An example of an ecocity is Curitiba (“koor-i-TEE-ba”), a metropolitan area with 3.2 million people known as the “ecological capital” of Brazil.

Planners in this city decided in 1969 to focus on an inexpensive and efficient mass transit system rather than on the car. Curitiba now has the world’s best rapid transit bus system, in which clean and modern buses transport about 72% of the population every day throughout the city along express lanes dedicated to buses. Only high-rise apartment buildings are allowed near major bus routes, and each building must devote its bottom two floors to stores—a practice that reduces the need for residents to travel far for shopping.

Cars are banned from 49 blocks in the center of the downtown area, which has a network of pedestrian walkways connected to bus stations, parks, and bicycle paths running throughout most of the city. Consequently, Curitiba uses less energy per person and has lower emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and less traffic congestion than do most comparable cities.

The city transformed flood-prone areas along its river banks into a series of interconnected parks. Volunteers have planted more than 1.5 million trees throughout the city, none of which can be cut down without a permit. And two trees must be planted for each one that is cut down.

Curitiba recycles roughly 70% of its paper and 60% of its metal, glass, and plastic. Recovered materials are sold mostly to the city’s more than 500 major industries, which must meet strict pollution standards.

The poor receive free medical and dental care, child care, and job training, and 40 feeding centers are available for street children. Poor people who live in areas not served by garbage trucks, can exchange filled garbage bags for surplus food, bus tokens, and school supplies. The city uses old buses as roving classrooms to train its poor in the basic skills needed for jobs. Other retired buses have become health clinics, soup kitchens, and day care centers that are free for low-income parents.

About 95% of Curitiba’s citizens can read and write and 83% of adults have at least a high school education. All school children study ecology. Polls show that 99% of the city’s inhabitants would not want to live anywhere else.

Curitiba now faces new challenges, as do all cities, mostly due to a fivefold increase in its population since 1965. Curitiba’s once clear streams are often overloaded with pollutants. The bus system is nearing capacity, and car ownership is on the rise. The city is considering building a light rail system to relieve some of the pressure.

This internationally acclaimed model of urban planning and sustainability is the brainchild of architect and former college professor Jaime Lerner, who has served as the city’s mayor three times since 1969. In the face of new challenges, Lerner and other leaders in Curitiba argue that education is still a key to making cities more sustainable, and they want Curitiba to continue serving as an educational example for that great purpose.



Local officials, business leaders, and citizens have worked together to transform the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, from a highly polluted city to one of the most sustainable cities in the United States.

During the 1960s, U.S. government officials rated Chattanooga as having the dirtiest air in the United States. Its air was so polluted by smoke from its coke ovens and steel mills that people sometimes had to turn on their vehicle headlights in the middle of the day. The Tennessee River, which flows through the city’s industrial center, bubbled with toxic waste. People and industries fled the downtown area and left a wasteland of abandoned and polluting factories, boarded-up buildings, high unemployment, and crime.

In 1984, the city decided to get serious about improving its environmental quality. Civic leaders started a Vision 2000 process with a 20-week series of community meetings in which more than 1,700 citizens from all walks of life gathered to build a consensus about what the city could be at the turn of the century. Citizens identified the city’s main problems, set goals, and brainstormed thousands of ideas for solutions.

By 1995, Chattanooga had met most of the Vision 2000 goals. The city had encouraged zero-emission industries to locate there and replaced its diesel buses with a fleet of quiet, zeroemission, electric buses, made by a new local firm.

The city also launched an innovative recycling program after environmentally concerned citizens blocked construction of a new garbage incinerator that would have emitted harmful air pollutants. These efforts paid off. Since 1989, the levels of the seven major air pollutants in Chattanooga have been lower than those required by federal standards.

Another project involved renovating much of the city’s lowincome housing and building new low-income rental units. Chattanooga also built the nation’s largest freshwater aquarium, which became the centerpiece for downtown renewal. The city developed a riverfront park along both banks of the Tennessee River, which draws more than 1 million visitors per year to the downtown area. As property values and living conditions have improved, people and businesses have moved back downtown.

Chattanooga’s environmental success story, a result of people working together to produce a more livable and sustainable city, is a shining example of how people can use economic and political tools, while motivated by ethical concerns, to solve serious environmental problems. 


3. Read both texts again and give English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.

Многоэтажный жилой дом, пешеходная дорожка, крупный город с его пригородами, общественный транспорт, пригодный для жизни, получивший международное признание, пробка на дороге, изобретение / плод (чьих-л.) размышлений, сталеплавильный завод, мусоросжигательная печь, безотходный, быть рентабельным / окупиться, пустырь, пример успеха, пресная вода.


4. Express your opinion on the following statements.

1) “Society is a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, thosewho are dead, and those who are to be born.” (Edmund Burke, 1790)

2) “Seeing things differently is the first step toward doing things differently.” (Anonymous)

3) “The time has come for humankind not to expect the Earth to produce more, but rather to do more with what the Earth already produces.” (Belgium industrialist, Gunter Pauli)

4) Sustainable development simply means “treating the earth as if we intended to stay.” (Crispin Tickell, British Ambassador to the United Nations)

Additional reading


Read the text, define its main idea. How would you answer the question at the end of it?


“Butterfly” is the nickname given to Julia Hill. This young woman spent 2 years of her life on a small platform near the top of a giant redwood tree in the U.S. state of California to protest the clear-cutting of a forest of these ancient trees, some of them more than 1,000 years old. She and other protesters were illegally occupying these trees as a form of nonviolent civil disobedience.

Butterfly had never participated in an environmental protest or act of civil disobedience. She went to the site to express her belief that it was wrong to cut down these ancient giants for short-term economic gain on the part of the land owners. She planned to stay for only a few days.

But after seeing the destruction and climbing one of these magnificent trees, she ended up staying in the tree for 2 years to publicize what was happening and to try to save the surrounding trees. She became a symbol of the protest and, during her stay, used a cell phone to communicate with members of the mass media throughout the world to try to develop public support for saving the trees.

Can you imagine spending 2 years of your life in a tree on a platform not much bigger than a king-sized bed, hovering 55 meters (180 feet) above the ground, and enduring high winds, intense rainstorms, snow, and ice? All around her was noise from trucks, chainsaws, and helicopters.

Although Butterfly lost her courageous battle to save the surrounding forest, she persuaded Pacific Lumber MAXXAM to save her tree (called Luna) and a 60-meter (200-foot) buffer zone around it. Not too long after she descended from her perch, someone used a chainsaw to seriously damage the tree. Cables and steel plates are now used to preserve it.

But maybe Butterfly did not lose after all. A book she wrote about her stand and her subsequent travels to campuses all over the world have inspired a number of young people to stand up for protecting biodiversity and for other environmental causes.

Butterfly led others by following in the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian political and spiritual leader who said, “My life is my message.” Would you spend a day or a week or 2 years of your life protesting something that you believed to be wrong?




С тех пор, как мы с женой переехали в Донецк, прошло десять лет. За эти годы многое поменялось, сменились виды деятельности, появились дети, да и мы моложе не стали. И все вроде ничего, большой город, большие магазины, торгово-развлекательные центры, бары, клубы, огромное количество больниц, школ, детских садов и отличное транспортное сообщение, автобусы, маршрутки, троллейбусы, трамваи и скоро построят метро.
Только вот стали замечать что здоровье как-то не очень, нервы на пределе, депрессия на депрессии и это коснулось не только нас, все это затронуло и наших детей. Что-то не так! Но как это изменить?
После некоторого анализа нашей жизни, мы обнаружили одну из причин этих проблем и о ней я сейчас хочу написать. Эта причина постепенного разрушения нашей жизни — жизнь в большом городе.

Начну конечно с экологической ситуации в мегаполисе.
Я конечно буду писать исходя из жизни в Донецке, городе шахт, терриконов и угольной пыли, но я не думаю что экология в других крупных городах-миллионниках намного лучше.
Воздух и вода крупного города очень богаты элементами из таблицы Менделеева и в основном они не несут какую-либо пользу, а скорее наоборот. А если сюда добавить и радиационное излучение, источники которого есть в любом городе (чем город больше тем больше радиации) — то получается вообще чудненький и очень опасный букет проблем со здоровьем.
Кроме того, в мегаполисе из за высокого уровня кучности населения, быстрее распространяются инфекции, ведь нам в транспорте, в очередях в магазинах, приходится чуть ли не впритык соприкасаться с другими людьми, что тоже повышает риск подхватить какую-либо инфекцию.
Воздух, которым мы дышим в большом городе, насыщен свинцом и марганцем, благодаря выхлопным газам автомобилей, которых в мегаполисе более полумиллиона.  

Вторая составляющая проблем связанных с большими городами, это отсутствие тишины, а точнее присутствие огромного количества шумов и внешних раздражителей. Особенно это касается тех, кто живет возле автотрассы и мы увы не исключение, живя в центре города возле одной из самых оживленных дорог и рядом со светофором, так что шумов, визгов, ударов, тресков и т.п. у нас хватает. К чему это все приводит, кроме отсутствия крепкого сна?
Результат – расстройствами слуха, проблемы с нервной системой, проблемы с психическим состоянием, хроническая усталость, раздражительность, агрессивность, депрессия и чувство одиночества. Все это влечет уже за собой другие проблемы со здоровьем. Шумы отрицательно воздействуют на умственные способности, снижают память, рассеивают внимание, ведут к бессоннице. Привыкнуть к постоянному шуму невозможно, можно стараться не замечать его, но организм реагирует все равно. Организм человека не имеет возможности отдохнуть из за того, что большую часть времени он подвержен влиянию шума. Это ведет к тому, что организм уже не в состоянии самостоятельно восстановиться, даже если ему дадут возможность нормально отдохнуть.
Городской шум можно отнести к причинам возникновения гипертонической болезни, ишемической болезни сердца. Постоянное воздействие шума приводит к гастриту и язвенной болезни желудка, шум городской негативно сказывается на сердечно-сосудистой системе, а так же на моторике кишечника, различных обменных процессах и на иммунитете.
Дневной шум опасен, так как не дает возможность организму хоть на минуту расслабиться, а ночной шум опасен втройне и ведет к очень серьезному ущербу для организма человека.

Перечислять разные опасные факторы и последствия жизни в мегаполисе можно еще очень долго, затронув и повышенный уровень преступности, и обилие дорог с автомобилями, гоняющими по ним явно не на предусмотренной для улиц города скорости, и цены на жизнь, которые в крупных городах так же значительно выше. А смысл простой – хотите жить долго и счастливо и давать здоровую жизнь своим детям, подумайте, может можно жить не только в большом городе, может стоит перебраться в город поменьше и поспокойнее, или, если работа завязана на крупном городе, можно поселиться в пригороде.
А тем кто стремиться к жизни в мегаполисе, совет — подумайте хорошо, у всего есть цена и иногда она слишком высока.



В последнее время все чаще можно встретить загадочную формулировку — «устойчивый город». Чем же является эта принципиально новая модель мегаполиса?

Итак, экогород, устойчивый город, стабильный город — населенный пункт, спроектированный с учётом влияния на окружающую среду. В таком городе жители стремятся минимизировать потребление энергии, воды и продуктов питания, исключить нерациональное выделение тепла, загрязнение воздуха углекислым газом (CO2) и метаном, а также загрязнение водных объектов.

Впервые термин «экогород» использовал Ричард Регистер в 1987 году в книге Экогород Беркли «Строительство города для здорового будущего».

Устойчивый город может обеспечить себя с минимальной зависимостью от окружающей местности, а энергию производить с помощью возобновляемых источников. Главное устремление населения экогорода — сокращение углеродного следа.

Принципы формирования устойчивого города:

-Создание различных сельскохозяйственных структур, участков в черте города (в центре или пригородах), чтобы сократить путь продуктов питания от места произрастания до конечного потребителя;

-Использование возобновляемых источников энергии: ветрогенераторов, солнечных батарей или биогаза, созданного из сточных вод;

-Различные методы снижения необходимости кондиционирования воздуха, такие как посадка деревьев (затенение) и цветовое освещение поверхности, устройство природных систем вентиляции, увеличение водных объектов и зелёных зон до уровня не менее 20% от площади города. Эти меры направлены также на борьбу с «эффектом теплового острова», вызванного обилием бетона и асфальта, которые делают городские районы на несколько градусов теплее, чем окружающие сельские районы;

-Улучшение работы общественного транспорта и увеличение пешеходных зон (создание общественных пространств) для сокращения автомобильных выхлопов;

Оптимальная плотность застройки, чтобы сделать общественный транспорт жизнеспособным, но избежать создания городских островов тепла;

-Уменьшение разрастания городов, поиск новых путей, позволяющих максимально приблизить место проживания населения к точкам приложения труда;

-Озеленение крыши и стен;

-Транспорт с нулевым уровнем выбросов;

-Энергоэффективные дома;

-Устойчивые городские дренажные системы;

-Энергосберегающие системы/устройства;

-Садовое и ландшафтное проектирование с сохранением чистой воды.

Устойчивый город – это город будущего, включающий в себя все решения по экологизации зданий и сооружений. по экологизации всей деятельности в городе, а также и экологизацию потребления. В устойчивом городе должны быть применены новые биопозитивные решения всех зданий и инженерных сооружений. Устойчивый город должен иметь в своем составе экологически обоснованный объем естественной и культурной природной среды.

В устойчивом городе должна быть использована полностью биопозитивная индустрия отходов и достигнут уровень безотходности, равный биосферному.

Обязательным элементом устойчивого города является его красота, достигаемая сочетанием хорошо вписывающихся в природную среду зданий и самой природы. Устойчивый город должен быть красив и любим всеми его жителями, которые должны постоянно участвовать в создании и поддержании красивой и здоровой среды.

Final Projects


1. Congratulations! You are in charge of the world. List the three most important features of your policies for using and managing (a) forests, (b) grasslands, (c) nature reserves such as parks and wildlife refuges, (d) biological hotspots, and (e) the world’s aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services.


2. Prepare a presentation telling your group about ecoterrorists – militant environmentalists.


3. Prepare a presentation telling your group about the benefits and potential risks of cloning.


4. Design and print out a poster addressing most urgent environmental issues and calling upon people to take immediate action regarding them. Present the poster to your group and give a speech based on the issues featured on it.


Appendix 1



absorb adversely affect anthropogenic birth defect build-up in the atmosphere carbon dioxide carbon emissions carbon footprint carbon monoxide cardiovascular disease carpool cesspool chemical sludge chlorine chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) clear felling combat (v.) combustion contamination coolant dilution disposal site drought ecosystem emanate emission extinct (adj.) fossil fuel glacier global warming greenhouse effect greenhouse gases habitat herbicide holistic inalienable incinerator industrial chemical discharge ingestion of toxic chemicals invasive species lead (n.) leakage litter (v., n.) landfill (n.) lethal livestock farm long-wave radiation methane mining motor vehicle emissions municipal solid waste nitrogen nuclear power oil refinery oxygen ozone particulate matter pesticide power plant radioactive contaminaion radioactive fallout rechargeable refuse (n.) respiratory disease sea level rise sewage short-wave radiation species (sg., pl) spill (n.) storage of trash sulfur take issue with smb./smth. uninhabitable untreated chemicals wildlife mortality warfare


afterthought bale beyond the pale of common civic values brandish buy-back center cardboard committed to community compost heap convert into conveyer belt corrugated cardboard cullet curbside collection cut smb. dead devil-may-care discarded dispute claims draconian rule drop-off-center dump efficiency elaborate and fiercely policed protocols encourage compliance, ethos festering fossil fuels garbage pick-up days garbage storage gnomic account habitat haul household garbage illicitly in a bolshy mood incineration infraction integral part landfilling lighting fixture lucrative mainstay penchant pick-up pipe up po-faced postconsumer content processed pulp recovery facility recyclable product recyclables recycled-content product regulations resent rhetoric scrap metals single stream” collection six months down the road skyrocket solid waste spring-cleaning straightforward suppressed rage take on importance trudge under cover of night up and coming waste disposal waste paper wind up in landfills  


abnormality allergic reaction antibiotic resistance antibiotics avian flu bio-invasion bioserfdom breed cell crop cross breeding DNA “freak” animals gene genetic engineering genetically modified organism geneticist indigenous infertile mutate mutation nutritional value pollen pollinating plant reductionist science resistant to pesticides royalties run amock side effects soybeans sugar beet toxin transgenic trigger (v.) weed killer


acidic beneficiary biodiversity blueprint bolster breeding programme bring to the table captive-bred carrying capacity confine curb driving factor drought enclosure  evolutionary lineages exponential growth fell few and far between form a rounded picture fossil fuel deposits fossils gawp grisly have an end point human impact in captivity low-hanging fruit markedly accelerate mass extinction menagerie   nature-deficit disorder outpace improvements outreach work over longer timescales poach population crash predator provoke concern rationale repository restore animals to their natural habitats risible rivet run out of steam scandalous seminal work sketch out species loss subsidiary the root cause tick along tipping point ultimately unchecked growth unimpaired wantonly whisk wreak horrendous damage    


biodiversity brainchild chemical cycling civil disobedience compost (v., n.) congestion ecocity energy efficiency standard flood-prone freshwater (adj.) garbage incinerator grassland headlight high-rise apartment building ice age internationally acclaimed life support system livable low-polluting mass transit metropolitan area on the rise organic garden pay off pedestrian walkway people-oriented city permit (n.) purification renewable rooftop garden roving classroom smart growth soil erosion solar sprawl (v.) steel mill success story sustainability sustainable toxic waste traffic conjestion urban area urban planner wasteland wetland window box zero-emission (adj.) zoning


Appendix 2

PROGRESS TEST 1. Lessons 1-2

1. Match a word in A with a meaning in B:

1. debris 2. inalienable 3. ethos 4. infraction 5. penchant 6. landfill 7. efficiency 8. combat 9. compliance 10. drought 11. habitat 12. trigger a) the type of place that a particular animal usually lives in or a particular plant usually grows in; b) the broken pieces that are left when something large has been destroyed; c) to do something in order to try to stop something bad from happening or a bad situation from becoming worse; d) something that cannot be taken away from you or given to someone else; e) a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die; f) to make something happen; g) a large hole in the ground where waste from people’s homes or from industry is buried; h) the practice of obeying a law, rule, or request; i) a situation in which someone breaks a law or rule; j) the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people; k) a feeling of liking something very much or a tendency to do something a lot; l) the ability to work well and produce good results by using the available time, money, supplies etc in the most effective way.




2. Translate into English.

Вызванный деятельностью человека, свинец, азот, сера, выступить против чего-л., утечка, ТБО, разлив (химических веществ), автомобильные выхлопы, ископаемое топливо, упаковывать в кипы, оспаривать утверждение, дни вывоза мусора, жесткие правила, перспективный.




3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable grammatical forms of the words and word-combinations given in the list below. There are more words than you need.

1) … and burning of natural vegetation are the main practices leading to agricultural air pollution. 2) After collection recyclables are sent to … to be sorted, cleaned, and processed into materials that can be used in manufacturing. 3) He never disobeyed the rules by … dumping the bags in another neighbourhood. 4) Hurricanes often involve water contamination from… , and petrochemical spills from automobiles. 5) Coral reefs contain a greater variety of species than any other … except for tropical forests. 6) Laboratory studies have uncovered several ways in which animals … by noise pollution. 7) Residents typically separate their waste into aluminum, glass, plastic and paper and have a container for each at the … . 8) Power plants operate virtually silently and … damaging substances. 9) … plastics are plastics that decompose by the action of living organisms, usually bacteria. 10) When I first moved to Manhattan, I was often fined for improperly wrapped or sorted … . 11) The rivers in the country have been turned into… and waste and its cities face non-existent water. 12) Awareness of atmospheric pollution spread widely after World War II, with fears triggered by reports of … from atomic warfare and testing. 13) In the absence of cats, rats flourished and … the villages.


Words and word-combinations: biodegradable, haul, radioactive fallout, holistic, recovery facility, cesspools of pollution, clear felling, habitat, overrun, dilution, adversely affect, emit, sewage, illicit, curb, refuse.





 Total: 40 / _____



1. Translate into English.

Бесплодный, клетка, генетик, невосприимчивость, ДНК.



2. For each word in A find a word in B that goes best with it.

1. weed 2. cross 3. nutritional 4.  run 5. pollinating 6. side 7. resistant to 8. genetic 9. pay 10. encourage а) pesticides b) plants c) breeding d) engineering e) effect f) royalties g) value h) mutations i) amok j) killer





3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable grammatical forms of the words and word-combinations given in the list below. There are more words than you need.

1) When gene transfer occurs, the resulting organism is called … or a GMO. 2) GE proponents claim genetically engineered … use fewer pesticides than non-GE plants. 3) The findings upend the conventional wisdom that agricultural pesticides are largely responsible for … . 4) … people view both themselves and nature as part of an extended ecological family that shares ancestry and origins. 5) Marine … - introduction of marine organisms alien to local ecosystem - has serious consequences. 6) Thesebacteria … into ​forms that are ​resistant to ​certain ​drugs. 7) The introduction of foreign DNA into an organism could … other DNA in the plant or animal to change. 8) While … may be carried incredible distances, the majority of the grains tend to land within just a few metres of the plant. 9) A purely … , biotechnology reduces all life to bits of information (genetic code) that can be arranged and rearranged at whim. 10) Hundreds of genetically engineered … animals are awaiting patent approval from the federal government.


Words and word-combinations: abnormality, indigenous, transgenic, crops, trigger, freak, mutate, gene, pollen, reductionist science,bio-invasion.




Total: 25 / _____



PROGRESS TEST 3. Lessons 4-5

1. Match a word in A with a meaning in B:


1. Unimpaired 2. Poach 3. Lumber 4. Wantonly 5. Enclosure 6.  unchecked 7. risible 8. poised 9. sprawl 10.  brainchild 11. roving 12. purification 13. wasteland 14. livable 15. acclaimed a) about to do or achieve something after preparing for it; b) deserving to be laughed at rather than taken seriously; c) a clever system, organization, or plan that someone thinks of and develops; d) to walk slowly because of being large and heavy; e) to stretch over or across something in an ugly and untidy way; f) travelling around from place to place, especially as part of your job; g) causing harm or damage for no reason; h) not harmed by something that has happened; i) the process of making something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it; j) an area of land that is empty or cannot be used; k) to illegally catch or kill an animal, bird, or fish on someone else’s property; l) publicly written and talked about in an admiring way; m) pleasant enough to live in; n) an area surrounded by a fence or wall; o) not controlled, or not prevented from happening.





2. Provide synonyms for the following words and word-combinations.

Species loss, to accelerate, zoo, populous, to breed.




3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable grammatical forms of the words and word-combinations given in the list below.

1) Environmental awareness has been … since the middle of the 20th century. 2) Some social ecologists believe that … of environmental problems are such factors as trade-for-profit and industrial expansion. 3) One of the big problems facing city municipalities is … . 4) In ecological terms, … of an ecosystem is the size of the population that can be supported indefinitely upon the available resources and services of that ecosystem. 5) In ecology, … is the capacity to endure; it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive indefinitely. 6) The city also launched an innovative recycling program after environmentally concerned citizens blocked construction of a new … . 7) Not for nothing is it said that the world economy is a wholly owned … of its environment. 8) No dredge and fill activities are allowed in or around a lake without … . 9) … for maintaining collections of wild animals – always, preferably, in wildlife parks with large open spaces – has to be the protection of endangered species 10) … can discourage sprawl, reduce traffic, protect ecologically sensitive and important lands and waterways, and develop neighborhoods that are more enjoyable places to live.


Words and word-combinations: rationale, subsidiary, the traffic congestion, smart growth, root cause, carrying capacity, permit, to be on the rise, sustainability, garbage incinerator.




Total: 30 / _____

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