Упражнение 17. Напишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

1. She is reading a book now. 2. We are listening to music. 3. They are going to wash the car. 4. He is cleaning his bedroom now. 5. They are swimming in the river. 6. The children are playing basketball in the garden.

Упражнение 18. Вставьте глаголы в скобке в Present Continuous.

1. Be quiet! Mum … (sleep). 2. What … you … (do) now? 3. The dog … (play) with a ball. 4. I … (watch) TV. I’m listening to music. 5. The children … (drink) milk in the kitchen. 6. He … (have) a bath. 7. Why … you … (laugh)? 8. His dad and brother __ (cycle) to the shops. 9. We __ (not travel) in Japan. 10. I __ (sunbathe) on the beach. 11. She __ (not watch) TV. 12. They __ (not swim) in the sea. 13. Sue __ (stay) at home today. 14. I __ (watch) a reality show on TV. 15. My favourite team __ (win)! 16. Someone __ (swim) in the sea. 17. Two people __ (cook) dinner on the beach. 18. We __ (not watch) a soap opera. 19. I __ (not do) my homework. 20. Mum __ (read) a magazine. 21. My brother __ (not listen) to the radio. 22. Dad __ (not cook) dinner. 23. Tara __ (talk) by phone. 24. Joe __ (play) on the computer. 25. Who __(watch) TV? 26. Tina __ (do) grammar exercises. 27. I __ (eat) a pizza. 28. We __ (sit) in the classroom. 29. I __ (not write) an email. 30. Amy __ (not go) to school today. 31. We __ (not have) fun today. 32. My team __ (not win) the match. 33. My parents __ (drive) to work now. 34. __ they __ (read) magazines? Yes, they are. 35. __ you __ (learn) English? Yes I am. 36. __ Helen __ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t. 37. __ Sarah __ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is. 38. We __ (not play) basketball. 39. Trina __ (walk) past the supermarket. 40. Where are you? We __ (wait) for you! 41. I´m on a bus and it __ (not move). 42. When __ you __ (come) to see me? 43. I __ (sit) on a bus. 44. Pete´s mother __ (not have) a burger. 45. John´s friends __ (play) football at the Sports Centre. 46. My best friend __ (sit) next to me. 47. I __ (not wear) something blue. 48. My teacher __ (not stand) behind me.

1. I __ (learn) how to swim. 2. I __ (eat) my lunch. 3. I __ (watch) television. 4. She __ (read) a book. 5. Dad __ (bake) a cake. 6. My sister __ (listen) to music. 7. Peter __ (clean) his car. 8. The dog __ (bark) in the garden. 9. We __ (sing) our favourite song. 10. My brother and I __ (play) a computer game. 11. The teachers __ (show) us a film. 12. They __ (bring) a TV in the classroom. 13. She´s bored. Her friend __ (watch) TV again. 14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea __ (win) the match. 15. I´m scared. A big dog __ (stand) in front of me. 16. She´s happy. She __ (not work) today. 17. I´m worried. It __ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella. 18. The teacher is annoyed. We __ (not listen). 19. What __ you __ (wait) for? I´m __ (wait) for John. 20. __ it __ (snow)? No, it __ (rain). 21. What __ you __ (do) today? We __ (go) to the park. 22. __ you __ (listen) to me? No, I __ (listen) to the radio. 23. __ you __ (watch) TV? No, we __ (study). 24. What __ you __ (do)? I __ (do) my homework. 25. __ they __ (sleep)? Yes, they are.

Упражнение 19. Напишите вопросительные предложения.

1. (Why / looking / are / you / me / at?) 2. (She / dishes / washing / is / now?) 3. (are / What / reading / you?)

4. (going / she / Where / is?) 5. (your parents / travelling / are / abroad?) 6. (she / is / a / nice / wearing / dress?)

Упражнение 20.Напишите краткие ответы на вопросы.

2. Is your sister wearing a new dress?

3. Are you playing computer games?

4. Is it snowing now?

5. Is your father reading a newspaper?

6. Are your grandparents walking in the park?

7. Are your parents sleeping?

Упражнение 21. Исправьте ошибки .

1. They learning English.

2. She is play tennis.

3. You is drinking milk.

4. What is they doing?

5. Where your friends staying?

6. He am going to the shops.

7. I isn’t talking on the phone.

Упражнение 22.Соотнесите цифры с буквами.

1. Why is she crying?

2. Is it snowing now?

3. Where are they staying?

4. What is he watching?

5. What are you doing?

6. Is he playing computer games?

a. A cartoon.

b. I’m listening to music.

c. Yes, he is.

d. at the Sun Hotel.

e. Because she’s sad.

f. No, it isn’t.



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