Every year, readers of National Geographic magazine vote for their adventurers of the year. Here are two of them.


As a child, Edurne Pasaban lived in the mountainous Basque region of Spain and she climbed her first mountain when she was fourteen. At university, she studied engineering but she didnЎЇt want a nine-to-five job. In May 2010 she finished her biggest challenge, to climb the worldЎЇs fourteen tallest mountains. Nowadays she is famous for her many climbing achievements, However, she didnЎЇt climb in order to become famous. She says, Ў®For me, adventure is a way of life.ЎЇ


Steven Shoppman and Stephen Bouey were old friends who grew up together in Denver. But they knew each other a lot better after their adventure. They both had an ambition to go on a road trip round the world. From 2007 to 2010, they drove through 69 different countries during their 122,000-kilometre journey and had many adventures. They took a big risk when they went across a minefield (see photo). They also got help from lots of people and they found that the world wasnЎЇt as dangerous as they thought!

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The right decision?

In May 1985 two climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, left their base camp by a lake and started climbing the north face of a mountain called Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. This climb was incredibly dangerous but the two men were experienced climbers and physically fit. On Day 1, the weather was good and the climb began well. At night they made a snow cave and slept on the side of the mountain. Three days later, after some very difficult climbing and bad weather, the two men stood at the summit. Unfortunately, the weather was getting worse so they didnЎЇt stay long. As they were going down a mountain ridge, a disaster happened. Simpson fell and broke his knee. Quickly, Yates tied a rope to himself and then to his friend. He began lowering Simpson down the mountain and, for hours and hours, Yates helped Simpson get down the mountain. They were getting close to the glacier at the bottom of the mountain but suddenly Simpson slipped. This time he went over the edge of a cliff. He was hanging in mid-air. Simpson shouted up to Yates, but the wind was blowing loudly and Yates couldnЎЇt hear him.

Yates didnЎЇt know what was happening below. He waited for an hour but the rope was too heavy and it was pulling Yates down the mountain towards the cliff. He had two choices: hold the rope but then both of them might die, or cut the rope and survive. It was an impossible decision for Yates but, at the last second, Yates cut the rope and saved himself. Immediately, Simpson fell thirty metres into a crevasse. The next day, while Yates was desperately looking for Simpson, he found the crevasse. He called for Simpson but he heard nothing. Sadly, he decided that Simpson was dead. Yates didnЎЇt know it but Simpson was – unbelievably – still alive inside the crevasse. Simpson waited for hours but when he realised Yates wasnЎЇt coming, he decided to take a risk. He had some rope so he abseiled to the bottom of the crevasse. He managed to find a way out. For three days, Simpson drank water from the snow and ice. He crawled back towards the base camp and at four oЎЇclock in the afternoon of Day 7, Simpson was very near.

In the middle of that night, Yates was sleeping in his tent at base camp when he woke up. He was sure someone was shouting his name. Excitedly, he ran outside and looked around. Finally, after searching and searching he found Simpson. He was lying on the ground, not moving, but he was still breathing. After a few days, the two men returned home and their story became famous. Unfairly, some climbers criticised Yates for cutting the rope. But, in 1988, Simpson wrote a book about the events and defended Yates. Simpson believed Yates made the right decision .

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Nowadays, every household produces electronic rubbish (or e-rubbish) – an old TV or computer printer, or an out-of-date mobile phone we no longer need. But when we throw these everyday items away, not many of us know where these objects go. The journalist and photographer, Peter Essick, decided to follow this e-rubbish to several different countries around the world.

In particular, Essick found a lot of e-rubbish goes to Ghana. There, he saw mountains of old computers in the local markets. The sellers resell some of them but not much equipment works. Instead, they recycle the broken computers by melting the parts inside. These parts contain a little metal such as copper or even gold sometimes. However, this process of recycling is dangerous for the workers because it produces a lot of toxic chemicals.

As a result of his journey, Peter Essick thinks itЎЇs important to stop exporting e-rubbish. ItЎЇs bad for the environment and itЎЇs bad for peopleЎЇs health. Instead, he believes manufacturers need to produce more eco-friendly electronics in the future; in other words, electronic products which you can recycle cheaply, safely and in the country where they were made.

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11. The Greendex™

The Ў®GreendexЎЇ is a survey of 17,000 consumers in 17 different countries. It finds out how these people regularly spend their money. The four categories for spending are: housing, food, transportation and Ў®other goodsЎЇ (such as electronic items and household appliances).


• About ninety per cent of people in Argentina eat beef nearly every day.

• Exactly half of all Russians use public transport every day or most days.

• Just over two thirds of people in Germany drink a bottle of water daily and most of them also recycle the bottle.

• Consumers in the United States have the most TVs at home. Well over two thirds have four or more.

• Nearly half of all Canadians regularly recycle electronic items.

Greendex ™

Ў® Greendex ЎЇ - §а§Т§Щ§а§в 17 000 §б§а§д§в§Ц§Т§Ъ§д§Ц§Э§Ц§Ы §У 17 §в§С§Щ§Я§н§з §г§д§в§С§Я§С§з. §ї§д§а §е§Щ§Я§С§Ц§д, §Ь§С§Ь §п§д§Ъ §Э§р§Х§Ъ §в§Ц§Ф§е§Э§с§в§Я§а §д§в§С§д§с§д §г§У§а§Ъ §Х§Ц§Я§о§Ф§Ъ. §ї§д§Ъ §й§Ц§д§н§в§Ц §Ь§С§д§Ц§Ф§а§в§Ъ§Ъ §Х§Э§с §в§С§г§з§а§Х§а§У: §Ш§Ъ§Э§о§Ц, §Ц§Х§С, §д§в§С§Я§г§б§а§в§д§Ъ§в§а§У§Ь§С §Ъ Ў®§Х§в§е§Ф§Ъ§Ц §д§а§У§С§в§нЎЇ (§д§С§Ь§Ъ§Ц §Ь§С§Ь §п§Э§Ц§Ь§д§в§а§Я§Я§н§Ц §б§е§Я§Ь§д§н §Ъ §Т§н§д§а§У§С§с §д§Ц§з§Я§Ъ§Ь§С).

§±§°§і§­§¦§Ґ§Ї§Є§¦ §І§¦§©§µ§­§ѕ§ґ§Ў§ґ§Ѕ Ў® GREENDEX ЎЇ:

• §±§в§Ъ§Т§Э§Ъ§Щ§Ъ§д§Ц§Э§о§Я§а §Х§Ц§У§с§Я§а§г§д§а §б§в§а§и§Ц§Я§д§а§У §Э§р§Х§Ц§Ы §У §Ў§в§Ф§Ц§Я§д§Ъ§Я§Ц §Ц§Х§с§д §Ф§а§У§с§Х§Ъ§Я§е §б§а§й§д§Ъ §Ь§С§Ш§Х§н§Ы §Х§Ц§Я§о.

• §ґ§а§й§Я§а §б§а§Э§а§У§Ъ§Я§С §У§г§Ц§з §в§е§г§г§Ь§Ъ§з §Ъ§г§б§а§Э§о§Щ§е§Ц§д §а§Т§л§Ц§г§д§У§Ц§Я§Я§н§Ы §д§в§С§Я§г§б§а§в§д §Ь§С§Ш§Х§н§Ы §Х§Ц§Я§о §Ъ§Э§Ъ §Т§а§Э§о§к§Ъ§Я§г§д§У§а §Х§Я§Ц§Ы.

• §№§е§д§о §Т§а§Э§Ц§Ц §й§Ц§Ю §Х§У§Ц §д§в§Ц§д§Ъ §Э§р§Х§Ц§Ы §У §¤§Ц§в§Ю§С§Я§Ъ§Ъ §б§о§р§д §Т§е§д§н§Э§Ь§е §У§а§Х§н §Ц§Ш§Ц§Х§Я§Ц§У§Я§а, §Ъ §Т§а§Э§о§к§Ъ§Я§г§д§У§а §Ъ§Щ §Я§Ъ§з §д§С§Ь§Ш§Ц §б§Ц§в§Ц§в§С§Т§С§д§н§У§С§Ц§д §Т§е§д§н§Э§Ь§е.

• §µ §б§а§д§в§Ц§Т§Ъ§д§Ц§Э§Ц§Ы §У §і§а§Ц§Х§Ъ§Я§Ц§Я§Я§н§з §є§д§С§д§С§з §Ц§г§д§о §Т§а§Э§о§к§Ъ§Я§г§д§У§а §д§Ц§Э§Ц§У§Ъ§Щ§а§в§а§У §Х§а§Ю§С. §·§а§в§а§к§а §Т§а§Э§Ц§Ц §й§Ц§Ю §Х§У§Ц §д§в§Ц§д§Ъ §Ъ§Ю§Ц§р§д §й§Ц§д§н§в§Ц §Ъ§Э§Ъ §Т§а§Э§о§к§Ц.

• §±§а§й§д§Ъ §б§а§Э§а§У§Ъ§Я§С §У§г§Ц§з §Ь§С§Я§С§Х§и§Ц§У §в§Ц§Ф§е§Э§с§в§Я§а §б§Ц§в§Ц§в§С§Т§С§д§н§У§С§Ц§д §п§Э§Ц§Ь§д§в§а§Я§Я§н§Ц §б§е§Я§Ь§д§н.

Changing your life

Rich and Amanda Ligato were professional people with successful careers. Every week, they worked hard. They often intended to do something fun and exciting at the weekend but, in the end, there was never time. One day they asked themselves, Ў®Is this all there is?ЎЇ

They realised that they wanted to stop working and to go travelling. Or, as Rich said, Ў®To buy our freedom.ЎЇ But first they needed to save some money. Every month they lived on RichЎЇs salary and saved AmandaЎЇs. Then they bought a campervan to travel from the bottom of South America to Brazil and from there they hoped to get to Africa on a container ship.

Colleagues at work found their decision difficult to understand. Even their closest friends thought they were crazy to go on this kind of journey but finally, the day came. They left their home and started to live their dream.

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World party

People in different countries celebrate Mardi Gras with live music, costumes, fireworks, parades and lots of good food. The most famous celebrations are in New Orleans, Venice, Rio de Janeiro and Port-of-Spain.

New Orleans, USA

Small parties for Mardi Gras began in the 1700s. By the 1800s they were huge events with masks, costumes and jazz bands. Visitors also have to try Ў®King CakeЎЇ with its gold, purple and green decorations.

Venice, Italy

Mardi Gras is called Carnevale in this beautiful city. The first celebrations were in the 11th century and you can still enjoy the costumes, candles and fireworks at night from a gondola in VeniceЎЇs canals.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 2949; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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