In peritononia and endotenonia, vessels, nerves, receptors pass.


consists of reticular cells and reticular (argyrophilic - stained with silver salts) fibers that form a three-dimensional network.

RT forms the stroma of the blood-forming organs and forms a microenvironment for developing formed blood elements


It is divided into white and brown VT.

Brown AT is found in newborns (under the skin between the shoulder blades, behind the sternum, on the neck, along the spine, around the kidneys), rodents and animals hibernating.

White AT is located under the skin everywhere.

Adipose tissue consists of clusters of cells (adipocytes), entwined with capillaries. Clusters of cells are clearly divided by layers of CT into segments of different sizes. In the spaces between the fat cells are fibroblasts, tk. basophils, capillaries, collagen fibers.

Brown AT cells have many inclusions in the cytoplasm, a large number of mitochondria.

Brown color is associated with the presence of an iron-containing pigment - cytochrome mitochondria.

The oxidizing ability of brown ad.cells is 20 times higher than in white. With decreasing temperature, the activity of oxidative processes in brown ad.cells increases, energy is released that heats the blood in the capillaries

During starvation, fat cells lose their fat stores and become stellate or fusiform


Contained in the umbilical cord (Wharton jelly)

CONTEINS cells - fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, smooth myocytes.

And type IV collagen, high concentration of hyaluronic acid (binds water)


Дата добавления: 2022-06-11; просмотров: 24; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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