C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :-

1- The rich people who had always lived well would support the Duke.* the King.

2- Sapt and Fritz believed that Rassendyll had poisoned the King.* Duke Michael.

Test Practice ( 3 )

A) Answer the following questions :-

99. Why couldn't the Duke say anything about Rassendyll even though he knew Rassendyll was not the King?

* He couldn’t say anything because he would have to admit that he had kidnappedthe real King.

100. How did Sapt explain Rassendyll's injured finger to Freyler?

*Sapt told Freyler that Rassendyll had caught his finger in a door.

101. Why was Rassendyll keen on getting the people of Ruritania to like him more than they liked the Duke?

* He thought that if there was a fight between him and the Duke, the people would support him (the “King”).

102. Why couldn't the Duke ever become King unless he married Flavia?

* The Duke’s mother wasn’t royal, so by law/legally he couldn’t become King unless he married Princess Flavia.

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:-

"You do know that Michael will be very angry. Is that a good idea?"

1- Who said this? * Princess Flavia said this.

2- To whom was it said? It was said to Rassendyll (the King).

 3- What was it that would make Michael very angry? Rassendyll didn’t ask Michael to come into the room and he can’t enter without the King’s permission.

C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :-

1- Freyler was Sapt's farmer. * servant.

2- Rassendyll was worried when the French prince asked him a question which he could not answer.* ambassador.

Practice Test ( 4 )

A) Answer the following questions:-

103. Rassendyll has never liked responsibilities. Now he has many. What responsibilities does he have?

* He has to run the country and rescue the real King.

104.  Why does Rassendyll become good at pretending he has forgotten rules or people he has met?

* He has to do this so that people will still think he is the real King.

105. Rassendyll tells the Princess that when he was younger, he thought he didn't need to worry about society. Why does he say this?

* He is forgetting to pretend to be the King. He is thinking of his own youth.

106.  How does the Princess react to Rassendyll's recalling that he thought he had no need to worry about society?

* She is surprised because he always knew he would be King , so , he should expect to have responsibilities.

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions :-

" It would be very useful for Michael if you disappeared. And if you disappear, the game's over."

1- Who says this? * Colonel Sapt says this.

Why does the speaker say this?

* He is explaining why he has men guarding Rassendyll everywhere he goes.

What game would be over if the person disappeared? Explain.

 * The game is Rassendyll pretending to be King. If he disappeared, Duke Michael would kill the real King and make himself King.

C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :-

1- No one goes into the castle without Michael's or Sapt's permission. * Rupert’s.

2- The letter from Antoinette tells the King to come to the summer house with a friend. * alone.

Practice Test ( 5 )

A) Answer the following questions:-

107.  What is the reason Rassendyll claims is the cause of his handwriting being different from the King's?

* He claims that his hand still hurts from his injury so he can't write as well as before.

2- " The thing I hunt is a very big animal ," Rassendyll explains. What is Rassendyll really hunting? * He is really hunting Duke Michael.

1. To whom did the large, modern country house called Tarlenheim belong?

* It belonged to a relative of Fritz.

108.  Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz took ten brave and strong gentlemen that they trusted to hunt down Michael. What reason did they give to the gentlemen?

* They told the gentlemen that Duke Michael was holding a friend of the King as a prisoner.

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:-

"As you know, his mother was not royal and he can only legallybecome King if he marries the Princess."

1- Who said this?  * Rassendyll (pretending to be the King) said this.

2- To whom was it said? * It was said to Marshal Strakencz.

Дата добавления: 2018-10-27; просмотров: 291; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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