VII. Выберите правильный вариант .

1. a) Who speaks so loudly over there?

b) Who is speaking so loudly over there?

c) Who is saying so loudly over there?

2. a) It's such wonderful news, thank you.

b) It's so wonderful news, thank you.

c) It's such a wonderful news, thank you.

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой коло­нок.

1. Thank you for the lift.                                a. Not in the least.

2. Would you mind calling later?                     b. Here you are.

3. Could you lend me your pen for a moment?  c. Not at all.



I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре-иенной форме.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Flint (to intend)___________to visit their son's school

tomorrow. When they (to get) -----------there, they (to see)

__________the headmaster first.

2. When I (to talk)_______________with my friend at the party last

night I. (to ask) _______him where his cousin Freddy (to be)

________I (to tell) _________that he (to leave) ___________

for Leeds and (to come)____________ back in a month.

3. — You ever (to talk)_______________to your teacher about your

grades, Jim?

— Yes, I (to talk) _______________to her several times. In fact

I (to talk) _______________to her about it after class yesterday

when you (to wait) _______________ for me outside.

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Jack comes from ... United Kingdom of ... Great Britain. That's ... official name of ... country, but there are ... other names for it. He lives in ... Highlands, which are in ... northern part of the country.

Jack is ... friend from ... school. In fact he is ... best friend I have from there.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необхо­димо.

1. They arrived ... London ... the 14th ... April and left ... Oxford ... June. They will be back only ... a month.

2. What was the reason ... his absence?

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. do/forA/there/afraid/isn't'l/you/anything/am/else/can.

2. you/leave/the/for/do/time/want/to/airport/what?

3. wasn't/at/teacher/asked/our/me/why/my/working/desk/I.

V. Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Diana is leaving the party at the Simpsons' house. She is talking to Mr. Simpson.

S: ___________________________________________________

D: Thank you. You needn't give me a lift.

S: __________________________._________________________

D: The bus will take me straight to my house.

S: ___________________________________________________

D: About an hour.


D: My son Terry will meet me at the bus-stop.

S: ______________________________________________________

D: No. Our house is just round the corner.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб­ках.

1. These days people buy ( меньше )__________newspapers than they

used to.

2. Will you give me ( другую )_________cup of tea?

3. It turned out they hadn't heard from them ( тоже ) __________

4. He doesn't have ( никого )____________to talk to.

5. I'd like to ( поднять )_________some more questions.

6. She ( имеет обыкновение )__________to working late.

7. He saved money, but never kept ( их )_________in the bank.

8. ( Ни один )_______of the two brothers followed their father's career.

VII. Выберите правильный вариант .

1. a) It was still light and we hadn't to hurry.

b) It was still light and we had to hurry.

c) It was still light and we didn't have to hurry.

2. a) Why are you so angry for me?

b) Why are you so angry with me?

c) Why are you so angry on me?

VIII. Соедините по смыслу фразы из левой и правой колонок.

1. Shall we go out?                              a. Yes, I'd love to.

2. Would you like to come with me?       b. Thank you, I will.

3. Come and see us this Sunday.            c. Yes, let's.


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре­менной форме.

Dear Ann,

I (to write)____________to you because I hope that you will help

me. If you (to answer)__________my letter as soon as you can I (to

be)_________grateful to you.

A strange thing (to happen)____________to me yesterday. You

of course know my friend George. He (to move)____________to a

new flat recently. We (to meet)______in 1987 and (to be)__________

friends ever since.

I (to invite)_______________to his housewarming party a few

days ago. The thing is that when I (to speak)_______________to him

on the phone, the doorbell (to ring)__________I (to hang)_________

up and when I returned the paper with his address on it (to disappear)

____________________So I don't know where he lives. Maybe you

can help me.


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

It was ... beautiful day although there were ... few clouds in the sky. We went for ... walk by ... sea and then decided to visit ... Johnsons who live next to ... Lake Erewash. As we had left ... car by ... hotel we were staying at we went there by train. We had ... dinner at their place and had ... very enjoyable time.

III. Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необ­ходимо.

1. It doesn't matter ... me if we go out ... dinner or eat at home.

2. We are going ... holiday ... next month and I am looking forward ... it.

3. I apologized ... Ann ... keeping her late.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. think/will/time/for/be/dinner/you/do/you/today/in?

2. most/thing/her/future/children/of/the/worried/only/that/was/the/her.

3. hope/here/bus/three/the/in/minutes/be/I/will.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 156; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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