Romans on the territory of Britain

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

ФГБОУ ВО «Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф.Решетнева»





История и культура стран изучаемых языков


Курс лекций

для студентов направления 45.03.02 «Лингвистика»

очной и очно-заочной формы обучения






УДК 81’1 (042.4)


История и культура стран изучаемых языков: курс лекций для студентов направления 45.03.02 «Лингвистика» очной и очно-заочной формы обучения / Дрыгина И.В. - Красноярск: СибГУ, 2017. - 108 с.

Табл. 0 Ил. 0  Библиогр.: 20 назв.



Автор: канд.пед.наук, доцент Дрыгина Инна Валерьевна



В курсе лекций дана общая информация об основных этапах исторического развития Великобритании, о становлении монархии, политической системы, зарождении культурных традиций, а также основные события из истории Соединенных Штатов Америки. Курс лекций содержит текст, к каждой теме – вопросы для контроля.

Рекомендуется как для использования в учебном процессе, так и для самостоятельного изучения дисциплины.



© И.В. Дрыгина, 2017


© ФГБОУ ВО «Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф.Решетнева», 2017




ВВЕДЕНИЕ ……………………………………..………………………… 5
ЛЕКЦИЯ 3. Развитие городов и ремесел в X-XIII вв. Развитие культуры.…………………………..…………………...… 32
ЛЕКЦИЯ 4. Англия в средние века.…………..……..…………… 37
МОДУЛЬ 2. История Англии в XV-XX ВЕКАХ  
ЛЕКЦИЯ 1. Англия в периоды правления династии Тюдоров ………………………………………………………………… 49
ЛЕКЦИЯ 2. Англия в периоды правления династии Стюардов. Республика в Англии.…………………….………...   60
ЛЕКЦИЯ 3. Развитие Англии в XVIII-XIX ВЕКАХ….…………… 67
ЛЕКЦИЯ 4. Великобритания в XX веке ………………..……..… 74
МОДУЛЬ 3. История развития Соединенных Штатов Америки  
ЛЕКЦИЯ 1. История развития Соединенных Штатов Америки (с образования государства по XX век)……….   85
ТЕМЫ ДЛЯ САМОКОНТРОЛЯ ………………………………………… 99
Темы для презентаций …………………………………………….. 101
контрольные вопросы к экзамену ….………………….…… 103
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ …………………………………………………………… 104




INTRODUCTORY …………………………………………………….…… 5
Module 1. HISTORY OF England from ancient times to the XIVth. centurty  
LECTURE 1. HISTORY OF England from ancient times to the 5th century. ANGLO-SAXON CONQUEST OF Britain …..…   9
LECTURE 2. danes raids. NORMAN CONQUEST OF BRITAIN.……………………………………………….……………..……   21
Module 2. History of England in XV-XXth. centuries  
LECTURE 2. ENGLAND DURIING STUART TIMES. Republic in Britain …………………………..………..............................................   60
LECTURE 3. Development of ENGLAND IN THE 18-19TH CENTURIES…………………………………………………………..……   67
LECTURE 4. Great Britain in the 20th century …………….… 74
Module 3. History of the United states of america  
LECTURE 1. HISTORY OF THE USA (from foundation till 20th century) …….………………………………………………….…   85
TASKS FOR SELF-CONTROL …………………………………………… 99
List of topics for report …………………………………….…..  101
CONCLUSION………………………………………………….……..…… 104
Supplement a. list of key words ………………………….…… 107



Активное участие России в международных отношениях между странами и в том числе с Великобританией и Соединенными Штатами Америки предъявляют высокие требования к уровню профессиональной подготовки лингвистов, будущих переводчиков, работающих в различных сферах деятельности. Чтобы активно участвовать в жизни той или иной страны важно либо хорошо знать язык этой страны, его культуру или пользоваться услугами профессиональных переводчиков.

Необходимость ведения курса «История и культура стран изучаемых языков» заключается в повышении качества подготовки квалифицированных бакалавров лингвистики. Данная дисциплина должна способствовать становлению профессиональной компетентности бакалавра в области лингвистики через формирование целостного представления об истории и культуре стран изучаемых языков (Великобритания, Соединенные Штаты Америки), знакомство с этапами становления, историей и культурой, спецификой исторического развития, способного успешно работать в профессиональной сфере, толерантного, готового к продолжению образования и включению в деятельность на основе овладения общекультурными и профессиональными компетенциями.

Курс подготовлен для студентов очной и очно-заочной формы обучения, обучающихся по направлению 45.03.02 Лингвистика. Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 3 зачетные единицы (108 часов). Общее количество часов для изучения на очной форме обучения - 108, в том числе лекционных часов - 18, практических занятий - 36, самостоятельной работы – 54.

Курс лекций построен и разработан в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования.

В курсе лекций «История и культура стран изучаемых языков» рассматриваются основные этапы исторического развития Великобритании и США.

Материал сгруппирован по темам согласно программе учебной дисциплины, и включает в себя лекционный материал, вопросы для самоконтроля и рекомендуемую литературу. При изучении курса необходимо использовать также периодические источники.

Курс «История и культура стран изучаемых языков» завершается экзаменом при очной и очно-заочной форме обучения.

В результате изучения курса лекций по дисциплине предполагается формирование следующих общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций студентов:

ОК-2: способностью руководствоваться принципами культурного релятивизма и этическими нормами, предполагающими отказ от этноцентризма и уважение своеобразия иноязычной культуры и ценностных ориентаций иноязычного социума;

ОК-3: владением навыками социокультурной и межкультурной коммуникации, обеспечивающими адекватность социальных и профессиональных контактов;

ПК-16: владением необходимыми интеракциональными и контекстными знаниями, позволяющими преодолевать влияние стереотипов и адаптироваться к изменяющимся условиям при контакте с представителями различных культур;

ПК-17: способностью моделировать возможные ситуации общения между представителями различных культур и социумов;

ПК-18: владением нормами этикета, принятыми в различных ситуациях межкультурного общения (сопровождение туристических групп, обеспечение деловых переговоров, обеспечение переговоров официальных делегаций).


Active participation of Russia in international relations between different countries including Great Britain and the United States of America put forward high demands to the level of professional education of interpreters working in different spheres. For active participation in the life of this or that country is very important to know the language of this country or to use the professional interpreters.

Importance of the course “History and culture of language learning countries” lies in necessity to rise the quality of education of bachelors in linguistics.

This discipline has to contribute to the formation of professional competence BA in linguistics through a holistic understanding of the history and culture of the language learning countries (United Kingdom, United States of America), familiarity with the stages of development, history and culture, the specific historical development, capable to work successfully in the professional field, tolerant, ready to continue his education and inclusion in innovation based on mastery of general cultural and professional competences.

The course is prepared for the students of full-time and part-time department of 45.03.02 direction.

Total labor intensity of discipline is 3 credit units (108 hours).The total amount of hours for the learning on the day department is 108, among them: 18 – for lectures, 36 – for practical lessons, 54 – for self-education.

The course of lectures is prepared and written according to the demands of the Federal state educational standard of higher education.

In the course of lectures “History and culture of language learning countries” the main stages of historical development of Great Britain and the USA are described.

The studied material is united according to the programme and includes lectures, questions for self-control and recommended literature on each topic. It is necessary to use also the periodic materials while learning the course.

The course of lectures “History and culture of language learning countries” ends with exam in the 5th term for the students of full-time and part-time department.

After studying the course of lectures on the subject, formation of following common cultural and professional competencies of students should take place:

CCC-2: the ability to be guided by the principles of cultural relativism and ethical norms, suggesting the rejection of ethnocentrism and respect for cultural identity of foreign language and values of foreign society;

CCC-3: possession of skills of socio-cultural and cross-cultural communication, to provide adequate social and professional contacts;

PC-16: possession of the necessary interactional and contextual knowledge to overcome the influence of stereotypes and to adapt to changing conditions in contact with different cultures;

PC-17: the ability to simulate possible situations of dialogue between different cultures and societies;

PC-18: possession of etiquette rules adopted in various situations of intercultural communication (support for tourist groups, provision of business negotiations, ensuring negotiations of the official delegations).




LECTURE 1 HISTORY OF England from ancient times to the Vth century. ANGLO-SAXON CONQUEST OF Britain


1. Ancient Britain. Celts in Britain.

2. Romans on the territory of Britain.

3. Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain.

4. Life in Anglo-Saxon village in Britain.

5. Inequality among people in village and changes in administration.

6. Conversion to Christianity.


Ancient Britain

Thousands years ago Britain was a part of the continent. The first human inhabitants in Britain came there by dry land. Later the present English Channel appeared. The country was covered with forest and people hunted there.

The first inhabitants of the island were Iberians who had arrived in Britain from the region of the Mediterranean Sea and inhabited it between 3000 and 2000 B.C.

We do not know much about these early people because they lived in Britain long before a word of the history was written, but we can learn something from their skeletons, their weapons and the remains of the dwellings, which have been found. They used stone weapons and tools.

A characteristic monument to this civilization is the so-called Stonehenge – a number of huge stones standing in the circle.

During the period from the 6th to the 3rd centuries BC people called the Celts from Central Europe, from what is now France and Germany moved to Britain. They whole migrated in tribes, warriors with their chiefs, their women and their children.

More than one Celtic tribe invaded Britain. Picts settled in the north in the mountains, Scots came later and settled in the north too (north was called Scotland), Britons – in the south and central part (country was called Briton).

The Celts were armed with metal spears, swords, daggers and axes. Most of the Iberians were killed in the conflicts; some of them were moved westwards into the mountains and the others probably mixed with the Celts.

The earliest writer who wrote about Celts was Julius Caesar, the famous Roman general, statesman and writer. In his “Commentaries on the Gallic war” Julius Caesar describes the island and the Celts.

In the 1st century BC they lived in tribes and were ruled by chiefs whom all the tribesman obeyed. The chiefs were military leaders and some of them were very powerful. The tribe was the chief economic unit; the main activity of the Celts was farming.

The Celts has no towns, they lived in the villages. They were acquainted with the use of copper, tin and iron and they kept cattle and sheep. They also cultivated crops, especially corn. The Celtic tribes of the Britons were more civilized. They could make clothes of wool. The other Celts wore skins.

The Celts worshipped Nature. They imagined the sky, the sun, the moon, the earth, the sea to be ruled by being like they, but much more powerful. They also believed in many nameless spirits who lived in the rivers, lakes, mountains and thick forests. They sacrificed not only animals, but also human beings to their gods. Sometimes these victims were burnt; sometimes they were slain with knives. They were taught by priests called druids in another life after death. The druids lived in sacred places and were very important and powerful, sometimes more powerful then the chiefs. The Celts believed that the druids were able to foretell the future. The druids were also teachers and doctors for they were wiser than the other tribesmen.

The Celts produced tools of metal – first, of bronze, that is, a mixture of copper and tin, later, of much harder metal, iron.

The life of the Celts differed greatly from that of the Iberians. But both lived under the primitive system: people worked collectively; they owned common property and were all equal. They worked together and shared the products of their labour. All food was divided equally among the members of the clan. Their tools were primitive and the labour productivity was low. A man could not produce more than he needs.

In the tribe there were no classes so there was no state system, that is no armed forces, no prisons, no courts and no government bodies.

In the last centuries BC and in the first centuries AD the Celts were in a period of transition from primitive society to class society. The elders, military leaders and their warriors made up the tribal nobility. They had more cattle, better weapons and houses.

Like all the ancient people the Celts made up many legends about their gods and heroes. The legends were passed down from generation to generation. They were written down in the Middle Ages but they describe the life of Celts. The Celtic legends are called the “Celtic Saga”.

Some customs of the Druids are kept in England nowadays. On New Year’s Day the mistletoe, which becomes green at this time of the year, is hung up in the houses.

Romans on the territory of Britain

Two thousand years ago the Romans were the most powerful people in the world. Roman society differs greatly from that of the Celts. It was a slave society divided into antagonistic classes. The main classes were the slaves and the slave-owners. The slave-owners owned the land, tools, buildings and slaves. The slaves possessed neither land nor tools and were themselves the property of the slave-owners. The slaves could be bought and sold, exchanged and given away like any other thing. They could be kept in chains, whipped and put to death. The slaves were given some food and clothing so that they would not die of starvation and cold. Slaves were so cheap that all the Romans except the poorest had one or more, and rich slave-owners possessed hundreds of them.

The Romans conquered all the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. One of the last countries to be conquered by Rome was France.

In 55 В. С. a Roman army of 10,000 men crossed the Channel and invaded Britain. The Celts attacked the Romans. In the next year, 54 B.C., Caesar again came to Britain, this time with larger forces (25,000 men). The Celts fought bravely, but the Romans were stronger and forced them to pat tribute. Only in 43 A.D. when the Emperor Cllaudius sent a 50-thousand strong army Britain was invaded by Romans. Since that time up to 410 Britain was one of the remote provinces of the Roman Empire.

To defend their province the Romans stationed their legions in Britain. Straight roads were built for the legions to march quickly, whenever they were needed, to any part of the country. They were made so well that they lasted a long time and still exist today. Bridges of stone were built wherever a road crossed a river.

As a result of the conquest signs of Roman civilization spread over Britain. First towns appeared in Britain. The houses were built of stones, plastered and painted with roofs made of large red tiles. Every Roman town had a drainage system and a good supply of pure water.

But together with a high civilization the Romans brought exploitation and slavery to the British Isles. Rich Romans had villas in the country. The free Celts had to pay heavy taxes to the conquerors and were made to work for them. The Romans made them clean forests, build roads, bridges and walls for defense.

Among the Celts themselves inequality began to grow — the tribal chiefs and nobility became richer than other members of the tribe. Many of them became officials acting for Rome. Tribal chiefs who submitted were appointed to rule their people as before, but now they acted in the name of the Roman Emperor. The noble Celts adopted the mode of life of their conquerors. They lived in rich houses and they dressed as Romans. They spoke Latin, the language of the Romans. But the rank-and-file Celts went on living in their tiny huts, they spoke their native Celtic tongue and they did not understand the lan­guage of their rulers.

The Romans remained in Britain for about four centuries. In the 3rd-4th centuries the power of the Roman Empire gradually weakened. Slavery became an obstacle to technical progress. At the end of the 4th century the Germanic tribes invaded the Western Roman Empire.

Early in the 5th century (407) the Roman legions were recalled from Britain to defend the central provinces of the Roman Empire from the attacks of the Germanic tribes.

There are today many things Britain to remind the people the Romans: roads, towns, villas, bridges. Besides, many words of Modern English have come from Latin (street comes from strata, wall from vallum, port from potus).


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