Klimova Svetlana. On Semantic development of iconic words

The paper focuses on the results of the phonosemantic analysis of PIE root *bhel- (2) "to blow, swell". The correlations between the motif and the meanings of words derived from the given PIE root are identified.


Livanova Aleksandra. Crisps, crunches, krispies and the like in modern Germanic languages

The names of popular breakfast cereals are designed to attract the buyer, increasing the attractiveness of the product. Although in all countries whose population speaks Germanic languages, the majority of such foods are produced by international companies using English-language names (сrisps, crunches, krispies and others), there are also names based on national languages. The review of such names shows that a significant part of them is either already available in the language, or specially invented words belonging, according to the concept of SV Voronin, to iconic lexical system (it's sound-imitative subsystem), and in particular, transmitting the crunching sounds. In such cases, we have to do with a special occasion of synesthesia - "a complex combination of olfactory, gustatory and trigeminal sensations arising during food intake" (Bob Holmes. VkusFlavour. Moscow: 2017). As an illustrative example, the Norwegian word fras will be considered. It will also be demonstrated that the wide use of English names can be explained not only by extra-linguistic factors, but also by the fact that the sound composition of the complexes associated with the characteristic sound of the crunch in Germanic languages ​​has similar features.

Shamina Elena(St Petersburg State University, Russia), Sukhovalov Ilya. The sound form of English literary spells: an iconic approach

The paper deals with spells that were found in modern English (British and American) literary texts and all share the meaning of “breaking barriers”. The latter is seen in the study figuratively, as direct interference into the addressee’s mental or physical state. The study shows that their sound form does not comply with the typical English phonotactic patterns as it contains forbidden consonantal clusters and the distribution of phonemes deviates from the pronunciation standard of the English language. The phonostylistic analysis reveals some features that are typical for texts with conative, magic and emotive functions, such as assonances, rhymes, alliterations, specific rhythmic structure, etc. The iconic approach used in the study demonstrates a direct correspondence between the semantics of the mystic formulas and their sound form. Some of them may be interpreted as sound imitations reflecting the noise of “breaking barriers” and be classified according to S.V.Voronin’s universal classification of onomatopes. Iconicity of others relies on sound symbolism, e.g. on the association of high front vowels with thin sharp instruments of assault.



Abieva Natalia. Passive vs active voice in scientific discourse: semantic constraints on transformations

Nowadays numerous academic writing centres that are established in the majority of universities around the world, editorial boards of leading scientific journals and professional associations enthusiastically promote new norms for the written scientific discourse by issuing manuals and instructions for prospective authors. Having looked through those, one involuntary makes a paradoxical conclusion that they fight for the English language not to remain in due state but to become simplified. Authors are advised to write as simply as possible, to avoid complex syntax, wordiness and … passive structures. The introduction of the new standards has already led to noticeable changes in scientific rhetoric of many journals (Millar et al. 2013, Leong Ping Alvin, 2014). Passive voice is the one that suffers most as writing instructors strongly recommend to replace it by active whenever possible. It will be shown in the presentation that the use of passive constructions in the scientific prose of exact and natural sciences is justified by the specificity of the information flow realized in the theme-rheme structure of the sentences. Moreover, it will be demonstrated that passive constructions with semantic constraints on transformations into active forms (such as, e.g., The Gibbs free energy G is obtained by the Legendre transformation) are predominant in scientific papers. The latter makes passive voice indispensable in the context of scientific reasoning and argumentation.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 329; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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