering the Institute? 5. What are Rudolf's plans for future?



Вариант № 7


Задание I . Образуйте, где возможно, множественное число существительных; переведите на русский язык:

       Gas, nitrogen, furnace, scrap, factory, phenomenon, story, roof, postman, tooth.

 Задание II . Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на притяжательную форму существительных:

1. shareholders’ meeting;

2. my chief’s opinion;

3. Gasprom’s far reaching aims;

4. students’ thick note-books;

5. Russian government’s decision.


Задание III . Употребите прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужной форме (сравнительной или превосходной степени); переведите на русский язык:

1. (Good) late than never. 2. Linda is the (hard-working) girl in our group. 3. Detective stories are the (interesting) I’ve ever read. 4. The rolling mill plays (important) part at our plant than any other shops. 5. A first-year student is (busy) than a schoolboy.

Задание IV . а) Напишите словами следующие количественные числительные:

       97, 34, 6.739, 15.479, 88, 13, 30, 178.479, 14, 38;

               б) Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя порядковые числительные:

       двадцатый билет, двухсотый эксперимент, второй экзамен, пятнадцатое задание, тридцать первое января, пятый дом.

Задание VII . Прочтите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык:


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