Тема 11. «На уроке иностранного языка вы обсуждаете текст о телевидении. Расскажите о телевидении в Вашей семье»

Подготовьте устное сообщение в объеме 15 предложений по ситуации.

Расскажите, какие передачи любят смотреть члены Вашей семьи, какие передачи Вы любите смотреть, о чем они, расскажите о свое любимой телепередаче.




Modern life is impossible without television. It is a part of our life. The attitude to television is different. Some people hate watching TV. They believe is waste of time. For them most of programs are rather boring. As for me I enjoy watching TV. I think the role of TV is expressed in the proverb, “It’s better to see than to hear”. Paraphrasing it I can say it’s good to see after you have read. It’s so nice to watch screen version of literary masterpieces. It can add much to our understanding the author. Believe me it arouses unforgettable emotions. On TV we can see everything we have heard about. There are a lot of entertaining programs, feature and documentary films. Sometimes these films provoke hot discussions. Our television offers a wide variety of channels. My favorite TV channel is …. It broadcasts a lot of films and programs for adults, teenagers and children. My favorite program is …. It’s great! It is full of good pieces of advice…. When I wake up in the morning I always switch on TV and watch “Life news”. I am interested in the news all over the world, main information in our newspapers and magazines. In the evening I usually watch an interesting film or something to entertain or to relax. I am sure watching TV is the most interesting hobby in the world after reading books. It’s my favourite pastime.


Тема 12.«На уроке иностранного языка вы обсуждаете средства массовой информации».

Подготовьте устное сообщение в объеме 15 предложений по ситуации.

Расскажите о современных средствах массовой информации, назовите самые распространенные способы получения информации, объясните причины их популярности,

какими средствами массовой информации пользуетесь Вы, Ваши родители, почему им доверяете.


Mass media is a broad concept. It includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet and else. It’s hard to imagine life without mass media nowadays. Media plays very important part in everyday life. It informs us about current affairs in the world. It educates us, gives a possibility to learn something new. It certainly entertains us in different ways. Mass media influences the way people dress, eat, communicate and many other parts of our lives. It can often make people change their views on different matters. Millions of people watch TV every day, listen to the radio in cars, read newspaper and magazines. Everyone finds something interesting through means of media. Of course, not all that we see, hear or read is objective. Sometimes the information can be altered. However, I believe that good reporters try to deliver us only reliable information. My favourite types of media are TV and Internet. I often watch interesting films on TV or educational channels, such as Animal Planet and National Geographic. As for Internet, it probably unites all media sources nowadays. So I can easily watch the same films or channels online. Besides, Internet is also used for mass communication, so I use it to talk to my friends. I don’t usually listen to the radio but if my parents turn it on in the car, I enjoy it.


Тема 13. «Вы готовитесь выступить на школьной конференции «Здоровое питание – это здоровая жизнь».

Подготовьте устное сообщение в объеме 15 предложений по ситуации.

Приведите рекомендации по рациону и режиму здорового питания. Расскажите, почему люди нарушают эти рекомендации. Дайте рекомендации, как организовать «здоровое питание».


                                                    HEALTHY FOOD

There are a lot of proverbs about food. The English saying says, “We are what we eat.” And another proverb tells us “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”. All these proverbs prove that food was, is, and will be an important thing for people of the Earth. It keeps them living, gives energy. I know exactly that our health is directly connected with the food we eat and, of course, physical exercises we should do every day. There is a lot of food in the world. It’s important to eat a wide variety of food and include plenty of fruit, vegetables, grains, and lean proteins into our daily menu. I think we should drink plenty of water. It’s very useful to avoid junk food and fizzy drinks. And moreover it’s necessary not to drink strong drinks. I’m sure they can ruin our bodies and minds. I know for sure that the food we eat should be balanced. Our bodies need six things to be healthy and strong. They are: fats, fibre, minerals, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates. All of them give us energy and strengh, help us to grow and not to be healthy. They help us keep warm and work well. And, of course, we should think about fitness. Good health is above wealth. We must always remember this.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 3110; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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