What did Sally’s dad think about the book?

He thought it was good, but he tried to stop Sally from sending it to any publishers.

How did Sally’s life change after publishing the book?

It didn’t change a lot. Sally goes to school and hangs out with the same friends. She didn’t make a lot of money. She also became more confident and now she is planning to write one more book.


Вопрос №3. Speaking

How do you prefer to travel?

There are a lot of ways of travelling. People can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train, by coach or on foot. Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling but it is rather expensive. Modern trains are also rather comfortable and travelling by train is convenient and cheap. Travelling by coach is rather cheap, but I wouldn’t say it’s very comfortable. My favourite way of travelling is travelling by car. I think this is one of the most comfortable means of travelling. You can enjoy the view looking through the window and this way of travelling is rather fast. You can travel to different cities and towns of your native country and even abroad. And you can stop whenever you want and drop in any place you like.


Do you bring home souvenirs from your trips? Why or why not?

Yes, I like bringing souvenirs from my trips. When I see them they remind me of the places I had visited and of emotions that I had experienced.


You are going on a trip around England. What questions will you ask your British friends?

 What places of interest would you recommend me to visit? Where should I stop to make accommodation cheap? What national dishes would you recommend me to taste? What is the best way to get to Britain from Belarus? Will you be able to show me some interesting places?


Your Belarusian friend will spend his/her summer vacation in Great Britain. Give him/her a piece of advice on how to organize the trip.

If you want to travel to Britain or any other country, you should know the customs and common laws of this country. You should take all necessary documents and make their copies. You should know the address of your embassy in case you get into trouble. Remember the address of your hotel and the police phone number. And of course, you should speak the language of this country to avoid misunderstanding.


Every country should encourage and promote tourism. What do you think about it?

Tourism nowadays has become an important part of modern life. Millions of people all over the world travel about their own countries and to foreign lands as well. People travel to visit natural destinations such as seas, lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts and so on. It's always interesting to discover new things and other ways of life, to meet different people, taste different food, examine various architectural styles, visit museums and picture galleries. It's common knowledge that tourism is a key to understanding other cultures and a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the world we live in.


                                                         Билет №17

Вопрос №1. Text №15 Mother Teresa”

Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

This text is about a simple nun Mother Teresa. Everyone in the world knows who she is. She started a group of nuns and they helped people who were poor, dirty and sick. She started homes for children without families and started clinics.

The author writes about Mother Teresa’s family. Read aloud the extract which says about it.


Why did Mother Teresa decide to devote her life to people in need?

When she was a child she liked to do charity work such as visiting the sick with her mother. She  enjoyed helping this people.

What did Mother Teresa do for people?

She opened a school for the kids from families. She also found her own group of nuns The Missionaries of Charity and helped poor, dirty and sick people. She started homes for children without families and she also started clinics.


Вопрос 2. Text 39

What does Jackie want to be?

Jackie wants to be a teacher.

Why has she chosen this profession?

She has chosen this profession because she wants to work with young people and help them. She is not looking for an easy job.

Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 1761; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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