XII. Прочитайте текст и укажите, верны (True) или нет (False) следующие за ним утверждения.

My perfect weekend

I am Melanie Chisholm. I am a former jazz singer. At weekends, I try to do all the things I love. I spend time with family and friends of course but I also want to do some exercise, which I just adore. Even though my work doesn’t follow a traditional Monday to Friday pattern I still get that excited feeling when Friday night arrives.

On Saturday mornings Scarlet (my daughter) and I are up early – even 7am is a lie-in for her. Luckily I’m a real morning person, which is something of a problem considering that my work usually occupies me late into the night.

Very often at weekends my mum or other family members come and stay to help me look after Scarlet and we have a bit of a catch-up gossip. It's such a treat when they come south to visit us. I miss them a lot, I moved away from Cheshire, where I grew up, when I was 16 to go to a performing arts college in Kent.

Saturday morning is a great time for me to train. I started competing in triathlons three years ago. Every Saturday I go running and cycling in the local sports ground, and if I have time I go for a swim. I work out for up to two and a half hours; I find that sports boost me mentally as well as physically.

To compliment all the exercise I try to eat healthily too but I’m more relaxed about what I feed Scarlet. She’s brilliant, however, and will eat anything and everything.

The one thing I can’t replace, however, is time in the studio. I love recording music and I can’t wait to start working on a new album. But now it’s all about Scarlet and our plans to redecorate our house.

Every Sunday I go to one of our wonderful local pubs for a huge roast with my friends. We usually spend all afternoon there.

Then on Sunday nights Scarlet and I do the Sunday hair wash, get the school uniform out and make sure the homework is all ready for Monday. It takes me back to when I was a little girl, and I love it.


1. Melanie likes Friday nights a lot.

a. true b. false

2. Melanie and Scarlet usually get up late on Saturdays.

a. true b. false

3. Melanie doesn’t like getting up early.

a. true b. false

4. Melanie lives with her parents.

a. true b. false

5. Melanie lives in the north of the country.

a. true b. false

6. Melanie travels by train to a sports ground every Saturday.

a. true b. false

7. Every Saturday Melanie spends about two hours working on her album.

a. true b. false

8. Scarlet is a picky eater.

a. true b. false

9. Melanie wants to buy a new house.

a. true b. false

10. Every Sunday afternoon Melanie spends in a local pub with her friends.

a. true b. false





Дата добавления: 2021-07-19; просмотров: 91; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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