Spain,Portuga,Russia - 360 euros/participant

Rest of the countries - 275 euros/participant

Visa costs approved :

Armenia,Azerbaidjan,Georgia,Ukraina,Russia - 35 euros/participant

Belarus,Kosovo,Turkey - 60 euros/participant

Russia -travel costs to get visa - 82 euros

There will be a participation contribution of 30 euros/participant to be paid in cash on location ( this is because our NA cut one day from our budget and we also want to provide you some surprises extra activities )

Other practicalities :

Currency : 1 euro = 4.50 lei ( RON ).There are banks and bankomats in airports , in train station,in Busteni.In a lot of  locations you can pay by credit card.

Prices : coffee,beer,juice in shops are around 50 cents , in restaurants around 1 -1 ,5 euros.

The hour in Romania is GMT + 2.

For persons that want to spend some days in Bucharest or elsewhere we can help you recommended hostels or attractions.just ask !! You can stay on your own costs 2 days before or after the project

Beware of pick pockets in buses , metro and crowded places. Don’t accept gifts and don’t talk to strangers that ask to sign something or to help them – most of them are cheaters.

Don’y pay attention to street dogs – they are everywhere but most of them are friendly.

For any other comments or questions contact us:

 ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 242; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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