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Олимпиада по английскому языку 6 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.

Уважаемые участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, лишь используя латинские буквы (английскую раскладку клавиатуры), иначе компьютер засчитает вам неверный ответ!

1. (4 балла ) Cross the odd one out. В ответе укажи верную букву без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: b

Ответ 1: ___________

Ответ 2: ___________

Ответ 3 : ___________

Ответ 4 : ___________

2. (5 баллов ) Complete the sentences with the rhyming (рифмующимися) words. В ответе укажи комбинацию цифр по возрастанию и букв без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: 1a2b3c4d5f6e

Ответ : ______________________

3. (6 баллов ) Make up a dialogue. В ответе укажи последовательность цифр без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: 58421

1. It’s OK. All pupils wear uniform in our school. What about you?

2. I’m in the 6th form. Do you like your uniform?

3. Well, in some Russian schools pupils wear it. But we don’t.

Are there any new subjects in your timetable?

4. What form are you in?

5. Yes, there are some.

6. I’m in the 5th form. And you?

Ответ : ______________________________________

4. (5 баллов ) Find the corresponding numeral below. Then use the DECODER to solve the riddle by filling in empty spaces below. The first one has been done for you . В ответе укажи полученную фразу (2 слова) строго через один пробел, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: the restaurant

Ответ : ___________________________


5. (7 баллов ) Choose the correct preposition.

1. The pupils are __________ the classroom.

a) in                b) on               c) behind

2. There are four blue cushions ___________ the sofa.

a) between      b) in front of   c) on

3. We’re playing ______________ my friend’s house.

a) in front of   b) under          c) on

4. My book is ____________ my pencil-case.

a) next to        b) between      c) in

5. I like sitting ____________ my mum and my dad on the sofa.

a) under          b) in                c) between

6. My little brother likes hiding __________ the door!

a) on               b) under          c) behind

7. Can hippos swim ___________ the water?

a) in front of   b) under          c) next to


6. (6 баллов ) Complete the sentences.

1. The man is carrying a ……………. of oranges.

a) bag                       b) bowl                     c) bottle

2. The girl in the yellow sweater has got an ……………….

a) ice-cream              b) sandwich                       c) apple

3. The woman with the baby has a ………………. around her neck.

a) hat              b) scarf                     c) snake

4. One person is riding ……………….

a) a bike          b) a motorbike         c) a horse

5. The man with the white beard is ………………… under the tree.

a) sleeping      b) jumping               c) sitting

6. The …………………… are in the red car.

a) dogs            b)boxes with oranges c) children

7. (6 баллов ) Read the information on the buses. Is it true (Yes) or false (No)? Follow the corresponding arrow. Collect the letters on your way and get the key-word. В ответе укажи полученное слово без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: flower

Ответ : ____________________________________

8. (7 баллов ) Look at the pictures and agree (Yes) or disagree (No) with the statements.

1. The baby in the car is sleeping.

a) Yes                       b) No

2. The time on the clock says three o’clock.

a) Yes                       b) No

3. A boy with curly hair is throwing a toy car into the bin.

a) Yes                       b) No

4. There is a picture of a taxi on the wall above the door.

a) Yes                       b) No

5. The mechanic under the red car is very dirty.

a) Yes                       b) No

6. Outside the garage there’s a girl posting a letter.

a) Yes                       b) No

7. There is a telephone between the door and a red car.

a) Yes                       b) No


9. (10 баллов ) Complete the sentences.

1. a) the          b) an               c) any

2. a) mean       b) means         c) meaning

3. a) off           b) from           c) of

4. a) eat           b) eating          c) eats

5. a) then        b) after            c) than

6. a) has          b) have            c) having

7. a) if             b) so               c) or

8. a) where      b) how            c) why

9. a) do           b) are              c) does

10. a) on         b) at                c) in


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