The constructor of structuring systems is Leonid Kolchanov.


Two models of sensitive work: a graphite matrix of high-frequency type with a longitudinal photon, radiating wave.                        46.


1. Longitudinal counter positional interception of a radiating wave, a transverse-torsion wave matrix of a graphite type deposited on a transparent film and fixed on a TV screen or a security monitor.




2. Transverse counter positional interception of a radiating wave, a transverse-torsion wave matrix. PC.




Explanation №4 , in which theoretically written about the dynamics of the ether, to relic 4.

The space


So why dear colleagues, transverse, torsion, ethereal dynamic waves, high frequency, graphite, are ahead of the linear wave of photon radiation emanating from the PC monitor, intercepting its radiation. The point here is that Academician Alquin, several centuries ago, designed the "magic square "That the work of this dynamic generator stream is turned off from the wave, all the live absorbing real-time stream.

Literally, the matrix generator works out of time, so the speed characteristics of its operation do not lend itself to quantitative, mathematical analysis.

Alquin did this with his students, with the help of quotes-words, going in the upper left corner and in the lower right corner, in the anagram and. And it works like a clock once started.

All this is reflected in the picture, the self-portrait-animation of G.Raishev, where space is reflected by wave lines and the ether of the multistage biological form generator has inverted borders separating it from time, as real, to the conventional unit of our living space. The drawing is kindly attached.

Academician Alquin did not even suspect that his device would work with space, spinning artificially created, photon radiation from the monitor's screen to the eyes and brain of the operator PEVM. And each photon has mass and energy. And this all leads to the fact that they are hidden from shelter. Do not miss the ultraviolet part of the spectrum from the monitor screen ..

Everything came in handy here and now, from a place on the shelf in the folio for several centuries, on sheets made of leather, called: "The Bible of the Carolingian Dynasty".

It was important only to create quantitative characteristics that should be fulfilled, in the form of a matrix possible on paper and transparently-film carrier, your humble servant.

The constructor of structural systems - Kolchanov L .M.

25.12. 2017year.


Next, a self-portrait of the animated artist G.Rayshev is presented, where a drawing of a time-independent work is finished, the ether of a dynamic generator of a multi-stage biological form in the space of this picture. The most interesting thing about design, is that the generator's work is separated from the flow of time

                                                                                                                                                   47 .


The law of a quadrature of a circle, of great Leonardo da Vinci. (A solution of secret, mirror to handwriting the scientist).       49.                                                    

 The quadrature of a circle of Leonardo is a curve - as a principle of drawing of a matrix, the law which has come to us centuries later is more true and by miracle has escaped in Leonardo picture after action of proceeding which was started against it by fathers of a city of Venice. After this Leonardo became very cautious and all the are great guesses it has started to immortalise through pictures and symbols. The symbol a virtue-viansciy the person is not a symmetry symbol as confirm modern a history. The symbol a virtue-viansky the person, is more true a symbol of two a virtue-viansciy person , and it is two power conditions of the person supplementing each other and concerning bio-energetics of the person even more precisely and you are convinced of it, having read the head how the vanguard technology has been created. The strict square in a symbol - a picture virtue-vianskiy the person is frameworks of a writing of the matrix, graphite module or a matrix possible. The circle in a picture a symbol a virtue-viansckiy the person is a power whirlwind, more truly the designated borders of the power whirlwind going from the generator of the multistage biological form is more exact from the matrix, graphite module with biologically active mere verbiage. Deduced by graphite on the paper carrier we use words as biologically active form which twists space with not observable speed and the frequency characteristics.And one more riddle - Leonardo solution this mirror a collar topsy-turvy the image of the text which can be read only by means of a mirror. What here a secret we will try to understand and we my reader. The text, that is words of a matrix of the possible generator in our designing of the multistage biological form looks through our visualisation, as though on the contrary, that is the mirror image of a word, what means it? And we will see in great Leonardo record, what he somehow tried to inform this moment through records to us - why? In general all it means that Leonardo felt word action as matrixes possible already as generator of a word with the multistage biological form, but only not in a plane, and a volume with that and on the other hand mirrors. And «binary razdray » we will use this principle in the devices that a ather dynamic to field worked a volume every which way.Н At mechanical level analogue of the given scheme is Archimedes spiral. A A electro to chimics a graphite we will put a matrix a back to a back the text (symbolics) outside that will create effect local a antropos inversions on structural working units of sheet of the carrier of graphite generators of the multistage form. The matrix will work for us volume to every which way. The matrix or Absolute Anything on G.I.Shipovu creates a secondary quantum whirlwind with to geometrically the impuls a volume moment up to A.Ejnshtejn.  Here this secondary quantum whirlwind, in changed                                           



Quantitative characteristics also will feel, escaping such creatures as snakes, bugs, louses, cockroaches, pincers and at the big quantitative characteristics tuberculosis microbes first of all. Yes misters there is an alternative of Pasteurization. That turns out if it to transfer on practice, non-polluting disinfection Turns out!!! Microbes on the area торсионного fields of the generator created by a matrix as - that perish. They cannot probably overcome physical space created in volume a mode secondary quantum whirlwinds (how many generators so much and whirlwinds). And all to it fault a electrochimicaly , graphite a matrix with high-frequency characteristics. Taking into account quantitative characteristics on format А-4 it is possible to contain from 700 до11000тысяч generators of the multistage biological form taking into account the law of a quadrature of a circle of Leonardo da Vinci. Therefore if orientacio to volume a matrix in the form of a box that in it will not be a foodstuff from for biolodgy a disinfection (bread will dry out as a cracker).Bеnzine in a petrol tank spoils long will not be will evaporate if over a tank in car salon to put the device of the given type. If a high-frequency matrix to enclose in swimming trunks атомщика working for the nuclear reactor then radiation in the form of radiation will not reach genital bodies of this person (groin). At quonte -mechanical level radioactive radiation will twist on the limited sight of speed not observed to ours. If to sustain average frequencies a graphite matrixes with a generator to construction of electro chemistry a graphite a way (x-copying) that through energetically active points of a body of the person located saggital a method endo visceral to spatially-wave structurization it is possible to transform back power defective diseases of the person согласуясь with rainbow laws, rainbow Laws it is seven colours and simultaneously seven base frequencies of a body of the person. Integrated bag all a frequencies of a human body makes 100000 hertz. Behind rainbow laws there is a strict observance of frequency of work on levels of a body of the person. We only create a frequency quantum whirlwind to tyre out medical-oncological time in the form of a beam. And what is then a primary quantum whirlwind or whirlwinds? It is that stream of time which then it is selective at beam level puts on weight the person, initially – torsion and creates such o torsion the system as the person. Here this fact was noticed also on the self-portrait in 1979 a animal by the artist from a S.Peterburg a G. Rajshev. It has represented waves of density of time as a background for the radio body. So we will sum up and we will designate the resume. In the beginning there was an atom? Anything similar!!! In the beginning there was a word. This level of a reality of biologically active matter can be simulated in the form of the multistage biological form when one supplements or strengthens consistently . 50.

The modern physics of structures, names this level of a matter Absolute Anything or the Matrix Possible. Last term was included into our life thoroughly more-graphite matrix, a silver matrix, a gold matrix. Letters as biologically active symbols, to have a polar of positive and negative depending on a writing so or этак. Этак means in accuracy «to on the contrary».Word so it is necessary to consider and mean the mirror image of letters as though «a collar - topsy-turvy», as though all on the contrary, and it is strict to on the contrary. Why so? The matter is that polarity of letters as biologically active symbols a orientacio to cross-section planes of a writing of letters on the paper carrier. That is it is possible to tell that it is strictly cross-section, and from this trans-verse and mirror contrast of letters at a writing or deducing. Here this cross-section polarity or «binary razdray» also was accented in the records logic-empirically by Leonardo da Vinci. Even its autobiographer could not understand this moment in its biography hinting at future of this secret in manuscripts of the great scientist, it was Vazari. The letter is biologically active in a word. The mere verbiage can create already forward, dependent multistage biological form. And it already the generator, a cinema to proector of the multistage form. Work of this generator already creates quantum whirlwinds at level not observed for a human eye. That here speaks? Our eye cannot distinguish at all flashing shots at cinema from a cinema a proector to with frequency 24 shots in a second. It is necessary to recognise logiko-empirically that сочетанная the multistage biological form structures space at level not observed for a human eye. Binary раздрай or cross-section polarity, to be exact a razdray to polar strengthens several times action wave structurate which works in this or that party that is spatially instead of on a plane and will be already called as us technically:

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