Tablet of the Deathless Youth 11 страница

This is impossible, because the Ancient Essence is known only by Himself,

and all things which are known

are made possible only through that which flows from the Pen of His Command.


Exalted is He, that He should be known through that which is beside Him because,

verily, all else but Him was created as thou art.




In this day all those on earth and in heaven are viewed by God as being in one region.


Every soul which is wholly cut from all else save God

and is soaring to the Heaven of the knowledge of God,

is and will be of those who are faithful to God and of His saints,

even though they should not be known by others;


and the soul which rejects [God] will be considered

as one of the lowest of the creatures in the sight of God,

even though he should be of the chiefs among the people,


because God (exalted is His mention) hath never been and never will be

related or attributed to any one of the creatures.



All people were created alike by the Breath of His order,

and loftiness, exaltation, and debasement appeared among the people after they had been created.


Every soul who accepts the word of God while hearing it,

verily, is of the inhabitants of the Supreme Kingdom

and of the confirmed ones in the Paradise of Abha,


and those who do not accept [the word of God] are mentioned as the people of Hades.




In this day he who desires to be in relationship with the Tree of the Cause,

must withdraw himself from all that is in heaven and upon earth

and advance toward the Great Aspect with a pure and shining heart and a sanctified soul.


If any soul desires to know God (exalted is His Majesty) through other means,

he will never succeed, and will never understand,

because all beside Him are limited with evident limitations of possibilities

and are brought into existence by God's power of creation.


Through that which is created and limited,

the Essence of the Ancient was not and never will be known.




Hear the Lordly commandments and the tones of the Eternal Holiness,

and turn from the left hand of uncertainty and superstition to the Right Hand of Assurance.


Ponder carefully with thine insight upon the Godly Manifestations

and the conditions of Eternal Holiness.


Cleanse the eye from unsatisfying views

that thou mayest see the Manifestations of the Majestic Oneness in everything.


Purify thine ear from the saying of all the people,

that thou mayest hear the Holy and Godly tones from all directions,


and sanctify thy heart from the confused, wordy allusions of the past

that thou mayest perceive the plain, direct, wonderful words revealed,

and victoriously succeed to the Stream of Eternal Holiness

and the Pure Wine [water?] which has no likeness.


This is the command of Jamal El Quedam (The Beauty of the Ancient) to thee.



Tablet of Joseph                                                                                                   CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 26-50





Concerning what thou hast asked as to the beginning of the Creation,

its end, assembling, resurrection, path, paradise and fire,


know verily that all are true and there is no doubt about them,

and he who is faithful and has clear insight can see with his inward and outward eyes

all these ranks and stations in every time,


because such an one will not be, in any time, prevented from the Bounty,

neither excluded from what he wishes.



If thou soarest unto the Heaven of Godly Bounty, thou shalt see the Sign of God manifested

in all manners of things brought into existence in every time, whether of the past or the future;

because, verily, the Bounty of God hath never been nor ever will be specialized in any one thing.



The explanation of what God intended by the words Assembling, Resurrection, Paradise, Fire, etc.,

which are mentioned in the Godly Tablets,

is found only and especially at the time of the Manifestation;


for example, at the time of the Manifestation the Tongue of God utters the Word,

and through the Word which comes forth from his mouth,

the Paradise, Fire, Assembling, Resurrection, Oath,

and all that thou hast asked, and that which thou hast not, will be disclosed and manifested.




Every soul who sincerely accepts the Word of God

hath verily passed through the Right Path

and succeeded in approaching the Paradise of God's Pleasure,

and hath assembled with those who are near to God --- the chosen ones.


He, in the Presence of God, will be considered as one of the inhabitants of the Paradise

and of the confirmed ones of the Supreme Kingdom;


and every soul that rejects is in fire and considered as one of those who are in relationship with denial and Sejjin (Hades) and assembled in the shadow of the polytheists.




That which has just been mentioned, represents all these stations,

which in the time of the Manifestation appear through the Word.


But the souls who succeed in attaining the Pleasure of God and believing in His Cause,

will gain the reward of their deeds in the world to come, after their spirits leave their bodies.


Because all seen things in this world are not ready or able

to bear more than that which has been given to them.




Though the worlds of God are circulating around this world,

yet for each soul in any of these worlds there is a fixed and preordained command.


Do not think or imagine that anything mentioned in the Books of God is false or foolish;

Verily, God is exalted above all that.




I swear by the Sun of the Horizon of the Meanings,

that there are for ever and ever many Godly Paradises which have no equal nor comparison.


In this the first life the meaning of Paradise is pleasing God and believing entering His Cause!


Yet after departing from this world

the faithful [souls] will enter into paradises which have no likeness

and will enjoy winning graces which are beyond comprehension;


verily those paradises are the fruits of their deeds which they have accomplished in this world.




Dost thou not see that if any one of God's creatures serves another, or performs work for him,

he receives his reward and compensation for it?


Then how can it be said that the All-Generous [God]

commandeth his creatures to do according to His Ordinances

and after that excluded them from His Mercy?


Praised is He, and Praised is He about that;

Exalted is He and Exalted is He above what the creatures imagine about Him!



In this day, all these ranks asked about are witnessed;

therefore is the soul blessed who victoriously succeedeth in attaining the Paradise of ABHA,

which is was and ever will be the Supreme of all Paradises.


If purified ears and matured souls shall be found,

then, continually will be mentioned that which is from the Wonderful Bounty of God,

that all may be purified and emptied of all that they perceived, understood or witnessed;

and advanced toward the highest Aspect.




Yet of what benefit is this!


Since through all the training of the Point of Bayan,

(the souls of all beside Him be a sacrifice for Him!)

these creatures have not progressed from the seed to the first station of the embryo,

therefore, when will they reach the condition of the body?


And beside all these there are several stations which have not been mentioned.



Tablet of Joseph                                                                                               CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 51-75





Woe upon those who changed the Grace of God that was bestowed upon them

so that by their being in existence,

the Heaven of Meanings was prevented from mentioning them, the stations and their conditions!


Thus ponder carefully upon the condition of these creatures and be one of the witnesses.


The Paradise and the Fire in the apparent life,

were and will ever be the acceptance and the rejection;


and after the ascension of the spirit,

there are Paradises which have no equal --

and also Fire which has no likeness,


which are the fruits of the deeds of the advancer and the opposer,

who will be in such condition;

yet no soul understood or ever will understand these stations save God.




And for the faithful believer, many stations were created above what was heard;

this is from the wonderful gifts of God,

which are prepared in the Paradise of Everlasting Majesty.


In the same way stations were created

for the denier of eternal and everlasting torment, beyond what was heard.




Heareby We bear witness that the Path is lifted up in Truth,

the Balance is laid in Justice,

the Manifestations assembled,


the hidden issues disclosed,

the Clarion pealed,

the Trumpet sounded,


the Fire burst forth,

the Paradise approached nearer,



the Proclaimer announced,

the Heavens rolled together as a scroll,

the Ground leveled,


the Breeze of God wafted,

the Spirit of God sent,


the Beauteous damsels adorned,

the Youths beautified,




the Mansions assured,

the securities of the upper apartments of Paradise inlaid with precious stones,

the Waters overflowed,


the Fruits hung low so as to be easily gathered,

the Fruits plucked,

the Texts revealed,


the Deeds of the deniers effaced,

the Deeds of the Advancers confirmed,


the Tablet which was kept in Heaven manifested in Truth,

the Written Tablet pronounced with Authority,




and the Desired [Lord] of all existence,

the Beloved of all creatures,

the worshipped of those on earth and in Heaven,


hath been manifested in the Temple of a Youth,


while the tongue of everything declares,

"Verily, blessed is God, the Creator of the Creators."




O My servant! O Joseph!

hear the Tones of God, and do not compare this Day with any other day,

neither the Wonderful Sweet Words of God with any other words;


look to the apparent matters with thine own eye,

and do not follow anyone in knowing the greatest and brilliant orb.




In this Day, the beloved of God must not hesitate or delay an instant

in teaching the Cause of the Manifestation;

and must summon the people continually, with good admonitions and conciliating words,

to the Religion of Majestic Oneness;


because verily, in this Day, to the soul who is the cause of guidance to another soul,

the recompense of a Martyr in the way of God will be assuredly recorded

by the Pen of the Cause for his deed.


This is from the Bounty of God unto the servants' teachers.


Do according to what thou has been commanded and do not be of those who tarry.


And El-Baha is upon thee and upon those who are with thee,

if thou art steadfast in this Sublime and Most Exalted Cause.

Translated by A. Haddad


Tablet of Seven Questions                                                                                       CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25



The Council of Zoroastrians which was set up by Mánikchí Sáhib[1] consisted of the most prominent Zoroastrians of Yazd. At one time there were nineteen councillors, six of whom became Bahá’ís. As we have already mentioned, Kay-Khusraw-i-Khudádád, the first believer, was among them.


Others who joined the Faith were men of learning or people held in high esteem by the community. Notable among them was the renowned Ustád Javán-Mard, the Secretary of the Council. He was a teacher by profession and became a devoted believer.

He wrote a letter to Bahá’u’lláh and asked some questions. The Lawh-i-Haft Pursish, in pure Persian, was revealed in his honour. [2] Bahá’u’lláh, in this Tablet, calls him by a new name, Shír-Mard (Lion of a man). He was the first Zoroastrian Baháí to be buried, instead of having his body disposed of in the Dakhmih [3] as was the custom among his people.




In the Name of the Lord of Utterance, the All-Knowing!




Praised be the Sanctified Lord,

Who from the effulgence of the Sun of Grace hath illumined the world.


From the letter "Bá'" there hath appeared the Most Great Ocean,

and from the letter "Há,'" the Pure Essence.


He is the Almighty, Whose purpose the power of men can never frustrate,

nor can the hosts of kings hinder His utterance.


Thy letter was received and from it was heard thy call.


Therein the pearls of love were hid, and the mysteries of kindliness concealed.


I beseech the Peerless Lord to confirm thee in aiding His Cause

and to assist thee in guiding the sore-athirst in the wilderness of ignorance to the water of life.


He is the Able, the All-Powerful.


To that which thou hath asked of the Ocean of Knowledge and the Day Star of Wisdom,

We now make reply.




The 1st question:

"First, in what tongue should God, the Peerless, be worshipped and in what direction is it befitting to turn?"




The beginning of all things is the worship of God, which followeth upon recognition of Him.


Sanctified must be the eyes if they are to recognise Him.

Sanctified must likewise be the tongue to utter His praise.


In this Day, the faces of the learned and the wise are turned in His direction; nay, every direction itself is inclined towards Him.




O Shír-Mard!

I beseech God that thou be a man of action in the arena, and by the power of the Omnipotent, arise and say:


"O high-priest! [4]

Ears have been given you that they may hearken to the mystery

of Him Who is the Self-Dependent, and eyes that they may behold Him.


Wherefore flee ye?

The Incomparable Friend is manifest.


He speaketh that wherein lieth salvation.


Were ye, O high priests,

to discover the perfume of the rose garden of understanding, ye would seek none other but Him, and would recognise, in His new vesture, the All Wise and Peerless One,


and would turn your eyes from the world and all who seek it,

and would arise to help Him"[5]




The 2nd question is regarding religion and faith.




The Faith of God hath, in this Day, been made manifest.


He Who is the Possessor of the World is come to guide the people.


His faith is righteousness and His ordinance forbearance.


This faith bestoweth eternal life and this ordinance leadeth men to the world of detachment.


Therein, all faith and religion is contained.


Cling ye thereunto and hold fast.



Tablet of Seven Questions                                                                                        CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 26-50





The 3rd question:


"In what manner should we deal with the people of this day

who have segregated themselves into separate religions,

each regarding their own religion and faith as superior and more exalted than others,

so that we may not suffer at their hands and tongues?"




O lion amongst men!

Regard suffering when endured in the path of the Omnipotent as comfort itself.


Endured in His path, every pain is a mighty remedy,

every bitterness, sweetness itself and every abasement an exaltation.


Were men to seek and understand,

they would readily offer up their lives for this suffering, for it is the key to treasures.


Outwardly, it is abhorrent, but inwardly it is pleasing.


We accept and affirm that which thou sayest.


The people of this day, bereft of the sun-like effulgence of the true Friend, have considered Him their enemy.


Shouldst thou wish to be free from suffering,

recite this utterance which hath emanated from the Pen of the All-Merciful:




"O my God, O my God![6] I testify to Thy oneness and Thy singleness.


I beg of Thee, O Thou Who Possessor of Names and Fashioner of Heavens,

by the influence of Thine exalted Word and the potency of Thy Supreme Pen,


to aid me with the standards of Thy power and might, and to protect me

from the mischief of Thine enemies, who have broken Thy Covenant and Testament.

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