Main rules of weapon handling

Facilities at Kharkiv Air Force University


 Air Force University cadets eat in a mess and live in barracks and in a dormitory. There are classrooms, specialized lecture halls, and simulator facilities where cadets receive their education and training. There is a shooting range where cadets fire the Kalashnikov assault rifle. There is a gym where cadets can do their physical training. The university also has a medical unit where cadets can receive medical help if they are ill or have an injury.


7. Reasons for Joining the Armed Forces


People join the armed forces because they want to serve and protect their motherland. Some people follow their family traditions. Others want to receive good training that they can use later in their civilian life. And there are individuals who hope that a military career will give them more opportunuties to be successful in life. As for me…


Military leader Ivan Kozhedub

Kozhedub was a highly skilled and courageous pilot. During the second world war he shot down the greatest number of enemy aircraft, 62, including one jet aircraft. He flew 330 combat missions and engaged in 120 dogfights.

Kozhedub knew the theory and practice of flying perfectly, had a good understanding of machinery and was physically strong. These qualities helped him skilfully use aircraft in combat. Our university is named after him


Fit to fight (why fitness is important)

A soldier must be fit to do his job properly and not to endanger the lives of other people. So he must train every day to improve his fitness, agility, strength and endurance. Soldiers train on the assault course, at firing range and in the gym. They train military skills, such as shooting, attack and ambush drills; besides soldiers run and march in fighting order.

My military career

I applied to join the armed forces when I was 18. After a medical examination and a number of other tests I entered the Kharkiv Air Force University. I completed my basic training which lasted 2 weeks. I was accepted as a cadet at the ___________ faculty. (Then I was promoted to… in 201…).I have been at the university for 5 years. In a year I will be commissioned as a lieutenant.


The faculties of our university


There are nine faculties at the university: pilot training faculty; the faculty of aviation engineering; the faculty of air defence troop; the faculty of automated control systems and aviation ground support; the faculty of radio air defence; the faculty of anti-aircraft defence; the faculty of post-graduate studies; the faculty of reserve officers training; and the faculty of information technologies.


1.Basic Combat Training in the Ukrainian Armed Forces


Basic combat training , or Bootcamp, is where recruits learn the basics of military life and how to be soldiers. In the Ukrainian Army and Air Force, the basic combat training is eight weeks. The instructors teach basic military skills, including drill and weapons handling. The recruits sleep in tents, wear a military uniform, have a lot of physical training, and learn to salute, to march in formation, and to fire an assault rifle.


2. My Life Before and After I Joined the Armed Forces


Before I joined the army, I studied at school for eleven years. My lessons started at 9 o’clock, so I got up at 7. Now I get up earlier and I do PT with the rest of my platoon. When I was a civilian, I didn’t do any physical training in the morning.

When I was a civilian, I did not have to follow orders and comply with all sorts of rules and regulations and I never gave orders. Now, I am a cadet and I must follow the orders of my commanders. Soon, I will be commissioned as a lieutenant and then, giving orders to others will be a very important part of my job.

When I was a civilian, I didn’t salute my superiors and I didn’t know how to fire an assault rifle, but now I do.


3. Ukrainian Army Organization and Ranks


The Ukrainian Army divides personnel into enlisted personnel (soldiers, sergeants) and commissioned officers. A platoon is normally commanded by a lieutenant or senior lieutenant. A company is usually under the command of a captain. The commander of a battalion, as a rule, is a major. A regiment or a brigade is usually commanded by a colonel. A major general is a one-star general in who is usually in charge of large formations..


4. The Assault Course


The assault course is an important part of military training. Different assault courses have different obstacles. “Obstacle course” is another name for the assault course.

When soldiers do the assault course, they crawl through a tunnel, climb up and down a cargo net, jump over a low wall, crawl under a barbed wire, run up a ramp and jump down, run across some logs, jump into a ditch and climb out. There may be other obstacles, too.


5. Weapons and Equipment That Soldiers Have on Exercises and Operations


Depending on tactical situation, soldiers wear either fighting order or marching order.

Fighting order includes the individual weapon, ammunition and grenades, webbing, digging tool, water bottle, combat rations, and a washing and shaving kit.

Marching order includes a very big rucksack with spare clothes and a towel, a sleeping bag, gloves, and a few other items.

For protection, soldiers wear a helmet and, sometimes, a bullet-proof vest.


6. 1st Aid Procedures


If someone is ill, injured, or wounded, you must first determine what 1st aid measures must be taken.    

First, identify the location of pain..

Then, check for open wounds and give the casualty some painkillers.

If the casualty has a broken arm or leg, apply a splint. And in any case use your radio or mobile phone to call for medical assistance or medical evacuation.


7. A Typical Military Base


A typical military base has a headquarters where the base commander and his staff have their offices, barracks where the soldiers sleep, a mess where they eat, living quarters for commissioned officers, and a parade square where soldiers parade and practise drill. There are checkpoints along the perimeter and the main gate at the front of the compound.


8. Professional and Conscription-Based Army


Many people think that being a soldier is a job,and it must be paid for.

But there is a problem of cost and effectiveness. Conscripts are cheaper as they have a lower standard of living and need little support. And they are always available for service.

Professional soldiers are more expensive because they need salaries and accommodation. And managing a professional army is complicated.

 On the other hand, professional soldiers are always better trained and better qualified. 



9. The Most Important Qualities of a Good Military Leader


To be a good military leader, a person must be demanding and make his subordinates do their best. A good military leader must also be brave and never show fear.

Leaders often have to deal with difficult situations, so a good leader must be good at making quick decisions and solving difficult problems.

Most importantly, a good leader must always pay attention to his subordinates' needs.


Airforce of Ukraine


The Ukrainian Air Force is a part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in addition to the Land Force and the Navy. Ukrainian Air Force headquarters is located in the city of Vinnitsa. The major mission of the Air Force is to protect the air space of Ukraine. The tasks of the Air Force of Ukraine are: delivering air strikes against enemy units and facilities, covering troops against enemy air strikes, providing air support to the Land Force and the Navy, and providing support by air in the form of reconnaissance, air drops, troops and cargo transportation. To complete these tasks the Ukrainian Air Force has Su-27 and MIG-29 fighters, Su-24 tactical bombers and reconnaissance aircraft, An-26 and IL-76 transport aircraft and MI-8 and Mi-24 helicopters.


Main rules of weapon handling

All weapons are lethal, so they can kill you. That’s why it is very important to follow the main rules of weapon handling. First, always point your rifle in a safe direction; second, do not load your rifle unless you have to; do not play with a trigger and keep the safety catch applied. Finally, unload and clear your rifle after use and always keep your rifle close to you.




The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is an alliance of North American and European democracies. Members of NATO agree to help each other if one of NATO countries is attacked.

Countries that want to join NATO must be democratic. They must also have military personnel who know English. Now NATO includes 28 countries


2. Personal Qualities That Peacekeepers Need


Peacekeepers must be fair to all people and they must treat all people the same. They must be patient and not complain or get angry in difficult situations. They must be tolerant and respect people’s rights and opinions even if they do not like those people. Moreover, peacekeepers must respect the laws and religion of the country where they are deployed.



3. What Peacekeepers Do on Peacekeeping Missions


Peacekeepers may carry out many tasks on peacekeeping missions. They build roads, schools, and hospitals. They clear minefields. They provide medical support and escort convoys with humanitarian aid to local people. They help refugees return to their homes. They monitor ceasefire agreements and organise free and fair elections.


4. Natural Disasters and How the Military Can Help


   How can the military help civilian population when there is a natural disaster?

   When there is an earthquake, a flood, a hurricane, a tsunami, or some other natural disaster, the military are usually the first to move into the area and help.

   The armed forces have vehicles and aircraft, equipment, trained personnel, and experience that they can use in dealing with emergencies. They can give medical assistance, evacuate casualties, rebuild roads and bridges.


5. Journalists in war zones


   The role of military journalists is very important. They inform about the military operations. Journalists deployed to war zones may face all sorts of unpleasant or dangerous situations. They may wait for hours at a checkpoint. They may be kidnapped. They may be shot at. But their work is very important because it has a great effect on public opinion and soldier’s morale.


6. The four generations of modern warfare


            The first generation of modern warfare (from 1649 to 1850) was characterized by massed manpower on the battlefield and line and column tactics.

   The second generation warfare was the result of the developments in firepower, communication and transport and was characterised by strictly controlled battlefields and massed firepower.

   The third generation warfare emphasised speed and surprise It is known as blitzkrieg or manoeuvre warfare.

In the fourth generation of modern warfare, which is called asymmetric warfare, the state loses its total control on war and has to fight against guerrillas, terrorists, and even drug cartels.




Modern world suffers from terrorist attacks more and more often. That is why special forces are needed to fight terrorism.

They are small, highly mobile units that are able to operate independently and strike fast. They provide assistance to the police and maintain law and order. Hostage rescue, fighting terrorists, suppressing riots and ensuring the safety of people are the main tasks of such units



A patrol is a small group of soldiers who are sent to carry out a specific mission, such as reconnaissance, security or observation. The patrol’s mission is to observe and report all activities in the area. They drive or walk around a particular area at regular times to check it is safe and that there is no trouble.



Travelling in and around the areas of conflict can be dangerous. Therefore convoys are often used to protect important military and diplomatic personnel and humanitarian aid. A convoy is a group of vehicles and armed military personnel that travel together to provide protection.


Block post

Block posts are built on the territories where the terrorist threat is high. They are made of concrete blocks, sandbags and are manned by guards. There may be a wire fence with an anti-sniper screen or a blast wall.


Rules of engagement

Rules of engagement describe how and when force should be used to ensure the safety of personnel and the success of the mission. Specific rules of engagement are established for each mission. General rules say: use the minimum force necessary, always give challenge before you open fire, do not use weapon without orders.


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