Методические рекомендации по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык» для студентов заочного отделения факультета физической культуры.

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» изучается студентами заочного отделения в течении полутора лет. В конце 1 курса предполагается зачет, на втором курсе в зимнюю сессию студенты сдают итоговый экзамен.

Содержание зачета.

1. К зачёту студенты должны выучить 100 лексических единиц по спортивной тематике. Преподаватель проверяет знание лексики, предлагая перевести студентам с русского на английский язык отобранные лексические единицы. Лексика для зачёта должна быть выписана в словарь.

2. Студенты подготавливают рассказ о своем виде спорта по образцу, представленному в разработке.

3. Студенты выполняют задания по текстам: Sports and recreation in the USA, Sports in Great Britain.

Содержание итогового экзамена.

Формальным допуском к итоговому экзамену является выполнение заданий к тексту Sports in Russia.

Образец билета к экзамену:

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по его содержанию.

2. Расскажите о вашем любимом виде спорта.


1) Выберите из предложенного словаря 100 лексических единиц, связанных с вашим видом спорта или видом деятельности.

2) Выучите отобранные слова.


Словарь-минимум спортивных терминов


Абсолютка (абсолютная весовая категория) –     Open, overall

Армрестлинг, армспорт, рукоборье –        Armwrestling

Армрестлер/рукоборец –                                      Armwrestler/puller

Акклиматизация −                                       Acclimatizaition

Акклиматизироваться −                             To acclimatize

Арбитр, судья −                                                Referee

Боковой судья –                                               Judge

Атака −                                                               Attack

Боевой дух −                                                     Fighting spirit

Бок —                                                                 Side, sidepressure

Болельщик —                                                   Fan

Борец —                                                             Wrestler

Бороться —                                                  Wrestle

Борьба —                                                           Wrestling

Бронзовая медаль −                                        Bronze medal

Быстрота —                                                  Speed

Быть в (спортивной) форме —                 Be in form (shape)

Вес —                                                                 Weight

Верх (стиль борьбы) −                                   Toproll

Внимание, марш! –                                          Ready! Go!

Возраст —                                                         age

Врач —                                                               Physician

Время —                                                            Time

Выбыть (из соревнования) —                   Be eliminated

Вызов (тактическое действие) —                 Challenge

Вызов участников —                                       Call of the competitors

Выиграть —                                                       Win

Выйти в финал —                                        Reach the final

Вырвать победу —                                          Snatch a victory

Выносливость —                                         Endurance

Выполнить прием —                                       Execute a hold

Главный судья —                                        Chief of the officials

Государственный гимн —                             National anthem

Грудь —                                                             Chest

Действие —                                                       Action

Диета —                                                             Diet

Дисквалификация —                                       Disqualification

Дисквалифицировать —                            Disqualify

Допинг —                                                          Doping

Допинговый контроль —                               Doping test

Жеребьевка —                                                  Draw of lots

Предупреждение -                                                  Warning

Запястье —                                                   Wrist

Захват запястья —                                           Wrist hold

Захватить —                                                      Grip, hold, catch

Заявка —                                                            Entry

Золотая медаль —                                      Gold medal

Зритель —                                                         Spectator

Инициатива —                                                  Initiative

Использовать возможность —                 Seize a chance

Капитан команды —                                        Team captain

Кисть руки —                                                    Hand

Команда —                                                   Team

Командные соревнования —                        Team event

Комбинация приемов —                            Combination of holds

Конец схватки —                                         End of the match

Контратака —                                                   Counter-attack

Контрприем —                                                 Counter-hold

Координация движений —                            Co-ordination of movements

Крюк (стиль борьбы) -                                    Hook

Ладонь —                                                          Palm

Левая рука -                                                      Left arm

Лидировать —                                                  Lead

Лимит времени —                                       Time limit

Личное первенство —                                Individual championship

Личные соревнования —                          Individual event

Ложный прием —                                       Fake hold

Ловкость —                                                  Agility

Локоть —                                                           Elbow

Максимальный вес —                                     Maximum weight

Массаж —                                                         Massage

Медицинская помощь —                           Medical aid

Медицинский осмотр —                            Medical check-up

Медпункт —                                                      Medical room

Минимальный вес —                                      Minimum weight

Минутный перерыв —                                    One-minute rest

Молтковые сгибания -                                    Hammercurl

Мышца —                                                      Award

Награждение —                                               Awarding, distribution of awards

Налокотник —                                                  Elbow-pad

Нарушение правил —                                     Rules infringement

Наступательная тактика —                            Offensive tactics

Национальная сборная команда —             National team

Национальная федерация —                         National federation

Не двигаться! –                                                 Don't move!

Неправильная борьба —                           Unfair wrestling

Несчастный случай —                                    Accident

Неявка —                                                           Forfeit

Нога —                                                               Leg

Ногти —                                                             Fingernails

Номер участника —                                        Number of the competitor

Обжаловать —                                                  Appeal

Оборонительная тактика —                           Defensive tactics

Опасное положение —                                   Danger position

Организационный комитет —                  Organizing committee

Освободиться от захвата —                          Free oneself from the hold

Отдыхать — Rest

Отказаться от участия (в соревнованиях) — Withdraw

Отпустить захват —                                        Release the hold

Официальное лицо —                                     Official

Парад участников —                                       Athletes parade

Партнер —                                                    Opponent

Перемена захвата —                                       Change of the holds

Плечо —                                                            Shoulder, upper arm

Победа —                                                          Win

Победа с явным преимуществом —        Win by evident superiority

Победитель —                                                  Winner

Побежденный —                                         Loser

Повторная атака —                                          Repeated attack

Подтягивания –                                                Pull-ups.

Подготовка —                                                   Preparation

Полотенце —                                                    Towel

Полуфинал —                                                   Semi-final

Поражение —                                                   Defeat

Правая рука –                                              Right arm

Правила соревнований —                              Competition rules

Предупреждение —                                        Warning

Предплечье; рука (от кисти до локтя) -      forearm n syn. lower arm,


Прием —                                                            Hold, grip, action

Призер —                                                           Prize-winner, prizeman

Продолжительность —                              Duration

Протокол соревнований —                           Tournament protocol

Раздевалка —                                                    Dressing room

Разминка —                                                       Warm-up

Разрыв захвата -                                               Slip-out

Результат—                                                  Result

Решение судей —                                        Referee's decision

Риск —                                                                Risk

Рука —                                                                Arm

Руководитель делегации —                           Head of the delegation

Связка -                                                              Straps

Серебряная медаль —                                    Silver medal

Сила —                                                               Strength

Соперник —                                                      Opponent

Сопротивление —                                       Resistance

Соревнования по системе с выбыванием — Elimination competition

Составление пар —                                         Pairing

Спина —                                                             Back

Спортивный журналист —                            Sports journalist

Спортивный инвентарь —                              Sports equipment

Спортивный комментатор —                    Sports commentator

Спортсмен-любитель —                            Amateur

Спортсмен-профессионал —                        Professional

Стиль борьбы —                                              pulling style

Судейская коллегия —                                   Jury

Судейская ошибка —                                      Referee's mistake

Судейство —                                                     refereeing

Судить —                                                           to referee

Судья-информатор —                                     Announcer

Таблица результатов —                             Tournament table

Табло —                                                             Score-board

Тактика борьбы —                                           Tactics

Тактическая борьба —                                   Tactical fight

Темп —                                                               Pace

Техника борьбы —                                          Pulling technique

Травма —                                                           Injury

Тренер —                                                           Coach

Тренировать —                                                 to coach

Тренировка —                                                  to practice

Трибуна —                                                        Stand

Угроза —                                                           Threat

Удержание —                                                   Hold-down, holding

Упустить возможность —                              Miss a chance

Упустить победу —                                         Miss a win

Участник —                                                       Competitor

Финал —                                                            Final

Финалист —                                                      Finalist

Церемония закрытия —                             Closing ceremony

Церемония награждения —                          Victory ceremony

Церемония открытия —                             Opening ceremony

Чемпион Европы —                                         European champion

Чемпион мира —                                         World champion

Чемпионат Европы —                                     European championship

Чемпионат мира —                                          World championship

Четвертьфинал —                                       Quarter-final

Общие термины

athlete [ 'æθlit ] –                       атлет, спортсмен
champion –                            чемпион
championship -                          первенство
competition [ ‚kampə'tiшn ] / contest [ 'kontest ] – соревнование
contestant [ kən'testənt ] –              участник соревнования, состязания
defeat [ di'fi:t ] -                         поражение
final –                                          финал
finish -                                         финиш
first place –                            первое место
game –                                         игра
gym / gymnasium -               спортзал
home team –                                      хозяева поля
laurel wreath [ 'lorəl 'ri:θ ] –     лавровый венок
match –                                        матч
medal [ 'medl ] -                         медаль
national team –                           сборная страны
Olympics / Olympic Games – Олимпийские игры
playground / sports ground –   спортивная площадка
record [ 'reko:d ] –                рекорд
result [ ri'zalt ] -                         результат
semifinal [ ‚semi'fainl ] / semi-final (AmE) – полуфинал
spectator [ spek'teitə ] –            зритель, наблюдатель
sport / sports –                            спорт
sportsman -                                 спортсмен
sports fan –                                 спортивный болельщик
sportswoman -                            спортсменка
stadium [ 'steidiəm ] –               стадион
start -                                            старт
team –                                          команда, сборная
title -                                            звание
tournament [ 'tuənəmənt ] –     турнир
trainer / coach -                          тренер
victory -                                       победа
winner –                                      победитель
world champion –                      чемпион мира
world record –                            мировой рекорд

Игровые виды спорта

attack [ ə'tæk ] -                          атака
ball [ 'bo:l ] –                              мяч
basketball –                                баскетбол
centre forward –                         центральный нападающий
defender -                                    защитник
defense [ di'fens ] / defence – защита
draw [ 'dro: ] / tie [ 'tai ] –        ничья
field -                                                  поле
football –                                     футбол
forward -                                     нападающий
goal [ 'gəul ] –                             гол / ворота
goalkeeper -                           вратарь
opponent [ ə'pəunənt ] –           противник
penalty [ 'penəlti ] –                  штраф, наказание, пенальти
player -                                        игрок
score –                                         счет; забить гол
volleyball –                                 волейбол
whistle [ 'wisl ] -                         свисток
block -                                         блокировать
bring the score to –               довести счет до
even the score –                         сравнять счет
keep score –                                вести счет
lose a point –                              потерять очко
open the score –                         открыть счет
pass / feed the ball –                  передавать мяч
receive the ball –                       принимать мяч
serve the ball –                           подавать мяч
shoot the ball at the basket –   бросать мяч в корзину

Легкая атлетика

bar -                                              планка
baton [ 'bætən ] –                       эстафетная палочка
cross country race –                  бег по пересеченной местности, кросс
discus throw –                            метание диска
heat –                                                  забег
high jump –                            прыжок в высоту
javelin throw –                           метание копья
jumps -                                    прыжки
lap –                                             этап дистанции
long distance race –                   бег на длинную дистанцию
long jump –                                 прыжок в длину
marathon race –                         марафонский бег
pole vault / pole vaulting –      прыжок с шестом
race –                                                  cоревнование по бегу
relay [ 'ri:lei ] –                          эстафета
round –                                        круг
route [ 'ru:t ] –                            маршрут
runs –                                                  бег
sprint -                                         спринт
throws -                                       метание
track and field athletics –        легкая атлетика

Боевые виды спорта

blow / punch -                            удар
boxing –                                      бокс
clinch –                                        обхват
clutch -                                        захват
close fight –                           ближний бой
freestyle wrestling –                  вольная борьба
hurl / throw -                               бросок
knockout / knock-out –            нокаут
referee [refə'ri: ] -                      судья
ring –                                       ринг
round –                                        раунд
second –                                      секундант
uppercut [ 'apəkэt ] –                 удар снизу, апперкот
wrestling [ 'resliŋ ] –                  борьба

Зимние виды спорта

figure skater -                             фигурист
figure skating –                          фигурное катание
ice hockey –                                      хоккей на льду
skating –                                      езда на коньках
skating rink –                              каток
skiing –                                        езда на лыжах
skiing race –                                      скоростной бег на лыжах
skiing relay –                              лыжная эстафета
slalom -                                        слалом
speed skating –                           скоростной бег на коньках

Водный спорт

aquatics [ ə'kwætiks ] / swimming – водный спорт
bathing suit / swimsuit –           купальный костюм
boat -                                       лодка
boating –                                     лодочный спорт
canoe [ kə'nu: ] –                       каноэ
coxswain [ 'koksən ] (BrE) / [ 'kokswein ] (AmE) – рулевой (на гоночных лодках)
diving –                                       прыжки в воду
diving board / springboard –    трамплин для прыжков в воду
diving cap –                           купальная шапочка
freestyle –                                   вольный стиль
kayak [ 'kaiak ] -                        каяк
oar [ 'o: ] -                                   весло
regatta [ ri'gætə ] –                парусные (гребные) гонки
rowing -                                       гребля
sailboat –                                     парусная лодка
somersault [ 'saməso:lt ] –        прыжок кувырком
speedboat / motorboat –           моторная лодка
steersman -                                  рулевой
stroke –                                        стиль
swimming pool –                        бассейн для плавания
synchronized [ 'siŋkrənaizt ] swimming – синхронное плавание
yachting [ 'jo:tiŋ ] –                          парусный спорт
yacht racing –                             парусные гонки
yachtsman –                           яхтсмен
water polo –                           водное поло
waterskiing –                               водные лыжи


bishop -                                       слон
chess –                                         шахматы
chessman / piece –                фигура (шахматная)
chess tournament –               шахматный турнир
grandmaster –                             гроссмейстер
king –                                           король
knight -                                        конь
queen –                                        королева, ферзь, дама
pawn -                                          пешка
rook / castle –                             ладья
adjourn the game –               отложить игру
be a piece down –                      иметь на одру фигуру меньше
move –                                         сделать ход
play white / black –                          играть белыми / черными
resign –                                        сдать партию
resume the game –                возобновить игру
sacrifice a piece –                      пожертвовать фигуру
win a piece –                               выиграть фигуру

Прочие виды спорта

archery [ 'ɑ:tʃəri ] –                          стрельба из лука
billiards –                                    бильярд
bobsleigh –                                 бобслей (катание с гор на санях с рулем)
bodybuilding –                           культуризм, бодибилдинг
bowling –                                    боулинг
cycling –                                      езда на велосипеде
darts –                                          дартс, дротики
draughts [ 'drɑ:fts ] –                 шашки
fencing –                                     фехтование
fishing –                                      рыбная ловля
gymnastics –                               гимнастика
hiking –                                       поход, экскурсия
horse racing –                             лошадиные бега
hunting –                                     охота
hurdle race –                               бег с препятствиями, барьерный бег
jogging –                                      бег трусцой
mountaineering [ maunti'niəriŋ ] – альпинизм
paintball –                                   пейнтбол
parachuting / skydiving –        парашютизм, скайдайвинг
shooting –                                   стрельба
skateboarding –                          скейтбординг
snowboarding –                          сноубординг
surfing –                                      серфинг
table tennis –                              настольный теннис
tennis –                                        теннис
tug of war –                            перетягивание каната
walking –                                     ходьба
windsurfing –                             виндсерфинг


1) Прочитайте и переведите текст.

2) Подготовьте рассказ о себе, используя материалы текста и сделав необходимые изменения, дополнения или сокращения. 


My Presentation

Let me introduce myself. My name is………….. I am……… years old. I study at Tver State University, on the Physical Education Department. In four years I will get my Bachelor’s Degree in Sport.

Since childhood a) I have been playing hockey (football, basketball…)

                     b) I have been practicing judo (swimming, wrestling, boxing, taekwondo, ballroom dancing, rowing (canoeing)……..

Sport takes a lot of my time and plays a very important role in my life. Thanks sport I became strong and enduring. Sport also made me more disciplined in my daily activities. I have made a progress in sport. I am a Master of Sport (a Candidate in a Master of Sport, a Master of Sport of the international level, I have the first sports category, the second sports category…)

I often take part in different competitions. I took first and second prizes. Sometimes I lost, but became more persistent in achieving my goals. If you are an athlete, you must learn to win and to lose, but never give up sport.

Nowadays sport, fitness, physical education and healthy mode of life become more and more popular. A lot of sports clubs, fitness centers, gyms and stadiums are built now.

As for me, I plan to become a highly qualified coach (a referee, a physical education teacher). I want to bring up healthy and strong young people. My studies at the university will help me to get necessary knowledge and have good practice. Moreover, Bachelor’s’s Degree will open excellent career prospects and I will have a good opportunity to find a well-paid job.



1. Переведите письменно текст.

2. Выпишите 20 незнакомых слов из текста с переводом и выучите их наизусть.

3. Ответьте устно на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1) What are three major organized sports in the USA?

2) What do organized sports contain?

3) Do critics think that sports should be replaced by noncompetitive kinds of recreation?

4) What do competition mean in sports?

5) Can you name the most popular recreational sports?

6) How many people are involved in jogging?

7) What do Americans enjoy to do except sports?


The three major organized sports in the USA are football, basketball and baseball. The idea of competition is at the very heart of organized sports, learning how to win in sports helps to develop the habit necessary to compete successfully in later life, because organized sports contain some elements of hard work.

Violence in American sports has been criticized in recent years by those, who approve of sports generally, who believe that violence is corrupting it. Most of the criticism has been directed toward football, perhaps America's favorite popular sport.

A few critics believe that sports should be completely replaced by noncompetitive kinds of recreation, but Americans generally are not sympathetic to this criticism of organized sports. Competition, they believe, strengthens the national character rather than corrupt it. They believe that eliminating competition in sports and in society as a whole would lead to laziness and vice rather than hard work.

Unlike organized sports, recreation in the USA is not expected to encourage competition. Many Americans prefer recreation that require a high level of physical activity. The most popular recreational sports are: jogging, tennis, and snow skiing.

Over the last fifteen years, for example, jogging has become a popular pastime for 30 million people of all ages.Interest and participation in cultural activity have been growing rapidly in recent years. According to a report in US News and World Report Magazine, in one year 78 million Americans visited museums, 62 million attended at least one live theatre performance, and 78 million participated in some forms of artistic activity: painting, performing music, handicrafts and the like.

Americans, like people everywhere, enjoy such forms of recreation as watching television, going on picnics, visiting friends, or some other enjoyable ways of passing the time.



1) Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

2) Ответьте устно на предложенные вопросы.


1. Englishmen love sport, don't they?

2. What kind of traditional sporting contests in England do you know?

3. Are there any cricket clubs in England?

       4. Do the Englishmen play cricket in winter or in summer?

5. What is the most popular game in Britain?

6. Is the ball oval or round in rugby football?

7. What do you know about the International Table Tennis Association?

8. Is table tennis played by men or by women?

9. Do Englishmen like to watch games?

10. What kinds of racing are popular in England?

11. Have you read any books about sports in Great Britain?


National sports in Great Britain. This is a very interesting question, because many kinds of sport have taken their origin in England. Englishmen love sports, they are called sports-lovers in spite of the fact that some of them neither play games nor even watch them. They only like to talk about sports.

Some kinds of sport are professional in England. Popular and famous players have a lot of money. Many traditional sporting contests take place in England, for example, cricket. It is played from May till September. This game is associated with England. There are many cricket clubs in this country. English people like to play cricket. They think that summer without cricket isn't summer. Cricket is the English national sport in summer. If you want to play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and long white trousers.

There are two teams. Each team has eleven players. Cricket is popular in boys' schools. Girls play cricket too.

Football. It has a long history. Football was played by the whole village teams in the Middle Ages in England. Now football is the most popular game in Britain. It is a team game. There are some amateur teams but most of the teams are professional ones in England. Professional football is a big business. Football is played at schools too. If we are talking about football we can mention an interesting fact about football in America, called soccer. The captain of the team must be the oldest or best player.

Rugby football. You can see a ball in this game but it is not round. It is oval. This is a team game. There are fifteen players in each team. It is a popular game in England. There are many amateur rugby football teams.

Table tennis. Englishmen heard about table tennis in 1880. The International Table Tennis Association was formed and international rules were worked out. Many people like to play table tennis. This game is played by men and women too. There are many tennis clubs in England but if you go and play there it is necessary to pay money for it. Englishmen like playing tennis but many of them prefer to watch this game.

Wimbledon. This is the centre of lawn tennis. Many years ago Wimbledon was a village, now it is a part of London and you can see the All-England Tennis Club there. Englishmen pay a lot of attention to swimming, rowing and walking. Usually the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race takes place at the end of March or at the beginning of April. It is an interesting contest between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It is usually held on the Thames River. The first such race was held in 1820. There were a lot of people watching this race.

There are several racing competitions in England. They are motor-car racing, dog-racing, donkey-racing, boat-racing, horse-racing. All kinds of racing are popular in England. It is interesting to see the egg-and-spoon race. The runner who takes part in this competition must carry an egg in a spoon. He is not allowed to drop the egg.

We must mention the Highland Games in Scotland. All competitors wear Highland dress. There are such competitions as putting the weight, tossing the caber and others. The British are great lovers of sports.

Задания .

1) Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

2) Подготовьте устный пересказ текста 10-12 предложений.



Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

Millions of people watch figure skating competitions, hockey and football matches, car races, tennis tournaments and other sports events. Certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things.

In the past it was never admitted that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that our sport was totally amateur. Now everybody knows that sport can be a profession and a business.

But sport can be fun as well. Besides, it helps to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy.

Doing sports is becoming more and more popular. Some people do it occasionally — swimming in summer, skiing or skating in winter — but many people go in for sports on a more regular basis. They try to find time to go to a swimming pool or a gym at least once a week for aerobics or yoga classes, body building or just work-out on a treadmill. Some people jog every morning, some play tennis.

For those who can afford it there are clubs where they give lessons of scuba diving or riding. In spring and summer young people put on their roller-skates and skate in the streets and parks.


Дата добавления: 2018-10-27; просмотров: 162; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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