Every nationality has stereotypes. What is your opinion?

Билет 14 базовый


Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes. How will you describe a typical Belarusian?

What is the difference between a Belarusian and a Russian, a Ukrainian or a Pole? Of course, the mentality.

To make up a “portrait” of a typical Belarusian we should say that first of all Belarusians are peaceful people

One of the characteristic features of the Belarusians is endless kindness. The Belarusian will cover a table for you with a lot of dishes (even if he does not have money), he will always help and is ready to “give the last shirt” if you really need it.

Belarusian people aretolerant . It does not matter what color of your skin is, what kind of god you believe in and where you came from. You will be accepted as you are. Belarusians are hardworking .Belarusians are very industrious people. This is not surprising, since from childhood young Belarusians cultivate responsibility and accuracy to their work.

People of Belarus are patriotic. Despite many difficulties, most Belarusians continue to love and appreciate their country. 79% said they are proud of  Belarus and their nationality.

Belarusians are neat. The Belarusian cities are clean and well-kept like in Europe Belarusians are religious, but not in the typical sense of the word. Thanks to an intricate history, Belarus has become a multi-religious country

Belarusian people are faithful to traditions. Kolyady, Radonitsa, Kupalle, Dozhinki and much more  these are unique Belarusian holidays.As for the language, there is a stereotype that the Belorussians have completely abandoned their native language and you can hear it only at the lessons of the Belarusian language in school. This is not quite true: of course, in large cities, Belarusians often use Russian for communication, but in small cities a huge number of people continue to talk either exclusively in Belarusian or its dialects.


Would you like to visit Great Britain? Why or why not?


If I had a chance to go to London I'd like to see not only the places of interest but many other interesting things there.

Certainly everyone knows that the most famous sights of the capital of the Great Britain are Tower Bridge over the river Themes, Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Saint Paul's Cathedral, The British museum, Art Gallery.

Or I'll try to feel myself as a real Englishman visiting a house of a common English family.

I'd like to sit round the fireplace which is traditional for every English house.

If I were lucky I would visit one of the competition or a tournament where traditional English sport games are played : rugby or lawn tennis, horse racing or cricket.

I'd like to walk among the students of Cambridge or Oxford university in their campus and to imagine that I am one of them.

I believe my impression on London won't be full if I don't visit Madam Tussad's museum in Baker street.

One of my evenings in London I'd like to spend in a disco club to watch the way English teenagers and young people spare their time, to listen to their popular groups, to make friends and what not.


Ask the British teenager what the British are like?

Advice a British teenager on what gifts to bring from Belarus for his friends.

What to bring from Belarus? What souvenirs can be found only here and nowhere else in the world?

Belarus has long been famous for its linen fabrics, unique products made of straw, clay and wood, valenki (felt boots) and hats made of sheepskin.

In Belarus flax has been cultivated since ancient times. Flax fibers were used to make fabrics, clothes, beautiful household items, toys for children.So you can buy linen clothes, tablecloths decorated with embroidery, table napkins, bath towels.

Belarusian grew fond of straw for its beauty and warmth. So straw figuries of animals and birds, flowers, hats, dolls and amulets, boxes and chests, pictures made of straw will be a nice present from Belarus.

Unique ceramics workshops have existed in different regions of Belarus from ancient times. Figures of animals and birds (European bison, beaver, stork), hand bells, magnet souvenirs, ceramic crockery are nice souvenirs from Belarus.

You can also bring:
Wooden Souvenirs (wooden boxes and chests, figures of people, animals birds.)

Valenki and Hats

Crystal and Glass

And Belarusian Candies and Sweets for example  (zephyr, marmalade, chocolate by Krasny Pischevik, Kommunarka and Spartak.


Every nationality has stereotypes. What is your opinion?

National stereotypes have been the subject of many jokes for centuries. Even today when the international community promotes diversity and tolerance, certain people are still tagged according to their nationalities.

Some  national stereotypes may provoke racism. To others, national stereotypes are harmless jokes.

But is there truth in these national stereotypes? Or are they just untrue notions, which can be pretty offensive to many people?

If to speak about different nationalities there are popular stereotypes connected with them.For example^

Italians are bad workers.

Canadians are boring.

Filipinos are uneducated island people.

Indians are poor, narrow-minded, conservative people.

The British are violently mad soccer freaks.

Spaniards are lazy.

The Irish are drunkards.

The Chinese eat anything that moves.

The French are arrogant.

But we should accept that mankind is a mixture of fine, unique individuals with different ways of living life. We should avoid branding a certain nationality with a negative notion for it can be offensive and dangerous. But maybe for some of us, they are stereotypes for a reason. Maybe there’s some truth in it. Maybe it applies to some people. But the problem with stereotypes is that they tend to generalize.

Remember that a person is judged not according to his race and definitely not his nationality. Humanity is defined by how good we have been to ourselves and other people, not by the country we live in.



Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 2058; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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