Упр. 4. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

Задания на образование разных частей речи с помощью приставки или суффикса

Упр. 1. К какой части речи принадлежат следующие слова ипо каким признакам это можно определить?

Sleepy, photographer, forgetful, argument, thankful, carelessness, classify, modernize, coolness, lifeless, tasteful, formality, speculate, payable, slowness, thoughtfully, federative, entrance, appearance.

Упр. 2. К какой части речи принадлежат следующие слова, и по каким признакам это можно определить?

Correctness, specialize, formality, speculate, monotonous, boyish, brilliance, mysterious, fasten, ceremonious, attendance, instructive, speechless, really, business, incorrect, unfruitful, illness, ninth, television, re-enter, unusual.

Упр. 3. Проанализируйте слова, данные «семьями», и подберите необходимое слово в пропуски.

include, including, included, inclusion, inclusive
1. We were seven … Dan and Patsy.
2. Everyone must follow these rules, you … .
3. Megan’s … in the project helped a lot.
4. Did you … the flight expenses?
5. Our seats are 2-7 … .

Упр. 4. Выберите нужную форму и заполните пропуски.

Travel — travelled, have travelled, will travel, traveler, travelling

  1. We like … to the southern countries.
  2. We … to the USA.
  3. Columbus is a famous … .
  4. Next summer we … to Bulgaria.

Perform, performing, performer, performance

  1. It was a wonderful … !
  2. I never saw Ann … in this play.
  3. The actors … a wonderful play.
  4. Mark is a brilliant … .

Adventure(s), adventurous

  1. We had many … in our trip to Moscow.
  2. He is a very … person.

Exciting, excitement, excited

  1. The film was very … .
  2. We are very … by our future trip.
  3. I got great … from this film.

Упр. 5. Образуйте с помощью суффиксов и приставок нужные слова и вставьте в пропуски

  1. Strong — 1. I … recommend you to come. 2. He showed me his …3. I become … every day.
  2. Fortune — 1. I was … this day. 2. …, we missed the train.
  3. Attract — 1. She was a very … girl. 2. The place was dirty and …3. I like this popular … .
  4. Child — 1. I was unhappy in my … . 2. Many … play in the ground. 3. She was very … .
  5. Act — 1. Reading is an … 3. Many … were taken to improve the situation. 4. She is a great … . 5. Children were … at the lesson. 6. She was lazy and … .
  6. Participate — 1. We are … of the competitions. 2. … in this concert made me famous.
  7. Athlete — 1. I like … . 2. He is very … strong.

Задания на образование разных частей речи (развитие навыков словообразования)

Упр. 1. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. Herald Tribune has got a lot of (read).
2. Jim was (help), no one could help him.
3. Ron had a very (pleasant) talk with Mr. Willson, he looked very sad.
4. BBC and CNN work (professional).
5. Comics is a (fun) reading.
6. The flower smells (wonder).
7. I do grammar exercises (regular).
8. Columbus was a great (travel).

Упр. 2. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1.(Fortunate) he lost all his money.
2. I stay away from (cruelty) people.
3. I feel (depress) when I am very busy.
4. John is a drug (addiction). He has had this (addict) for several years.
5. Sandra has never felt such (humiliate).
6. What a (fail)! Evidently our team is losing the game.
7. What room (serve) can you offer?
8. It’s often said in newspapers that all people are (equality).
9. I’m talking (serious), stop laughing now!
10. What a wonderful (image) Jane has got! Her story is really beautiful and touching.
11. I’m sorry for (interrupt), but I must deliver this important information.
12. This program is really (entertain).
13. Did he (threat) you? — Oh, no. He just warned me.
14. It was an (forget) concert. The music was live, we enjoyed it a lot.

Упр. 3. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. The kids played (cheer) in the yard.
2. It’s the first time I have been to London, I am a (strange) here.
3. He tried to (concentration), but in vain, the headache was splitting.
4. The Hermitage is a real (treasure) of Russian art.
5. The (quiet) of the house was very unusual, so they decided to enter. At the (enter) they were stopped by an old man.
6. It’s a strange (feel) as if I have been there before.
7. It’s a little (peace) village situated far from the city.
8. Matilda had never had the feeling of (lonely), how could she be lonely if she had lots of books around her.
9. I like Christmas (cheerful).
10. The baby was sleeping (peace) in his crib.
11. Amanda has never spoken a word of (wise), I have never seen such a stupid girl.

Упр. 4. Измените слово в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало предложению.

1. People have made a lot of (discover).
2. Ron is (skill), he can’t do anything.
3. Edwards is a famous (production).
4. Space (explorer) is very important for any country.
5. Americans were the first to (flight) to the Moon.
6. Mary has a very good (memorable), she can learn any poem in 5 minutes.
7. (whole), I understand the topic rather well.
8. (Create) of a spaceship is a very difficult process.
9. We had a very long (argue) about the terms of the experiment.
10. Alice has a deep (know) of Chemistry.
11. The tool was (use) for us, you needn’t have brought it.
12. How did you (achievement) such results?
13. Japan is a (lead) country in developing new technologies.

Задания на словообразование из разных вариантов ЕГЭ

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 859; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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