Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare)


ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words:

Sports Report from Radio Station 4

ANNOUNCER: This morning the Roarers ….. team arrived back ….. York. Laura Short is our sports ….., and she was at the …... . 

LAURA SHORT: Good morning, ….. . This is Laura Short. All the footballers are walking ….. me. Here's George Ball, the ….. . Good morning, George.

GEORGE BALL: Good morning. Are you a reporter?

LAURA SHORT: Yes. George. I'm Laura Short from Station 4. Tell us ….. the football match with York.

GEORGE BALL: Well, it was ….. . We lost. And the ….. was forty-four, four. But it wasn't my fault, Laura.

LAURA SHORT: ….. fault was it, George?

GEORGE BALL: The forwards.

LAURA SHORT: The forwards?

GEORGE BALL: Yes. The forwards. They were ….. falling over or ….. the ball!


ЗАДАНИЕ № 9 Listen to the sentences and write them down.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 10 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:

1) You can use a … to go up and down in a building.

2) There are sixty ….. in a minute.

3) A ….. is a book of words to help you with your English.

4) It’s too warm in here – open the ….. .

5) Would you like a ….. with your coffee?

6) Birds and planes have …..;

7) You can see yourself in a ….. .

8) Don’t drop ….. – put it in a bin.


ЗАДАНИЕ № 11 Put the [i:] words in the dialogues:

1) What shall we do this …..?

       Let’s stay in and watch ….. .


2) Let me read that ….. .

       No, - it’s a ….. .


3) You know my friend …..?

       Well, he’s got a new job. He joined the ….. .



ЗАДАНИЕ № 12 Listen to the words. Write out only the words with the [i:] sound.

ЗАДАНИЕ № 13 Watch a video «Airport Vocabulary» (time of watching 00:00 - 07:20). Listen to the speaker and write a story about airport procedures in Terminal 1. Write everything you hear.


ЗАДАНИЕ № 14 Read the sentences a – e and find the hidden names of English and American cities.


Example: After competing in a triathlon, Donna was very tired (the capital of the UK).

Answer: (0) London

a) The local Congressman Chester Charing spoke about the environmental problems of the region (people who live in this city are called Mancunians).

b) A person who wants to purchase a car usually either buys it brand new or leans towards getting a used one (a major United States port on the Mississippi river, known also as the birthplace of jazz).

c) Please, use the suggestion box for direct comments about the quality of the food in our restaurant (a city where Lewis Carroll lived and worked).

d) The sacrament of marriage is one of the key rituals of the Catholic Church (the capital of California).

e) Mabel fastened her seat belt before the plane took off (the capital of Northern Ireland).


ЗАДАНИЕ № 15 Listen and write the words in the right column:

words with [ʌ] words with other vowel sound


ЗАДАНИЕ № 16 Listen to the story and write it down.




ЗАДАНИЕ № 1 Study the table «Reading Rules»:

Letters a o e i/y u
I открытый слог [eɪ] name [ɜʊ] note [i:] mete [aɪ] time, type [ju:] tune
II закрытый слог [æ] map [ɒ] not [e] pen [ɪ] pin, myth [ʌ] cup
III гласная + r [a:] car [ͻ:] for [ɜ:] her [ɜ:] bird, hyrst [ɜ:] fur
IV гласная + r + гласная [ɛə] care [ͻ:] more [ɪə] here [aɪə] fire, tyre [jʊə] pure


ЗАДАНИЕ № 2 Transcribe the words:

man — men; tan — ten; sat — set; sand — send; peal — plate — plan — pit; team — tape — tap — tips; pork—lord—corn—storm; fare—care—square; mere—here—sphere; tyre – more–

bare; during–fork– lure.


ЗАДАНИЕ № 3 Transcribe the words:

check, hen, leg, letter, myth, red, lark, sentence, get, bread, pipe, head, born, friend, fire, any, lyre, many, cure, again, came, said tube, grass, marble paper, car.


ЗАДАНИЕ № 4 Underline the word that has a different stress:

1) Saturday favourite interested eleven

2) understand afternoon good-looking engineer

3) British Chinese German Russian

4) again sometimes toothpaste breakfast


ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 Underline the word that has a different vowel sound:

1) her heard first ear

2) here here there they're

3) time night live child

4) sit feet in if

5) would look who foot


ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 Transcribe the following sentences:

1) She likes to tune into the daily news at noon.

2) That cool green shoe is missing too.

3) I’d prefer some cool fruit juice to any food.  


ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 Read the poem and write out all the words with a long vowel sound [i:]


My soul is dark - Oh! quickly string
The harp I yet can brook to hear;
And let thy gentle fingers fling
Its melting murmurs o'er mine ear.
If in this heart a hope be dear,
That sound shall charm it forth again:
If in these eyes there lurk a tear,
'Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.
But bid the strain be wild and deep,
Nor let thy notes of joy be first:
I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,
Or else this heavy heart will burst;
For it hath been by sorrow nursed,
And ached in sleepless silence, long;
And now 'tis doomed to know the worst,
And break at once - or yield to song.

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