Selecting the Right Franchise

The company structure. Every company include such departments like finance department, research and development, marketing department, public relations, production department, personnel department and information technology. Finance department – they produce regular reports of finance and prepare the results that will be included in the next report. Research and development – this is usually a team of ingineers and they are busy with designing and developing more powerful and more adaptable of product than the previous ones. They are constantly looking for new ideas and experimenting with new products. Marketing department – Before selling the product marketing department deside in which regions it will be the most successful. Public relations – communication is a key aspect of this departments work. They inform press and customers of a new products and changes within the company. Production department – when the enterprise has problems with a quality of curtain products made in their factories, members of this department get together to talk about the ways of improving some of the manufacturing techniques. Personnel department – when the company is going through the difficult period, workers of this department have to review salaries of the organization or to reduce the number of employees. Information technology - the members of this department not only ensure that all systems are working properly but also assigne and develop new methods to make it easier for the employees to exchange and share information.   1) The Philips company and its story. The company was founded in 1891 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. At the beginning it was concentrated on making carbon-filament lamps. Developments in new lighting technologies fuelled a steady programme of expansion. In the 1920-s Philips decided to protect its innovations in X-rays radiation and radio reception with patents. Philips company deals with 150 companies over the world. 2) Colgate-palmolive company and its story. William Colgate founded the Colgate Company in 1806 as a starch, soap and candle business in NY City. In the 1900-s the company expanded throughout Europe, Latin America and the Far East. Then it set up in Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China. Colgate-palmolives 5 main sectors of business are: Oral Care, Body care, house hold surface care, fabric care and pet nutrition and health care. Colgate is a world leader in toothpaste. The company also pays attention to the environment. It has already made great progress in the use of recyclable bottles and packaging materials. 4) A trade mark and ins roul on the example of Sony Company. The sonymen believe that the trademark and the company name is the life blood of their company. The first name of company was Totsuko but English couldn’t pronounce this name, in English translation it was to clumsy – Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company. The founders of Sony wanted the name that would recognized anywhere. They made dozens and dozens of tries and came across the latin word – sonus meaning sound. Atthet time in Japan borrowed English slang and nicknames were becoming popular and some people referred to Sonny and sunny both names had an optimistic and bright sound. 5) 2 kinds of R and D. There are 2 kinds of research: research and development and basic research. Basic research provides the scientific knowledge upon which RD is later based. Sending telescopes into orbit or building superconducting supercolliders is basic research. Failing to do basic research guarantees that the next major advance will be owned by someone else. The problem with industrial basic research and what differentiates it from government basic research is the fact that its true product is insurance not knowledge. 6) The secrets of interview success. Many well qualified candidates fail at job interviews simply because they are unaware of the conventions of the job interview and the expectations of the interviewer. 1. Make adequate preparation to enable you to express yourself fluently in the interview situation. 2. Be confident but try not to sound conceited: use examples to support your answers. 3. Make sure to acquaint the interviewer with all the relevant information in support of your case. 4. Relate all your answers to the job for which you are applying. Look out for indirect questions and know how to cope with them. 5. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your case and be ready to deal with questions relating to any negative aspects. 6. Do not tell lies but tell truth to make a positive impression of yourself. 7. Determine to establish a rapport with the interviewer right from the start. 8. Convince the interviewer that your experience entitle you to the job. 7) IT Hiring. When it comes to hire a right person for the job you have to look at skills and personality. The first step is to create a list of skills that your candidate has to have. When you know what you want you know what to look for in resume. Pay your attention on education and experience. Be wary of the over-certified. You get what you pay for. Expecting to hire a high-level developer at the pay of mid-level developer will just waste your time, and the time of your applicants. The team chemistry of your IT group ultimately determines how successful you will be. You have to hire not only individuals that are technically proficient but also people who has personalities that fit in with the rest of the group. Interview processinclude 2 different phases: The first phase should consist of technical interview. Create a series of hands-on technical tests and administer then to the applicant. The second phase its time to have face-to-face sessions with the candidate. Talk about their experience. If you still have questions about the applicant after interview consult references. It can give you a wealth of information regarding your applicant. When evaluating candidates, put technical expertise first, and personality a close second. 8) PowerMatch – next generation hiring process technology. Online resources have the capability to deliver massive amounts of resumes without a process of effectively managing them. These technologies are inadequate for quickly identifying, matching and ranking the best candidates based on the requirements of the job. Using PowerMatch to select a candidate is easier to a hiring manager and to the candidate. The process of hiring starts with an open position that must be filled with someone who can fulfill the requirements of the job, or the job description. In this description are the elements of success: Necessary skills, education and experience. This elements are called – job profile. The next generation technology, called PowerMatch begins with these fundamental elements consisting of the job profile so that job requirements can be directly matched to a similar profile created by the candidate. Another benefit of this next generation hiring process technology is the ability to fully characterize an organizations existing internal resourses and intelligently respond to needs. There are several workforce planning benefits from this: An organization can first look at internal talent resources before looking outside the organization. The key to managing any team, department or organization is to understand the teams experience and total skill set. PowerMatch – is a hiring process revolution. 9) Cognex corporation was founded in 1981 by Dr. Robert Shillman, a lecturer in human visual perception at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cognex quckly became the leading supplier of machine vision to semiconductor and electronics capital equipment makers, who integrated Cognex vision into many types of machines used to make semiconductor chips and printed circuit boards. Working at Cognex – At Cognex you ll  find a dedicated and talented team of people whoenjoy theit work and take pride in their accomplishments. Cognex offers a dynamic work environment shaped by our mission and values, and a corporate culture that combines creativity, fun, and humor with a dedication to excellence. The name was derived from the phrase “Cognition Experts”. The main values: Customer first, Excellence, Per-severance, enthusiasm, creativity, pride, integrity, recognition, sharing, fun. Benefits: financial benefits, health and welfare benefits, work, life programs, reward and recognition program. 10) Retailing is a business of selling products to the general public. Most retailers sell from shops or stores which are called outlets. Many countries have large retail chains which are organized nationally and sell a standardised selection of products. Their outlets are often in shopping centres, where there is a large variety of stores in the same location. Many large retailors operate from out of town locations with parking facilities, known as hypermarkets or superstores. They may be on a retail park, where there are a number of large stores. Safeway.Rules: make eye contact with the customer, smile greet him or her, offer samples of products, make suggestions about other possible purchases that could go with the items being bought, and accompany them to locate items they cannot find. It also includes thanking shoppers by name at the checkout by using information from their credit, debit or Safeway card. To encourage staff to follow the rules, Safeway employs mistery shoppers whose job is to act like regular customers. Retail sales personsassist customers in finding what they are looking for and try to interest them in buying the merchandise. They describe a products features, demonstrate it use, or show various models and colors. They make out sales checks, receive cash, check, and charge payments, bag or package purchases and give out change and receipts. 11) Richer Pickings – it’s a little known privately owned cut-price retailer of hi-fi equipment with 28 shops in the UK. RS warrants an entry for the highest sales per square foot of any retailer in the UK – 17 pounds for its store on London Bridge Walk in the City. In RS staff is trained not to be pushy. Marketing – is a key weapon of RS. 12) How to be successful franchisee – you need a lot of dedication to the job. Preparation is the most important part of that because in this business you always need to be looking at the future of even the day, the week, the month. On the management side the main thing is to look after your employees because 1 of the main problems with the job is staffing, finding the right people to work with you. Its never easy to handle the money management of the business. You never know how much of product you are going to sell and how much people will come and buy it. When you start your business you have to understand that you are not going to get rich tomorrow. The franchisee business doesn’t give you an immediate payback. Faith is smth that is very central to your relationship with your franchisor as they have certain standards that they want you to adhere to. There are all kinds of rules that you have to respect so that there is continuity in the chain and you have to comply with them.

What is Franchising?

Imagine that you're opening your own McDonald's. To do this, you have to buy a McDonald's franchise. In order to qualify for a conventional franchise, you have to have $250,000 (not borrowed). Your total costs to open the restaurant, however, will be anywhere from $685,750 to $1,504,000, which goes to paying for the building, equipment, etc. Forty percent of this cost has to be from your own (non-borrowed) funds.

You'll pay an initial franchise fee of $45,000 directly to McDonald's. The other costs go to suppliers, so this is the only upfront fee you pay to McDonald's. Then, you'll go through a rigorous nine-month training period where you'll learn about the McDonald's way of doing things -- things like their standards for quality, service, value, formulas and specifications for menu items, their method of operation, and inventory control techniques. You'll have to agree to operate the restaurant from a single location, usually for 20 years, following their guidelines for decor, signage, layout and everything else that makes McDonald's McDonald's.

Once you've completed training and are ready to go, McDonalds will offer you a location they've already developed. The exterior of the building will be complete, but you will have to take care of interior additions such as kitchen equipment, seating and landscaping. You'll get constant support from a McDonald's Field Consultant, who can advise you on details and will visit regularly. You'll pay McDonald's a monthly fee of 4 percent of your sales, and either a flat base rent or a percentage rent of at least 8.5 percent of your sales. How much money you make depends on many things, including the location and its popularity, the efficiency of your operating costs, and your ability to manage and control the business.

Think of franchising as paying someone for his or her business strategy, marketing strategy, operations strategy, and the use of his or her name. That's pretty much what franchising is -- you are establishing a relationship with a successful business so you can use its systems and capitalize on its existing brand awareness in order to get a quicker return on your own investment. You are using its proven system and name, and running it by its rules.

Are you still your own boss? In some respects, no. You still have to answer to someone else and follow his or her direction. You don't really own the business; you own the assets you've purchased in order to establish the business.

Selecting the Right Franchise

How do you select the business franchise that fits your needs, skills and desires best, while also making sure you're joining a top-notch organization? There are some steps to take to begin the weeding-out process. So put on your inspector's hat and begin formulating a game plan.

First of all, think about the work environment you are interested in, and the requirements that running businesses in various industries will have. For example, do you like working late (and long) hours, hiring and managing employees, and dealing with the public? If so, you could consider the food service industry. Think long and hard about what "fits" your lifestyle. Involve your family and any friends or associates you may want to pull into the business. Write down your objectives. Sometimes, just the act of writing things down helps you more clearly identify what you really want.

Once you have identified the general category of business you want enter into, visit some of the franchising Web sites we have listed at the end of this article. On most of these sites, you can search for franchises based on investment levels, type of business, and sometimes geographic region. Some even give you estimated breakdowns of what your total investments will be, as well as the ongoing royalty and advertising payments. You can also use a franchising consultant to help narrow down your choices.

When you get a list put together, begin contacting the franchisors for additional information. One thing to keep in mind throughout this process is that while you're shopping for a franchise, those franchises are also out there shopping for franchisees. You'll be interrogated as much as you interrogate them. You both have to agree that it's a good match in order to proceed.

15) Franchisee is investing in a business that is already operating in other so the reduced risk is the main advantage here but there are certain conditions to be excepted as a part of a deal. There are certain rules to be followed. They concern where the products can be bought from, what can be sold in the shop, the way the employee should dress and behave, the type of information to be provided such as regular reports on sales. The franchisee also has a quick access if he needs advise about something. The franchisee has to get an approval of the franchisor if he wants to sell his business.

Franchisorwants to expand the business to cover as much territory as possible. He can do that without having to invest his own capital and without having to recruit and manage personnel – this is done by a franchisee. The franchisor just receives additional profit as his company expands. He can also control the way the franchisee manage the businesses and take action if smth goes wrong. He looks after the business at national and international level. He promotes business through national advirtising.

15) American and Japanese styles.

Japanese managers tend to stay with one company for their entire work career. So when they are transferred overseas, they go to a company affiliate and continue working there until they are transferred to another affiliate or brought home. Their experience are limited in that they only know how their firm works, but the managers also gain a solid understanding of the inner workings of the firm’s international operations. American managers, on the other hand, often use their overseas experience as basis for moving to another company that is looking to strengthen its international position.

Another interesting contrast is loyalty to the firm. Many Japanese managers stay with the firm because they believe it is wrong to accept a position with anyone else. They feel a strong bond of commitment to the company. American managers tend to have stronger loyalty to themselves than to the firm, and if a better job comes along they will take it.

A third contrast in styles provided by the job security issue. Japanese managers, in the main, are looked after by the firm. Their job are ensured, their salaries and benefits are guaranteed. American managers, on the other hand, are more likely to be let go if the firm starts running into trouble. As a result, while Japanese managers rely on the firm to take care of them, American managers rely heavily on their own knowledge and skills to ensure their security.

Finally, if business does slow down Japanese firm typically use this time to train their employees and prepare them for the expected economic upturn. In contrast, American firms cut back on training during poor economic times.

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