G Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about sports and hobbies, and match the speakers to the statements. There is one extra statement.

Test 8 (Module 8). Var. 1

NAME ________________________________ CLASS ______ DATE __________________

Vocabulary                                                                                                                                Mark: ____ /100

 B Fill in the missing word. There are three extra answers you do not need to use.

*stick   *scored *helmet *tournament * enthusiasm *take off *individual sports

*bat *opposing *worked out *spectator sports

1. We defeated the ____________________ team four-nil, as two of their players were sent off the field for not following the rules.

2. Bob ____________________ at the gym every day last week, because he is in training for the next cross-country cycling tour.

3. My brother likes sandboarding and windsurfing, as ____________________ give him the opportunity

to rely on his own skills and abilities.

4. If Jane does very well in this year's regional tennis ____________________, she will be able to

join the national leagues next year.

5. Thousands of fans showed great ____________________ when the Montreal Canadians ice-hockey team

got the Stanley Cup.

6. Bill hit the baseball with such force that his ____________________ flew up in the air and landed several metres away.

7. When Jack ____________________ a goal one minute after kick-off, everyone in the stadium stood up and started cheering.

8. Dan would have had serious head injuries during the ice-hockey event, if he hadn't been wearing a protective ____________________.

                                                                                                                                        Marks: ____ / 16 (8х2)      

B Underline the correct item.

9. My driving coach/instructor has given me very useful advice about how to park on narrow streets. 10. Mr Lee's physical/technical knowledge of computers enables him to analyse complex sports statistics. 11. Jenny bought a new pair of ice skis/skates, as her old ones had fallen apart. 12. One of the biggest attractions in our town is the outdoor ice-skating rink/pitch, which is located in a beautiful park setting. 13. Tom took to/took up football and volleyball when he was younger, but he didn't like either of them. 14. During the second section/half of the basketball series, our star player injured his back and couldn’t finish the season. 15. Dennis played his first match/game of tennis when he was just seven years old. 16. These paintings are brilliant! You should participate in the school's painting competition/championship; you'll do great. 17. Ben was too tired to go climbing, so he decided to spend a relaxing day on the golf court/course. 18. Although our opponents had much more experience than us, we were able to beat/win them in record time.

                                                                                                            Marks: ____ / 10 (10х1)



C   Fill in if, when, unless.

19. You cannot get good seats at the stadium __________ you don't buy your tickets ahead of time.

20. __________ spring approaches, the weather becomes warmer and the days get longer.

21. Grandma brings us lots of nice presents __________ she comes for a visit.

22. __________ you like playing tennis, you'll probably like squash. They're very similar.

23. You won't be able to go to the sports exhibition __________ you finish all your homework first.

24. __________ the weather gets cold soon, we won't be able to go on our skiing trip.

                                                                                                                                       Marks: ____ / 12 (6х2)                                                    

D  Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0, 1, 2 or 3).

25. Milk goes off if you _______________________ (not/keep) it in the refrigerator.

26. You will get higher marks if you _______________________ (study) more.

27. Anna will forgive you if you _______________________ (apologise) to her.

28. If the weather was a bit warmer, we _______________________ (go) on a picnic today.

29. Janice will be disappointed if you _______________________ (not/attend) the sports festivities on Sunday.

30. If Jack _______________________ (train) harder, he could have got the first place in the track event.

31. If we had enough money, we _______________________ (buy) new sporting equipment.

32. If I had more time, I _______________________ (take) karate lessons.

33. When you drop oil in water, it _______________________ (float).

34. If I had known it was a secret, I _______________________ (not/tell) anyone.

                                                                                                                                  Marks: ____ / 20 (10х2)                                                    

Everyday English

E         Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

a. I’m afraid I can’t.                с . How about joining me?      e. Sure. Why not?                     

b. I’m not bad.                              d. Are you any good at it?       

Rob: Hi Karen, are you doing any special later? Karen : Not really, why? Rob: I’m going to play water polo. 35) _____ Karen : 36) _____ Rob: Do you like water sports? Karen: Absolutely! I love all kinds of water sports. Rob: Me too! Have you ever played water polo? Karen: Yes, I’ve played with my brother. Rob: Really? 37)  _____ Karen: 38) _____ Rob: Good. Then you can join our team on Saturday. We’re playing against a team from out of town. Karen: This Saturday? 39) _____ I’ve promised my mum I’ll help her around the house. Rob: That’s all right. Maybe you can make it another time.

                          Marks: ____ / 15 (5х3)                                                     


H Read the text and answer the following questions.

A Carl Lewis was born on July 1. 1961 in Birmingham, Alabama. Introduced to track and field by his athletic parents, Lewis first broke the long jump record while in high school. In 1984, he returned home with 4 gold medals after his first Olympics. Later, participating in the Summer Olympics of 1988, 1992 and 1996, he won another 5 gold medals and a silver one. He was also named ‘athlete of the year’ 3 years in a row by Track and Field magazine and ‘sportsman of the century’ by the International Olympic Committee. B Born October 14, 1952 in Vladimir, Nikolai Adrianov first signed up for gymnastic classes at the age of 11. Having difficulty balancing gymnastics and all that homework his teachers gave him, he almost quit, but Tolkachov, his coach, encouraged and helped him to go on trying. Between 1971 and 1980, he was at the top pf many international gymnastics competitions, including the World Championships. He participated in the 1972, 1976 and the 1980 Olympic Games in which he won 15 medals, the most a man has won in Olympic competition. In 2001 he was introduced into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame. C Oksana Baiul was born in Ukraine on February 26, 1977. She began skating at the age of four and although orphaned at 13, she was cared for by her coach. When he left the country, she lived with her new coach, Galina Zmievskaya. At 15, Oksana won the World Figure Skating Championship and a couple of years later, participated in the 1994 Winter Olympics. She almost missed one of the competitions due to a warm-up accident. However, she was not severely injured and went on to win an Olympic gold medal. D Michael Gross was born as the best swimmer between the 1981 and 1988. Born in Frankfurt on June 17, 1964, people referred to him as “The Albatross” because of his extremely long arms. At the age of 19, Gross set his first world record, then set 4 world records in four different events over the next three years. He also won two world titles and four European titles. He competed in the Summer Olympics of 1984 and 1988 in which he won six medals. During the 1984 Olympics, his freestyle relay team was defeated by the Americans, earning the American team the title of “Grossbusters”

Which of the athletes (A, B, C or D)……..

e.g. has a nickname?                                                                                   40. had a problem managing their schedule? 41. has won the most medals in Olympic history? 42. was pushed by their coach to continue their effort? 43. was honoured by a publication and an athletic organization? 44. got first place in an Olympic event even after being hurt? 45. and their team lost to a US team?   __D__ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____  

                                                                                                                                Marks: ____ / 12 (6х2)                                                    


G Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about sports and hobbies, and match the speakers to the statements. There is one extra statement.

A The speaker’s parents want him/ her to take up a new hobby. B The speaker wants to turn his/ her hobby into a career. C The speaker is very competitive. D The speaker’s mum thinks his/ her activities are dangerous. E The speaker takes a break from his/ her routine at weekends. F The speaker’s mum is worried about his/ her health.   46. Speaker 1 ____ 47. Speaker 2 ____ 48. Speaker 3 ____ 49. Speaker 4 ____ 50. Speaker 5 ____


Marks: ____ / 15 (5х3)                                                    


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