Answer the questions about the texts

The man who lives as a Dog


Boomer, born Gary Matthews, the retired technology worker and self-confessed "nerd" thinks that he is a dog. The 48-year-old wears a dog collar, eats dog food from a bowl and loves milk bones and dog cookies. He even barks, chases cars, and digs for bones in the backyard like any other canine.

The guy sleeps in his own indoor doghouse which, according to him, is much more comfortable than a human bed.

The man who loves cockroaches


Unlike many people, Kyle Kandilian, a university student from Dearborn, Michigan, is not only unafraid of cockroaches, but he lives with tens of thousands of these insects; he estimates that he currently keeps about 200,000 in his home.

The 20-year-old man collects and breeds cockroaches both for fun and profit. Apparently, this unusual hobby is helping him pay for an education at the Michigan-Dearborn University.

The cockroaches are priced from “a dime a dozen” for common breeds to US$200 for the “Macropanesthia rhinoceros,” which can live up to 15 years. He has a wide range of customers, including people with pets that eat cockroaches and universities who buy the insects for research purposes.

The Victorian era lady

While the real life Victorian Era wasn’t as fabulous and fantastic as we imagine it, Sarah Chrisman is obsessed by the culture and after her husband gave her a corset for her 29th birthday, she changed her life and started dressing exclusively in Victorian Age fashion. Later on she even started living in as much of a Victorian life as possible.



The family who willingly went broke

Raphael Fellmer and Nieves Palmer believe that you can teach the world that they shouldn’t be hypnotized by money by giving up everything. They started to live without money, going on a money strike, to protest the excess-consumption society. They rely on dumpsters for food and they hold a 2-year-old child in their hands, called Alma, and they’ve made this choice consciously!



The 700 cats lady

Lynea Lattanzio started saving cats after her divorce in 1981 and care for them. Saving almost 19,000 felines, she currently lives alone with hundreds of cats on a 12-acre spread in Parlier, making her home the California’s largest no-cage, no-kill cat sanctuary.




The ‘Have you heard about Jesus?’ Crucifix-wearing traveller


Lindsay Hamon, 60, spent as long as 26 years of his life wearing a giant crucifix on his back and traveling all around the world to spread the word of Jesus. Literally carrying the faith on his shoulders, Hamon took upon this mission simply because he believes in his faith.


The ‘Llve like it’s 1986’ family

Tired of their children being hypnotized by their iPhones and iPads, the McMillans from Canada decided to show them what life was like before the internet. Thus, the couple of Morgan and Blair, 26 and 27, have decided to start living with their two children – Trey, 5 and Denton, 2, like it’s the year 1986, condemning any post-1986 technology.



Answer the questions about the texts


1. How does Chloe Jennings-White live?


2. How does she move around?


3. What does she do when she has to climb some stairs?


4. What sound does the dog man make


5. Why does he sleep in a dog house?


6. Is Kyle Kandilian’s love for cockroaches just a hobby? Explain.


7. When did Sarah Chrisman begin to get intereded in Victorian age?


8. What do Raphael Fellmer and Nieves Palmer want to teach people?


9. Where do they get their food from?


10. Why does Lindsay Hamon travel around with a crucifix?


11. Why is there no internet at the McMillans?



Give your opinion


1. Which is the strangest lifestyle in your opinion? Why?


2. What do you think of the different strange lifestyles shown in the texts?



3. Would you live in a way not really accepted by society? Why? Why not?


4. How would you live if you could without being judged? Describe this life.


5. Do you know anybody who has a strange lifestyele?



6. What would you do if your parents, your children or your friends started a strange lifestyle?


7. Other cultures have other lifestyles. For instance. Muslims or Mormons can be polygamas. What is your opinion about that. Could you cope with sharing a husband with other wives or having to support more than one wife?




Дата добавления: 2021-07-19; просмотров: 176; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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