TEXT 4                              TRAVELLING BY PLANE

Задание № 1 1 от 26 .05.

Тема « Travelling »

Индивидуальное чтение

Работа по индивидуальному чтению выполняется по вариантам. За каждым студентом в подгруппе закрепляется конкретный вариант.


ФИ студента Номер текста
Андреев Дмитрий 1
Ащеулов Богдан 2
Бабоян Тимур 3
Балицкая Виктория 4
Гордеев Виталий 5
Горобцов Артём 6
Дмитрук Алексей 7
Долгих Эдуард 8
Егоров Сергей 1
Тимкина Юлия 2


Задание: Выпишите из прочитанного Вами на прошлом уроке индивидуального текста 5 новых слов и 5 словосочетаний (без повторов), которые бы Вы добавили в свой активный словарный запас по следующему образцу:

Слова Словосочетания
  1) turtleneck – водолазка 2) purse – кошелёк и т.п. …… 1) to attract attention – привлекать внимание 2) to look ridiculous – выглядеть нелепо и т.п. …..


Варианты текстов прилагаются

(см ниже)

TEXT 1                            TRAVELLING ON FOOT

Today everybody understands that time is money. We can't afford to spend much time on the road, so we use cars and public transport to travel faster.

On the one hand, we shouldn't forget that we can use our legs. In my opinion, when people trav­el on foot, they can see much more on their way and enjoy the sights of a town or a city. We can stop wherever we want and admire a beautiful church or monument or drop at a cafe or a shop. We won't be stuck in a traffic jam for several hours and we will certainly avoid road accidents. What is more, travelling on foot is much healthier that travelling by car or by bus. Walking is a perfect physical exercise that strengthens the immune system, improves mental health and helps prevent many diseases.

On the other hand, travelling by car or by bus saves much time and effort. A lot of people pre­fer driving cars as they have speed and comfort combined. When you travel by car, you don't depend on the weather. For example, if it rains you won't get soaked. If it is cold, you can turn on a heater. While driving, you can listen to music or the latest news on the radio. Public trans­port is not as popular as cars. Nevertheless, thousands of people use it every day of their lives.

To conclude, it's up to you to decide whether to travel on foot, to drive a car or to use public transport. As for me, I am young and energetic and I am for travelling on foot.

TEXT 2                                TRAVELLING ABROAD

Most people find travelling very exciting. It gives them an opportunity to enjoy sightseeing, to discover new things, to meet interesting people, to rest physically and morally and to get won­derful impressions.

For me there is hardly anything more interesting and exciting than a journey to a foreign coun­try. I've been to London, Paris and Rome and it is the most wonderful experience in my life. Travelling abroad gives me a chance to feel thousands of miles away from home, to visit great cities and small villages, to admire foreign architecture, cuisine and culture, to make friends and what not. What is more, it is the best way to broaden your mind, to improve your knowledge of history and geography and to make your life interesting.

However, a lot of people are sure that there is much to be seen in our own country. Indeed, it is difficult to disagree with them. There are many places of interest in my native town: ancient churches, monuments, museums and parks. One can go to Moscow and visit its theatres, cathe­drals, art galleries and what not. The Kremlin attracts thousands of tourists as it is the heart of Moscow and the centre of the Russian government. St. Petersburg, the former capital of Russia, is known for its magnificent palaces, famous museums, beautiful buildings and wide streets. Besides, there are many small towns and villages in our country which are definitely worth vis­iting.

To conclude, we should learn everything about our own country first of all. But if we want to learn more about the world around us and to expand the mind, we should travel abroad.



TEXT 3                             TRAVELLING BY CAR

Nowadays, almost every family has a car. A lot of people say that travelling by car is very con­venient, while others are sure that cars cause many problems.

In my opinion, the car is one of the most comfortable means of transport. Firstly, travelling by car is fast and it helps you save plenty of time. Secondly, it is comfortable because you don't have to buy any tickets and your car is always at your disposal. Thirdly, when you travel by car, you don't depend on the weather. While driving, you can listen to music or the latest news on the radio. And finally, you can stop where you want and have a snack or enjoy nature.

On the other hand, travelling by car has a number of disadvantages. First and foremost, it is bad for ecology and health. Cars produce exhaust fumes which make the air foul and destroy the ozone layer protecting the Earth from the dangerous rays of the Sun. The car is not a safe means of travel as there are a lot of car and bus crashes. Travelling by car is not very convenient if the trip is long. Besides, it is rather expensive as petrol is not cheap. What is more, when we travel by car, we may be stuck in a traffic jam for several hours.

To sum up, I think it is rather difficult to do without cars nowadays. But if we want to be healthy, we should sometimes ride a bike or walk.

TEXT 4                              TRAVELLING BY PLANE

Дата добавления: 2020-12-12; просмотров: 59; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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