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Устная тема – как обычно: переводим, 10 вопросов с ответами, начитываем на аудио


The different preschool environments cover those in which education is the main focus, such as kindergarten, to those in which the function is basic care of the young child, such as Daycare. Regardless of the level of overt educational goals, however, children in these environments develop social skills as well as developing familiarity with a situation in which the child is separated from his or her parents for an extended period and must spend time in the company of peers who are not their siblings. When the child learns these skills successfully, preschool education plays a valuable role in preparing the child for school. Preschool programs also may focus on aspects of health, nutrition, and hygiene that may be lacking in their home environment. Again, these experiences are part of socializing the child into the larger community.

Day care or child care is care of a child during the day by a person other than the child's parents or legal guardians, typically someone outside the child's immediate family. The service is known as "child care" in the United Kingdom and Australia and "day care" in America. Child care or day care is provided in nurseries or creches or by childminders caring for children in their own homes. Child care or day care is ongoing care during specific periods, such as the parents' time at work. Child care can also take on a more formal structure, with education, child development, and discipline falling into the fold of services.

A nursery school is a school for children between the ages of three and five, staffed by qualified teachers and other professionals who encourage and supervise educational play rather than simply providing childcare. In some jurisdictions the provision of nursery school services is on a user pays or limited basis while some governments fund nursery school services.

In the UK, pre-school education in nursery classes or schools is fully funded by the government and is generally available to children aged over three. Pre-school education can be provided by childcare centers, playgroups, nursery schools, and nursery classes within primary schools. Private nursery education is also available throughout the UK and varies between structured pre-school education and a service offering child-minding facilities.

Kindergarten (German, literally means "children's garden") is a form of education for young children which serves as a transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling. Children are taught to develop basic skills through creative play and social interaction. Kindergarten is considered the first year of formal education although the child may have gone to pre-school/nursery school. It is, however, considered a grade, and not an optional pre-school experience.

In most countries, kindergartens are not part of compulsory education, although in some they may be government run, and attendance may be required when children reach a specified age.

Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus, but around 70% of children attend nursery (at the ages 1 to 2) and kindergarten (at the ages of 3 to 5) before they start school.

Some kindergartens are specialized to work with psycho-physically challenged children to help them socialize.



Answer the question:


1.In what environment is the main influence given to education?

2. What is the main function of a kindergarten?

3. What is the important role of preschool education?

4. What is day care for a child?

5. What is the return of kindergarten children?

6. The basis on which services are available in kindergarten?

7. In which country is preschool funded by the state?

8.What is a kindergarten?

9. What abilities do children develop in kindergarten?

10. Is pre-school education compulsory in Belarus?



Answers to questions about the text.


1.The main focus, such as kindergarten .

2. To those in which the function is basic care of the young child.

3. Preschool programs also may focus on aspects of health, nutrition, and hygiene that may be lacking in their home environment.

4.Day care or child care is care of a child during the day by a person other than the child's parents or legal guardians, typically someone outside the child's immediate family.

5. Children between the ages of three and five.

6.In some jurisdictions the provision of nursery school services is on a user pays or limited basis while some governments fund nursery school services.

7. In the UK, pre-school education in nursery classes or schools is fully funded by the government and is generally available to children aged over three.

8. Kindergarten (German, literally means "children's garden") is a form of education for young children which serves as a transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling.

9. Children are taught to develop basic skills through creative play and social interaction.

10. Pre-school education is not compulsory in Belarus.



Тема 7: Различные дошкольные условия


Различные дошкольные среды охватывают те, в которых основное внимание уделяется образованию, например детский сад, и те, в которых основной функцией является уход за маленьким ребенком, например детский сад. Однако, независимо от уровня явных образовательных целей, дети в этих условиях развивают социальные навыки, а также знакомство с ситуацией, в которой ребенок отделен от своих родителей на длительный период и должен проводить время в компании сверстников, которые не являются их братьями и сестрами. Когда ребенок успешно овладевает этими навыками, дошкольное образование играет важную роль в подготовке ребенка к школе. Дошкольные программы также могут быть сосредоточены на аспектах здоровья, питания и гигиены, которые могут отсутствовать в их домашней среде. Опять же, эти переживания являются частью социализации ребенка в более широком сообществе.

Дневной уход или уход за ребенком-это уход за ребенком в течение дня лицом, отличным от родителей или законных опекунов ребенка, как правило, кем-то вне ближайших родственников ребенка. Эта услуга известна как "уход за детьми" в Великобритании и Австралии и "дневной уход" в Америке. Уход за детьми или дневной уход осуществляется в детских садах или яслях, а также нянями, ухаживающими за детьми в их собственных домах. Уход за детьми или дневной уход-это постоянный уход в определенные периоды, например во время работы родителей. Уход за детьми может также приобрести более формальную структуру, когда образование, развитие ребенка и дисциплина попадают в сферу услуг.

Детский сад-это школа для детей в возрасте от трех до пяти лет, укомплектованная квалифицированными учителями и другими специалистами, которые поощряют и контролируют образовательные игры, а не просто обеспечивают уход за детьми. В некоторых юрисдикциях предоставление услуг детских садов осуществляется на платной или ограниченной основе, в то время как некоторые правительства финансируют услуги детских садов.

В Великобритании дошкольное образование в детских садах или школах полностью финансируется правительством и обычно доступно детям старше трех лет. Дошкольное образование может быть обеспечено детскими центрами, игровыми группами, детскими садами и детскими классами в начальных школах. Частное дошкольное образование также доступно на всей территории Великобритании и варьируется между структурированным дошкольным образованием и услугами, предлагающими услуги по уходу за детьми.

Детский сад (по-немецки буквально означает "детский сад") - это форма образования для маленьких детей, которая служит переходом от дома к началу более формального школьного обучения. Детей учат развивать базовые навыки через творческую игру и социальное взаимодействие. Детский сад считается первым годом формального образования, хотя ребенок, возможно, пошел в дошкольное учреждение/Детский сад. Это, однако, считается классом, а не факультативным дошкольным опытом.

В большинстве стран детские сады не являются частью обязательного образования, хотя в некоторых они могут управляться государством, и посещение их может быть обязательным, когда дети достигают определенного возраста.

Дошкольное образование в Беларуси не является обязательным, но около 70% детей посещают ясли (в возрасте от 1 до 2 лет) и детские сады (в возрасте от 3 до 5 лет) до начала учебы в школе.

Некоторые детские сады специализируются на работе с детьми с психофизическими отклонениями, чтобы помочь им социализироваться.



Текст – перевод, аннотация (+ начитка), ответы на вопросы

Text for reading:


The zone of proximal development, often abbreviated as ZPD, is the difference between what a learner can do without help, and what they can't do. The concept was introduced, but not fully developed, by psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934) during the last ten years of his life. Vygotsky stated that a child follows an adult's example and gradually develops the ability to do certain tasks without help Vygotsky and some other educators believe that the role of education is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning such as skills and strategies.

The concept of the zone of proximal development was originally developed by Vygotsky to argue against the use of academic, knowledge-based tests as a means to gauge children’s intelligence. He also created ZPD to further develop Jean Piaget's theory of children being lone learners. Vygotsky spent a lot of time studying the impact of school instruction on children and noted that children grasp language concepts quite naturally, but that mathematics and writing don’t come naturally, that these are concepts taught in schools and tend to come along with some difficulty, while Piaget believed that there was a clear distinction between development and teaching. He said that development is a spontaneous process that is initiated and completed by the children, stemming from their own efforts. Piaget was a proponent of independent thinking and critical of the standard teacher-led instruction that was common practice in schools.

Alternatively, Vygotsky saw natural, spontaneous development as important, but not all-important. He believed that children would not advance very far if they were left to discover everything on their own. It's crucial for a child's development that they are able to interact with more knowledgeable others. They would not be able to expand on what they know if this wasn't possible. He noted cultural experiences where children are greatly helped by knowledge and tools handed down from previous generations. Vygotsky noted that good teachers shouldn't present material that is too difficult and “pull the students along.”



Тематическая зона проксимального развития


Зона ближайшего развития, часто сокращенно называемая ЗПД, - это разница между тем, что ученик может сделать без посторонней помощи, и тем, что он не может сделать. Это понятие было введено, но не полностью разработано психологом Львом Выготским (1896-1934) в течение последних десяти лет его жизни. Выготский утверждал, что ребенок следует примеру взрослого и постепенно развивает способность выполнять определенные задачи без посторонней помощи Выготский и некоторые другие педагоги считают, что роль образования заключается в том, чтобы дать детям опыт, который находится в пределах их зон ближайшего развития, тем самым поощряя и продвигая их индивидуальное обучение, такое как навыки и стратегии.

Концепция зоны проксимального развития была первоначально разработана Выготским, чтобы аргументировать против использования академических, основанных на знаниях тестов в качестве средства оценки интеллекта детей. Он также создал ZPD для дальнейшего развития теории Жана Пиаже о детях-одиноких учениках. Выготский потратил много времени на изучение влияния школьного обучения на детей и отметил, что дети воспринимают языковые понятия совершенно естественно, но что математика и письмо не приходят естественно, что эти понятия преподаются в школах и, как правило, приходят вместе с некоторыми трудностями, в то время как Пиаже считал, что существует четкое различие между развитием и обучением. Он сказал, что развитие-это спонтанный процесс, который инициируется и завершается детьми в результате их собственных усилий. Пиаже был сторонником независимого мышления и критически относился к стандартному обучению под руководством учителя, которое было обычной практикой в школах.

С другой стороны, Выготский считал естественное, спонтанное развитие важным, но не всеохватывающим. Он полагал, что дети не продвинутся далеко вперед, если им предоставить самим все открывать. Для развития ребенка крайне важно, чтобы он мог взаимодействовать с более осведомленными другими людьми. Они не смогли бы расширить свои знания, если бы это было невозможно. Он отметил культурный опыт, в котором детям очень помогают знания и инструменты, переданные от предыдущих поколений. Выготский отмечал, что хорошие учителя не должны преподносить слишком сложный материал и “тянуть учеников за собой.”


1. What is the zone of proximal development?

2. What were Lev Vygotsky ideas about the zone of proximal development?

3. Why did Vygotsky put forward the concept of the zone of proximal development?

4. What did Vygotsky noticed studying the impact of school instruction on children?

5. In what case would children fail to advance very far?



Answers to questions about the text.


1. The zone of proximal development, often abbreviated as ZPD, is the difference between what a learner can do without help, and what they can't do.

2. Vygotsky stated that a child follows an adult's example and gradually develops the ability to do certain tasks without help.

3. The concept of the zone of proximal development was originally developed by Vygotsky to argue against the use of academic, knowledge-based tests as a means to gauge children’s intelligence.

4. Vygotsky spent a lot of time studying the impact of school instruction on children and noted that children grasp language concepts quite naturally, but that mathematics and writing don’t come naturally, that these are concepts taught in schools and tend to come along with some difficulty, while Piaget believed that there was a clear distinction between development and teaching.

5. He believed that children would not advance very far if they were left to discover everything on their own.




 The title of the text is ... zone of proximal development

 The text is written in the form of an article .

The main topic of the text under analysis is what a learner can do without help, and what they can't do.

The author's primary objective is to that the role of education is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning such as skills and strategies.

The author's point of view is rather subjective.

The author tries to present an objective analysis of ... zone of proximal development The text can be divided into .three.. parts

The parts complement one another and present the main topic from different points of view .

The first , second, third part highlights the issue of…... zone of proximal development

In the … first , part the author shows  what a learner can do without help, and what they can't do. …

In the … second part the author stresses the idea of … that children grasp language concepts quite naturally, but that mathematics and writing don’t come naturally, that these are concepts taught in schools and tend to come along with some difficulty.

In the third part analyses… that children would not advance very far if they were left to discover everything on their own.

The third … part gives discusses… It's crucial for a child's development that they are able to interact with more knowledgeable others

The text contains some disputable information.

In my opinion… children are greatly helped by knowledge and tools handed down from previous generations.

As for me… children would not advance very far if they were left to discover everything on their own.

I think, this text is very interesting and important because… the role of education is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning such as skills and strategies.

I agree with the author’s view of the problem, because … children are greatly helped by knowledge and tools handed down from previous generations.



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