Text 2                        Emo Generation

Teens create or join their own group with the sense of uniqueness of their personality. This shows that they want to separate themselves from others but at the same time they want to have a company. That's why young people want to be different "within" a peer group. Of course we remember particular groups that evolve from time to time. From goths to punks, from rockers to melodamatic ones, there came a group which became a worldwide sensation. It’s not a group, it is actually a generation. This generation is referred to the EMO GENERATION.

We've come to a time when more people, particularly teens, feel so desperate and confused that their only way to cope up with it is to grab a portable mp3 player and listen to sad songs. This paved the way to the birth of emo - the three letter word that has been all the rage all over the world in just one glimpse of time.

Emo stands for "Emotional" and while it originally referred to very specific kind of emotionally charged punk rock music, it has come to stand for a generation of young people who wear their tortured hearts on their tattered sleeves.

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Much like punk music or the Goth subculture which emerged in the early 1980s, the "emo" culture, which some refer to as a cult or a sect, is currently stirring up a heated controversy. The word "emo" encapsulates a trend that's been sweeping over hundreds of thousands of teenagers from around the world. Its distinctive marks are a very specific dress code, listening to a certain type of music and an overall emotional attitude towards life, which some have labeled as "reveling in self-pity". Let's have a closer look at the characteristics of the emo dress code and the details that mark it as particular and distinctive.
  However, the boundaries of drama are pushed further by emos than by most teenage fashion trends. Emo teens favor mainly black clothes - usually their street uniform comprises a pair of black or dark tight jeans, tight T-shirts which often bear the names of rock bands, studded belts, belt buckles, Chuck Taylor All-Stars, skate shoes, or other black shoes (often old and beaten up), as well as thick, black eye-glasses.

 Make-up is also important. Emos make liberal use of black eyeliner, irrespective of whether we're talking about boys or girls.
Music also plays a major part in defining their collective identity - and they will often accessorize their clothes with a music player that usually blasts tunes from some or all of the emo cult bands - My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte and Blink 182 to name but a few.

It's essential to understand that emos regard themselves as misunderstood, rejected by their peers because of the inability to hide their feelings, and take great pleasure in brooding over their troubles - as a result, emo fashion reflects these attitudes and choices. In general, Emo Generation is widely known and most teens are into it. Now, are you an emo?




Answer the questions:

1. What do people do when they join any grouping? How do they express their identity? What is special about it?

2. How can you define a Subculture?

3. What subcultures do you know?

4. Why do young people create a certain lifestyle?

5. What do you think of the attitude of society towards the members of different subcultures?




Express your opinion and complete the following table:

Why Do Teens Choose Subcultures?


Arguments for:   Arguments against:  
They are thought to be violent because our society is not perfect They are violent and aggressive
They are just looking for their own lifestyle Most of them are drug users
They … They …




Working with a partner make some decisions about the following situation:

You and your friend are discussing the best way to express your own identity. You would like to have a new experience but your friend is not sure that it’s a good way to join any subculture. Discuss the following options and come to an agreement:

- Skinheads

- Goths

- Punks

- Hippies






Study the topical vocabulary

lack - недостаток, отсутствие for one reason or another -no той или иной причине majority - большинство nevertheless - тем не менее divorce - развод to grab - хватать, схватить trigger - спусковой крючок, курок to trace - выследить, разыскать to hesitate - колебаться drug addict - наркоман to run into trouble - попасть в беду to take off - срываться (с места), убегать proper - зд. приличный, пристойный legally - по закону to patch things up - улаживать, утрясать (ссору, разногласия) to replace - заменять, сменять to be on the lookout - for искать, зд. охотиться ( за ) to take advantage of – использовать (в своих интересах) survival - выживание to beg - просить милостыню, попрошайничать drug dealing - торговля наркотиками quicksand - зыбучий песок, перен. трясина inevitably - неизбежно



Read the text:

TEXT 3                                Runaways

More than a million American teenagers run away from home every year. Their parents are often puzzled and hurt. Why do they do it?

There's usually a lack of understanding on both sides — parents and child — problems in communication.

More than half of these runaways are girls. Their average age is fifteen. For one reason or another, they refuse to stay at home. Of course, the great majority of young people never run away from home. Nevertheless, the problem is a serious one. There is no "typical" runaway, though. Many come from homes broken by divorce or homes where there is an alcoholic parent. Some run away from parents who beat them. But there are also many runaways who come from seemingly healthy homes where no such problems exist.

Steve, aged 15, ran away when he was 13. His father drank, and everyone in the family suf­fered when he got drunk. One night his father grabbed a gun and, with his finger on the trig­ger, threatened to kill everyone in the family. Steve ran away — and stayed away. His chief concern was getting enough food and a safe, dry place to sleep.

"It's frightening to be homeless because you don't know about tomorrow," Steve says. "Everything you have is what's on your back. You wonder where you're going to eat or live. You don't know if you'll be all right."

Sharon's parents are divorced, but she says she had no real problems at home. She lived in a small town in Vermont. One evening she was watching TV when a friend rang up.

"We're going to New York. Want to come along?" Sharon — 14 years old — hesitated, then shrugged her shoulders and agreed. When the police finally traced her, she had become a drug addict.

Unfortunately, these young people often run into trouble. Few runaways have any idea of how to get along in the lonely and often danger­ous world they find after leaving home.

Most take off with only a few dollars in their pockets. When this is spent they find it is not easy to make money if you are only fifteen or sixteen years old. It's useless for them to look for a proper job, because legally they are too young to get a job.

The police say that most runaways return home within a few days. Often a phone call home is enough to patch things up.

However, the longer a runaway is away, the more likely he or she is to get into trouble. One set of problems is often replaced by another. Runaways often think that they will find friendly people willing to help them out. But the sad fact is that cities are full of people on the lookout for runaways, who only want to take advantage of them.

On the street, there are four main means of survival: begging, stealing, prostitution and drug dealing. It's like a quicksand: the deeper in you go, the deeper down you sink. Sometimes, inevitably, it leads to suicide.

There are a lot of charity organisations which try to protect street children. But unfortunately, the number of teen runaways is rising and the kids are getting younger.





coastal прибрежный
average a. средний
flood v. затоплять
tract n. участок, пространство (земли)
contamination n. загрязнение, заражение
crucial a. критический, решающий
crucial turning point переломный момент,
sensitive equilibrium хрупкое равновесие
release v. выбрасывать, освобождать
substance n. вещество
pollute v. загрязнять
consequence n. последствие
depletion n. истощение
ozone layer озоновый слой
diversity n. разнообразие
alarming a. тревожный, пугающий
acid n. кислота
sulphur oxide окись серы
nitrogen n. азот
react v. вступать в реакцию
mist n. изморось, туман
ultraviolet (UV) rays ультрафиолетовые лучи
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) хлорфторуглероды
foam insulation пенная изоляция
plankton n. планктон
undermine v. подрывать
impact n. влияние, воздействие
recycle v. перерабатывать
species n. вид (виды)
vanish v. исчезать
acre n. акр = 0,405 гектара


1. How do you understand the following proverb of Native Americans: “We do not inherit the land, we borrow it from our children”?

2. What are the main ecological problems in our country?

3. What international organizations dealing with ecological problems do you know? What do they campaign for/ against? Would you like to join any of them?


Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 204; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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