C. time of propaganda and informative preparation

d. time of process of electing

e. other time


  1. Ethnicity is a category defined by:

a. language only

b. territory only

c. culture only

D. language, culture and territory  

e. other components


  1. National religions are:

a. Christianity and Judaism

b. Judaism and Islam

c. Buddhism and Hinduism

d. Christianity and Islam

E. Judaism and Hinduism


  1. Universal religions are:

A. Christianity, Islam and Buddhism

b. Judaism and Islam

c. Buddhism and Hinduism

d. Christianity and Islam

e. Judaism and Hinduism


  1. Nationalism can be:

a. only ethnic

B. state/territorial, ethnic, religious, racial

c. religious

d. racial

e. state/territorial


  1. Mini statehood for ethnic groups within nation is:

a. Unitarianism

b. federation

C. autonomy

d. monarchy

e. republic


  1. Chauvinism is directed to:

a. discrimination

b. only segregation

c. only violent assimilation

D. violent assimilation of ethnic minorities or their segregations

e. violation


  1. Tolerance is a way to harmony in society concerning:

a. only ethnic and religious aspects

b. only racial and lingual aspects

c. only social and lingual aspects

d. only social and ethnic aspects

E. social, ethnic, religious, racial and lingual aspects


  1. Race is determined:

A. as complex of human physical features

b. by language

c. by containing a mentality

d. by containing a social factor

e. by inter-human relations


  1. Personality in policy is defined by:

a. historical necessity

B. historical phenomenon

c. political necessity

d. political necessity

e. historical and political necessity


  1. Personality can be:

a. only leader

b. only middle political figure

C. leader, middle political figure and popular political figure

d. only popular political figure

e. leader and political figure


  1. Ministers and governors can be:

a. only experts

b. only politicians

c. good politicians

d. good executors

E. good executors and politicians


  1. Political culture is connected with:

a. consciousness

B. political and public consciousness

c. public consciousness

d. political consciousness

e. other consciousness

  1. Political consciousness seizes:

a. norms and rules of game

b. behavior stereotype

C. norms and rules of game, behavior stereotype, verbal reaction, political symbolic

d. verbal reaction

e. political symbolic

  1. Public consciousness seizes:

a. art, morality, and religion

b. religion, law, and social psychology

c. science, philosophy and art

D. science, philosophy, art, morality, religion, law, and social psychology

e. law and social psychology


  1. Political ethics is normative theory of political activity concerning:

a. social structure

b. mutual rights

c. human and civil rights

d. freedom and justice

E. social structure, mutual rights and duties, human and civil rights


  1. Political ethics defines a policy between:

A. professionalism and moral

b. real and ideal goals

c. equality and freedom

d. thinking of consequences

e. realization of promises


  1. Mass Media impacts:

a. business

B. all fields of human activity in society

c. religion

d. health

e. education


  1. Conservatism has goals:

a. to keep traditions only

B. to keep traditions, limit a freedom, and defend a spirituality

c. to limit a freedom only

d. to defend a spirituality only

e. to be always old


  1. Liberalism mainly concerns:

a. only individual freedom

b. only private property

c. only equality of citizens

D. individual freedom, private property and equality of citizens

e. law and rights


  1. Social Democracy is a theory and practice of parties of:

a. conservative direction

B. socialist direction

c. liberal direction

d. democratic direction

e. other direction


  1. Program of Social Democracy is:

a. nationalization only

b. reduce of working hours only

C. nationalization, reduce of working hours, social support

d. social support only

e. other measures


  1. The goal of Social Democracy is:

a. Internationalism

b. Imperialism

c. Capitalism

d. Communism  

E. Democratic Socialism/Humanistic Capitalism


  1. National interests are based on:

a. national security

b. international security

c. regional interests

D. economic, political, geographical and cultural factors

e. global factors



  1. The most dangerous nationalism is:

a. Ethnic

b. Racial  

c. Religious

d. State

e. Territorial


  1. Double standard is used by:

a. Each country

b. The United States  

c. The Russian Federation

d. The Chinese Peoples Republic  

e. All great powers  


1. Globalization is:

a. only process of economic integration and unification

b. only process of cultural integration and unification

c. only process of political integration and unification

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