Letter concerning the Tablet of the Divine Test 11 страница

neither would the sanctity of His Essence be found to be beyond any mortal likeness, 

nor would His Divine Lordship be able to be reckoned beyond mundane appearances.


This is an Ocean which it is not fitting that anyone should fixate upon since all that you witness,

whether in the heavens or on the earth, was assuredly created by His Utterance.


Therefore, by My Logos-Soul, the Ultimately Real!

Were His servants to become aware of His Logos-Person according to what He actually is,

they would certainly each and all disassociate His divinity from everything mortal

and would find repose ans sanctuary within His divinity.




Wherefore, in this respect, would thou find kings glorying in the dominion of their own prinipality

although their personalistic rulership and sovereignty summoneth their crowns from behind them,

bidding them to hasten in [God's] direction and walk the pathways of His Good-Pleasure. 


Yet since this circumstance was veiled from them

they oriented their lives towards other than Him

and soared aloft on the dual wings of ego

in the atmosphere of their limited conjectures and idle fancies.




Therefore bear ye witness in thy very essence and within thy hearts

and likewise with thy voices that, `He, no God is there except Him'.


No one shall ever have known Him aside from He who is He,

No one should ever imagine that they could approach Him!


He hath never existed a Manifestation relative to His Own [Ultimate] divine existence!


Nay rather, He hath ever existed a Manifestation

by virtue of [the domain of] His existent Beingness!


This is indeed that which We have mentioned unto thee regarding the mystery of Divinity,

the very Beingness [Nature] of His Lordship and the Essentiality of His All-Enduringness.



Tablet of Manifestation                                                                                            CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 26-60





Now as for the question of "bodies".


They are merely Thrones for this Manifestation of God,

through which nobody can transmit illumination save through Him and his divinity.


Such are these "bodies" that they might appear in the world of [Creation]

within [specified human] Temples, that thou [and others] might behold them!


Yet, if thou should gaze upon them with the insightful eye of reality and inherent foresight,

thou would indeed witness whether or not they have been created from the [four] elements.


It would then be readily apparent, that they are sanctified therefrom,

since there is nothing substantiating any duality

which might contradict their being expressions of incomparability.




So gaze thou then upon the diamond!


And consider in what manner it might be related to mundane matter (mere stones)!


This same directive was previously sent down in the Bayan [of the Bab]

on the part of thy Lord, One Mighty, the Powerful, the Omnipotent.


Were it nor for the Temples [of the Manifestations of God]

the temples [bodies] of the [human] servants [of God] would not have been created!


If thou shouldst sharpen thine inner sight,

thou would indeed readily percieve that all, be they in the heavens or upon the earth,

were created on account of the appearence of their [divine] temples [of worship].




Every world among the worlds of thy Lord,

hath been established for the sake of the theophany of the Manifestations of God, [prophets]

the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsistent.


In every world, He is manifested according to the capacity of that world.  


In the world of spirits, for example,

He reveals Himself and is manifested unto them through the modes of the Spirit.


Therefore likewise, in the [world of] physical bodies,

in the worlds of [the Divine] Names and Attributes

and in other worlds which none comprehendeth save God.


They all derive their appropriate measure by virtue of this [Divine] (Manifestation,


Wherefore doth He appear unto them in a fitting Image

in order that He might guide them unto God, His Lord,

and draw them near unto the Abode of His Cause,

and instruct them according to that which hath been ordained as appropriate for them.


Despite this, He instructs in such manner

that He will never be known [in fallen mortal worlds]

as He is in His Ultimate Reality. [of immortal spiritual worlds, (and infinite spirits).]


Wherefore, furthermore, do all remain unaware of even what might be correlated with His reality;

save, that is, according to a certain preordained measure.




So ponder ye then upon thine inner reality!


If it were not for this inner reality,

the functionality of the outer senses and their foundational aspects would be decimated!


This since, in its absence, the eyesight would be rendered inoperative,

the hearing be silenced, and the tongue be inarticulate.


Were it not for this essential reality,

even the hands would prove unable to grasp and the human form be rendered utterly motionless.


It is yet the case that this inner reality remains the sovereign reality

and the maintainer of everything for God Himself enables the functioning

of what is other than it, by means thereof.


In view of this inner reality [empowered by Him] the eye is able to see,

the ear to hear, and the tongue facilitate communication through speech.


Indeed, were thou to consider this thou would readily realize that all this results from His Grandeur for even His mode of operating

is not compromised by these engagements or condecensions.




Then ponder ye then upon the goldsmith!


He might fashion a ring and, although He is its maker,

He can ornament His finger with the ring he makes.


And He, exalted be He, should He be made manifest with the apparel of a mortal created,

this is an expression of His Bounty so that His servants might not flee away from Him

yet rather be moved to draw near unto Him and seek repose near His Visage;


that they might hearken unto His wondrous melodies and be enraptured by what proceeds from His mouth, by that which is revealed from the heaven of His divine will.


In this there is indeed a wisdom!


Should thou ponder upon this matter with the everlasting permanence of God,

thou would, at every moment, discover things about which thou had previously been unaware. 


Indeed, should He be made manifest according to His mode and His Form-Image     

or relative to whatsoever is about Him,                               [the text here uses philosophy terms]


it would prove completely impossible for anyone to draw near unto Him

or be on intimate terms with Him.                                        




Then ponder ye further, for example,

upon the [ordinary forms of the Divine] Chair,

the Throne or the Pedestal, and their like.


Anyone can fashion such forms through their creative ability

and by virtue of the confirmations which descended upon them

from the heaven of His Grace and the Cloud of His Bounty.


Yet He is the One Who settles Himself upon such realities!



Tablet of Manifestation                                                                                         CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 61-85





Prior to His enthronement thereon none are aware of their significance for they are simply considered things fashioned through the industry of human hands.


Subsequently, and after He has established Himself thereon,

every [limited] association is rescinded

for [the Manifestation of God] is the very Throne of the All-Merciful

around which the realities of all things do circumambulate

be they in the heavens or upon the earth!


Wherefore are the deep senses of these matters interdicted from the considerations of investigators and the insights of those possessed of interior perception.




Yet whomsoever is truly possessed of illumined, luminous insight would testify to the fact that this divine throne was created before the creation of the heavens and of the earth.


Eternally was it ever a divine throne

and everlastingly it has always had the likeness of what it hath ever been.


There hath never been any [limiting] relationship between it and whatsoever is other than it;

neither any connection nor any semblance or alllusive relationship.




In reality all things do testify, with the tongue of their inmost reality,

to the fact that [the Manifestations of God] are indeed the Thrones of the All-Merciful [God].


For them [the Divine Throne = the Manifestation of God] there hath never been any semblance in the created Realm nor anything comparable in the realm of origination.


From their [supernatural] "elements" [of the Manifestation of God] the [worldly/four Empedoclean] elements hath appeared.


This since, as thou shalt observe, 

it is from their "Fire" that [this worldly] fire is found in the realms of existence.




Thus was [the divine call] articulated within [through fire light]

the blessed branch of the Divine Union

on the Elevated Mount Sinai before Moses,

the [man] who conversed with God, [`the Speaker']!


It is on account of their "water" that thou can find immortality and immortal life for every soul.


So perceive ye likewise this matter in the other respects and be in a state of manifest certitude.


The foregoing is merely an intimation of the signficance of that over which He is enthroned!


So how much greater must be the station of His Temple [Persona]

and that which is upstanding beyond it!


Wherefore have We cast upon thee an Utterance of the True [Lord]

to the end that thou ponder thereon and attain unto that which was destined for thee by God,

thy Lord and the Lord of all the worlds.




O Hadi!

All that We have cast upon thee and which We have mentioned for thee in this scriptural tablet

is in accordance with the discourse of the people of origination.


Otherwise, and `I swear By He in the grasp of Whose Power are all things!',

it is the case that with Us are lofty explanations

of such matters which it is not fitting for Us to divulge

during these days in which people are in a state of contention


for they cast aside the Lord of Lords behind their backs

while they occupy themselves with idolatrous, base passion

to the dgree that they become attached thereto and are to be numbered among the preoccupied.




Blessed then be thou, in that God hath intended that thou travel in the pathway

of His good-pleasure until thou attain unto His brilliant, incomparable presence.


From all eternity His manifestation hath ever been related to His creation, through His creation,

just as He, in very truth, hath been gloriously manifested unto thee


and hath thereby delivered thee from the adversities of the words and signs

of them that have disbelieved in God, rose up to make war against Him,

and at every moment appropriated for themselves lords aside from God. 




These persons hath ever been reckoned to be persons of carnal desire and deception

in a Mighty and Manifest Book.


Yet, despite this, should thou be submerged in an Ocean of Power and Might,

thou would find certitude in the knowledge that He is capable of producing

a created phenomenon from any of His created phenomena

and empowering it with such creative potency that whatsoever might be desired could be realized.


No God is there except Him, the All-Powerful, the Mighty.


Tablet of Manifestation                                                                                           CHAPTER FOUR

Divisions 86-100





Every expression of Power would thereby be realized

as thou would indeed realize if thou were among such as reflect.


So too every expression of divine grace

as thou would realize if thou were to be numbered among such as truly bear witness. 




I indeed beseech God, thy Lord, that He would disclose His Cause among ther nations

and uplift the servants of God to a station

in which He might mention unto them of whatsoever He wisheth

without concleament or veiling!


Then might he instruct them in the wonders of His knowledge

and provide them with the fruits of the Lote-Tree of His Bounty and of His Excellence.


This perchance all may attain independence through His Independence

and might be empowered through His Power, the Inaccessible, the Abstacted. 




I swear by He Who bestoweth movement on everything through His Command [Cause]! 


Had I discovered the people just as We created them,

I would open wide one of the gates of Mercy and of Inner Reality


to the end that all might assuredly witness the mysteries with their own vision

and be enabled to subjugate all the regions through the [power of the] Names of thy Lord!




Yet thou art one who observeth the world of the creatures

and heareth that which emerges from their mouths.


On this account have We witheld the divine bounty,

save, that is, to a limited degree even as thou dost witness,

a mere token expressive of what He enables to sprinkle forth.


Of this [limitation] thy Lord is indeed witness and well-aware. 




Indeed, had We manifested Our Logos-Person beyond the degree to which we did,

the "dogs and the pigs" would come and surround us!


Thus doth warble the Bird of the Heavenly Throne,

for the Dove hath ever sung out of divine love.


Then beware lest ye be numbered among such as ascribe partners to God!


And praised be unto God, the Lord of all the worlds.


Translated by S. Lambden

A early translation


Tablet of the Veil                                                                                                       CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-[ ]

A letter to the Shiek of Kirman,

Hajji Mirza Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani, the Veiled One, in 1869.

The Kirmani Shaykhi leader was ante-sympathetic towards the new religion of Bab and the Bahais. The Veil is mainly addressed to this polymath and polemic opponent of the Bābī Bahā’ī religion, the Kirmani Shiekhī leader Karīm Khān Kirmānī. He was the third shiek to rule the city of Kirman since Shiek Amhad.

In the latter part of the tablet is a reply to a question by Shaykh Aḥmad from a century before about the phrase "the Qā'im exists in the loins" (written in 1783 in the “Treatise of the People of Rasht, (a city in Iran). The treatise of Shiek Aḥmad refers to the "Mystery of the Great Reversal",


"Six days have elapsed and the alif (A) is the completion, no more need be said,

and the (other) six refers to the other days.

Otherwise why was the going back produced,

for it is the mystery of great reversal in the sign of the Sovereign."



In the Name of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.




O thou (Karīm Khān Kirmānī) who hath a reputation for knowledge

yet is actually one standing at the brink of the abyss of ignorance.


We have heard that thou became acquainted with the Truth of the True [Lord] (through the Bab),

yet have turned aside from one of His beloved ones (Quddus)

who had delivered unto thee a Noble Communication [a letter of the Bab]

in order to facilitate thy guidance unto God, thy Lord and the Lord of all the worlds.


Thou turned aside from him and followed after the ways of the ignorant ones.




[ ]4.

As for that which thou hast heard of the mention of al-Muqanna`.

[ ]5.

He is famous as al-Muqanna` al-Kindi,

who is [in fact] Muhammad ibn Zafar ibn `Umayr ibn Fir`ayn ibn Qays ibn Aswad.

[ ]6.

He was among those deeply informed.

[ ]7.

If We desired that We might make mention of his forefathers [ancestors],

one by one, back until the very ultimacy of the primary era,

We would be confident that My Lord would so instruct me regarding

both the earliest and the latest branches of knowledge [and of science]!.




[ ]3.


With My Lord are the Treasuries of Knowledge and the knowledge of all of the creatures.

[ ]4.

Lift up thine head from the couch of heedlessness

in order that thou might bear witness to the Most Great Remembrance of God

enthroned upon the Throne of the Manifestation

just as the enthronement of the letter "H" (ha') upon the letter "W". (vav)

(forming the word Huwa, "He is [God]").

[ ]5.

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