The conference has no registration fee

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)

Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences




Ostrovitianov str. 1, Moscow, Russia, 117997

Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, tel. +7(495) 434-74-01

Call for papers

The Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) cordially invites you to take part in the 9th Moscow International Scientific-Practical Student Conference “Disease and Healthy Lifestyle” which will be held on the 11th of December, 2020 in online format at the Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow).


Conference languages: Russian , English.

The conference will be organized in online format with oral presentations and workshops.

The conference aims to provide an intellectual forum for students, PhD students, and young professionals in the social sciences, psychology and medicine interested in the problems of healthy lifestyle and diseases treatment. The conference will focus on several important topics in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of physical and mental diseases, as well as psychological disorders. In the paradigm of interdisciplinary approach, it will bring together social scholars and medical workers, and provide the opportunity for the exchange of opinions in such areas as healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation, and personality’s changes under the impact of disease. The participants are encouraged to study healthy lifestyle in its social, gender and behavioral aspects, and to consider the efficiency of disease prevention/treatment under influence of these factors.

The conference will include several workshops on different aspects of disease prevention/treatment and families’ couching. Attendees will also enjoy numerous opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas with their colleagues and the faculty members.


The conference organizers welcome papers from students, PhD students, young practicing professionals and interns (under 35 years) in the areas of Psychology, Social Sciences and Medicine. The MA students of above mentioned disciplines are also encouraged to apply.

The conference will focus on the following topics/sections:

1. Diagnosis and correction of higher mental functions in normal and pathological conditions (Curator of the section Anastasia V. Petrakova).

2. Family and children: psychological, psychosomatic, social and medical aspects. (Curator of the section Galina Adashinskaya).

3. Personality in a disease situation: psychodiagnostics and pathodiagnostics, psychotherapy and psychocorrection. (Curator of the section Mikhail А. Nekrasov)

4. Social and psychological aspects of human health (Curator of the section Marina V. Sokol’skaya)

The forms of participation:

1. Proceedings publication only

2. Proceedings publication and oral conference presentation/poster


The Proceedings will be placed on RNRMU web-page as an electronic collection of conference papers.

At the request of the authors and their supervisors, the papers may be published in a form of full-text articles (5-7 pages) in the journal “Young Scientist”.

Workshops of leading scholars and practitioners will be included in the conference program.


Papers Submission

Papers should be submitted online and include: summary, keywords, and main content of the study. The latter should include: relevance, goals, and objectives, research methods, results, conclusions, and practical significance.

The titles of paper, names of authors, organization names, keywords, and abstracts should be provided in one of two languages (Russian or English). The main content of the paper may as well be either in Russian or in English.Conference participants must register on the conference website and submit their papers in accordance with the requirements of the electronic submission form.Deadline for papers submission: November 22, 2020.November 30 , 2020


The conference has no registration fee

The Organizing Committee,

Дата добавления: 2021-02-10; просмотров: 76; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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