Read the supporting article and provide detailed answers to the case questions below.

Canadian Pacific Hotels are involved in many programs to benefit the residents of Canada. An environmental program that started in 1990, which all hotels in the chain are involved in, is doing great. Canadian Pacific Hotels have set goals for themselves, such as reducing waste and collecting recyclables from the guest rooms. The hotels have reached their goal of being nature-friendly with the help of an environmental consultant. The corporation received the «Green Hotelier of the Year» award in 1996 for outstanding efforts to improve environmental perform­ance.

Another program that Canadian Pacific is currently involved in is the Adopt-A-Shelter program. Each hotel in the chain adopts a local women's shelter and donates goods, services, and financial support, mainly used furniture and household items. The relationship between the hotel and the shelter is a continuing one.

The Canadian Pacific Charitable Foundation will also donate $150,000 to the Canadian Women's Foundation during the next three years. This money will help the Women's Foundation set up «Canadian Pacific Violence Prevention Fund», which will help support many vio­lence prevention programs across Canada [1, 146].

Vocabulary notes

to benefit (smb., smth.) идти на благо (кому-л., чему-л.)

environmental экологический; относящийся к защите ок­ружающей среды to reduce waste использованные предметы, которые подле­жат переработке и повторной утилизации recyclables (pi.) сократить количество отходов (загрязняю­щих окружающую среду)

to donate вносить, делать пожертвования (в благотворительных целях

to reach one's goal достигать своей цели

nature-friendly зд. не загрязняющий окружающую среду; берегущий природу

violence prevention pro­gram программа по предотвращению насилия (главным образом, в семьях по отношению к женщинам и детям)


Case questions:

1. What are the Canadian Pacific Hotels currently involved in?

2. How is the environmental program, that started in 1990, doing now?

3. How many hotels in the chain are involved in the environmental program?

4. What goals have Canadian Pacific Hotels set for themselves?

5. Who helped the hotels reach their goal of being nature-friendly?

6. What award did the corporation receive in 1996? What for?

7. How does Canadian Pacific currently participate in the Adopt-A-Shelter program?

8. What does each hotel involved in the Adopt-A-Shelter program donate?



9. How much money will the Canadian Pacific Charitable Founda­tion donate to the Canadian Women's Foundation?

10. What will the donated money help do?


Pretend you are an owner of a hotel-chain in Russia and Ukraine. You are planning to create a positive image of your chain in order to take full advantage of this action which can give you the edge over your com­petitors. What measures will you be taking?

While making your decision consider the following possible steps:

to make donations to different environmental programs;

• to give used furniture and household items to poor families;

• to hire an environmental consultant;

• to reduce waste;

• to collect recyclables from the guest rooms;

• to improve environmental performance.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 25; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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