Kat reply to Sarah Shiddian For Trump

I believe I understand you & agree.
Whatever the TRUTH is
we are not attached to the outcome of it.
Let the TRUTH be known
& let each one deal with it as they will.

I am not attached to who is who either.
What I love about Q is that it is pure information.
I will never know “who” Q Team is
but I can feel the genius, heart, passion
& reverent Godly Spirit in every post.
That is more than enough.
We FEEL Q is God-Light
& Q Team is being guided by God
& working 24/7 to free Earth & Solar System
from the darkest evil beyond description.

From The Gospel of Q, in the times of Jesus
to Abraham Lincoln’s Q
to President Kennedy’s Q
to President Trump’s Q
we know
we see
we believe
Q is a behind-the-scenes force for Good
& for all that is Immaculate & Holy.

As to the Patriots & Anons who stand up & guide us
with their time & brilliance,
the “who” doesn’t matter.
The Divine Spirit is what matters
& they have that in superabundance.


With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance Unceasing,

This is Kat, over and out.




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