The rest potential or membrane potential

A cell is a structurally functional unit of an organism.

Each organ is represented by a set of cells connected by intercellular structures

About 60% of body weight is represented by liquids.

Most of them are represented by intracellular fluid, and 1/3 are extracellular fluid.

Extracellular fluid is the internal environment of the body

Extracellular fluid contains ions, nutrients, gases necessary for the functioning of cells

The composition of extracellular and intracellular fluids is significantly different.

The cells are covered with a membrane

The membrane is a protein-lipid layer that is permeable only to fat-soluble particles (blood gases).

There are proteins in the membrane: integral (permeate the membrane and are channels for water-soluble substances or carriers) and peripheral.



Excitable tissues

Nerve tissue

Muscle tissue

Secretory tissue

All tissues have property excitability

Properties of excitable tissues





Excitability - ability to be excited by irritation


1) The threshold of stimulation is the minimum stimulus force capable of causing tissue excitation (generation of action potential), for the electric stimulus the threshold is called a reobase

2) Excitation threshold (depolarization threshold) is the difference between the resting potential and the Cl (critical level of the membrane potential)

Conductivity - the ability to excite the membrane surface

The conductivity is estimated from the rate of excitation (action potential)

Rate of excitation:

Nerve fibers of group A (120 - 20 m / s);

group B (15 - 3 m / s);

group C (3-0.5 m / s);

Skeletal muscles - 5-8 m / s;

Smooth muscles - 0.5 m / s

Heart muscle - 1 - 4 m / s

Contractility is the ability to contract in response to irritation.

Automation - the ability to be excited without irritation.

Bioelectric phenomena in the excitable tissues

1) The rest potential

2) Local response

3) Action potential

 Mechanism of these phenomena Membrane-ion theory explains

Basic principles of the Membrane-ion theory
1) The difference in ion concentrations between the inner and outer sides of the membrane is the concentration gradient;

2) The presence of ion-selective membrane - has a selective permeability for ions: gated and  non-gated ion channels;

3) Potassium-sodium pump (and other pumps) - active mechanism in membrane, provides motion of ions against gradient concentrations with energy.

Threshold stimulus: The stimulus with the intensity equal to threshold

Subthreshold stimulus: The stimulus with the intensity weaker than the threshold

Suprathreshold stimulus: The stimulus with the intensity greater

Depolarization: the membrane potential becomes less negative than the resting potential (close to zero).

Repolarization: restoration of normal polarization state of membrane.

Hyperpolarization: the membrane potential is more negative than the resting level.

The rest potential or membrane potential

Membranes of cells of excitable tissues at rest are negatively charged, are polarized.

The value of the rest potential in different tissues ranges from

-30 to -90 mV.

The rest potential is due to:

 1) the release of K + ions from the cell,

2) the weak intake of Na + ions into the cell,

3) the potassium-sodium pump (3 Na + ions are excreted from the cell, 2 K+ are two cells introduced

Local response
local depolarization of the membrane caused by the action of a subthreshold stimulus occurs as a result of the discovery of chemo-sensitive sodium channels

local response can be represented by hyperpolarization of the membrane, it is provided by the opening of potassium or chlorine channels

Local response properties

Action Potential

This rapid oscillation of the membrane potential due to changes in the permeability of the cell membrane and the diffusion of ions into and out of the cell

Two forms of action potentials 1- spiky, 2- plateau

Дата добавления: 2022-06-11; просмотров: 18; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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