Tell about any types of transports in our country.

My card is number 21. I want to tell about any types of transports in Russia.

So, Railway transport is the main (основной) type of transport in Russia. It is very cheap and convenient (дёшевоиудобно) to travel by train.

On ships, steamships (пароходах)and ferries (паромах)you go expensive (дорого) and long, but you can see beautiful views of Russia.

Cars, buses, minibuses are fast and convenient (быстрыйиудобный) type of transport. The car will cost (дороже) more than a bus, but the car is always next to you and rides not on a schedule (расписанию). Buses are also cheaper (дешевле), they are convenient (удобнее) to travel on excursions or for short distances around the city.

Aviation transport is expensive, but the fastest mode of transport.

Do you like street food or fast food? Why?


Do you like to play sports?


24. Do you like to go to the cinema? What kind offilms do you like to watch?

My card is number 24. This question sounds as “…”.

I like going to the cinema and watching different films. My favorite genres are comedies and melodramas, but I also like fantasy and cartoons.I love different films, because each of them is very interesting and impressive.

I like comedies because they make me laugh. Here are some of them: "Pretend My Wife", "Hitch Method". These are family films.

Melodramas are sad films. When I look at them, I usually feel sad and think about them for a long time. Some of them: "Diary of Memory", "If I Stay", "Words".

This may sound strange (странно), but I like watching cartoons in cinema most of all. That's where they are especially (особенно) funny. Some of the last viewed in the cinema cartoons are Fernand, Zveropoy, The Incredibles 2.

Do you like to go in the museums? What is your favourite?


Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 272; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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