Slavs and Balts on the territory of Belarus.

In the Iron Age, the main inhabitants of Belarus were the Baltic tribes. These are the ancestors of the Latvians and Lithuanians of the current northern neighbors of Belarus. In the fifth century, Slavic tribes came here.

Ancient Balts.

They settled near the Balts, gradually mixed with them and merged into one people. Thus, Latvians and Lithuanians are close relatives of Belarusians. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations and the similarity of folk costumes, songs, fairy tales, legends and myths. However, Belarusians are Slavs. By the way, the Slavs are also Indo-Europeans.

The name of the people “Slavs” comes from the word “slovo” (slovo – means word, if it translate in English). Slavs called themselves people who “owned the slovo”, that means, understood each other. Most historians place the ancestral homeland of the Slavs north of the Carpathian mountings. Now this territory belongs to Moldova, Poland and Ukraine. It is assumed that the Slavs left their homeland for an unknown reason in the 5th century.

In the 5th-7th centuries AD, they began to develop the territory of central and eastern Europe, including Belarus. During the development of the territory of Belarus, Slavic tribes mixed with the Balts, which became the main reason for the originality of the Slavs on its territory.

Later, the Slavs were divided into southern, western and eastern. The territory of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine was settled by Eastern Slavs. The Western Slavs formed such states as Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. The Southern Slavs formed Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, etc.

Ancient Slavs

Belarus was settled by three tribes of Eastern Slavs Krivichi Radimichi Dregovichi. The entire northern part of modern Belarus was inhabited by Krivichi of Polotsk, or Polochans. Their main city was Polotsk. The city got its name from the River Polota, near the mouth of which it was founded. From the name of the city or river, Krivichi-Polochane also began to be called so. The name of the Krivichi, perhaps, comes from the name of the elder of the Kriv family or from the word “Krovnye” (in Belorussian language that means, that they are relatives).

The entire south of Belarus was eventually occupied by another East Slavic union of tribes – the Dregovichi. At first, they settled in the middle reaches of the Pripyat, in a swampy area. Hence their name (from the word “drygva” – swamp). Later, the Dregovichi headed west and north. They occupied the Svisloch River basin and the middle course of the Berezina River. Probably the capital of Belarus – Minsk was founded by the Dregovichi.

The eastern lands of Belarus were inhabited by Radimichi in the early Middle Ages. They mainly lived around the Sozh River, which flows from north to south and flows into the Dnieper. All these East Slavic unions of tribes had a common origin.

The eastern lands of Belarus were inhabited by Radimichi in the early Middle Ages. They mainly lived around the Sozh River, which flows from north to south and flows into the Dnieper. The name of the Radimichi, perhaps, comes from the name of the elder of the Radim family. All these East Slavic tribal unions had a common origin.

Thus, in the Iron Age, the current ethnic composition of the population was formed on the territory of Belarus.


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